2012-02-16CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Board: Harbor Management Authority Date: February 16, 2011 Location: Beverly Public Library Members Present Don Neuman, Paul Earl, Rinus Oosthoek, Charles Raymond, Sylvan Menezes, George Simon, David Suminsby, Wes Slate Maureen Troubetaris and Chris D'Alfonso Members Absent: Paul Miedzionowski, Others Present: Rob Dever, Mike Henebury Recorder: Eileen Sacco Neuman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Neuman introduces Paul Earl a new member appointed to the HMA by Mayor Scanlon to serve as the Chair. He also introduces Chris D'Alfonso who is also a new member of the HMA. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on January 19, 2011 were presented for approval. Menezes moved approval as amended. Oosthoek seconds the motion. The motion carries (8 -0). Public Input There was no public input at this meeting. Report from Facilities Committee Dever updated the HMA on the following at the Commercial Marina: All new chains and mooring blocks have been set. The dredging is complete and at the depths we wanted. The pipes should be in at the end of the week and the rock socketting will be done next week. The old harbormasters building demolition will be scheduled as soon as a calendar aligns, hopefully within the next two weeks. When that is complete the foundation will be poured and they hope to have the new building in place by the end of April. Dever notes that the reality is Harbor Management Authority February 16, 2011 Page 1 of 4 that we will be using the McDonalds building throughout the boating season, noting that moving the Brown building during the busy season is not feasible. Neuman shows the HMA photos of two fiber optic cables that sit under the floats. Neuman reported that he met with the Mayor regarding the city boats use of 18 revenue producing slips at the marina. He explains that all boats are legitimate and a discussion was held regarding the lost revenue. Neuman explains that it looks like the HMA will take a loss on those slips noting that the budget was crafted on 23 revenue producing slips. Neuman suggests that the HMA should follow through on the advertising of the vacant slips for the upcoming boating season. Neuman reports that the WIFI installation is relatively cheap and there would be a one -time cost for the hardware if the HMA wants to go ahead with it. He suggests that the fee for the WIFI be incorporated into the administrative fees charged to boaters. D'Alfonso states that the boaters are interested in having cable TV on their boats and he thinks that there would be a lukewarm reception to WIFI. Neuman explains that boaters would be able to connect through a router or receiver such as a WII console. D' Alfonso will contact recreational boaters to see if they are interested in this. Neuman asks Dever if there is any news from Mr. Leone on his proposal to donate security cameras in exchange for the rent due on his slip. Dever stated that he has nothing new to report on this matter. Neuman notes that there has been some discussion regarding the criteria for being a commercial fisherman and the use of the commercial marina. He suggests that the regulations should be posted on the website. Slate notes that as long as they are licensed, registered and insured the city cannot regulate how many times they go out to fish. Outstanding Fees Neuman reports that Edelstein's father has paid the rent with a cashier's check through the end of June. He explains that David Smith has been holding on to the check because Edelstein has no insurance, which is a violation of the lease. A letter will go out Friday notifying them to remove the boat immediately or the City will remove it and store it at the owners expense. Neuman also reports that Morneau is also in arrears and Assistant City Solicitor Dan Munro obtained a judgment in Small Claims Court for payment of $300 per month with the first payment being received today. It was suggested that Miedzionowski monitor this and report to the HMA on payments received. Finance Report There was no finance report this evening. Harbor Management Authority February 16, 2011 Page 2 of 4 Grants Committee There was no report on grants this evening. Troubetaris asks if there are any grants out there that could be applied for, for Ober Park, noting that there is a section of the seawall that is falling into the ocean. Neuman noted that the HMA has two or three grant applications pending but none of them are for Ober Park. He suggests that she check with Kate Newhall in the Planning Department to see if there are any grants out there that could be applied for. Licenses and Permits Neuman reports that he talked to City Solicitor Roy Gelineau regarding the Beverly Port Marine case and there is no news to report at this time. Bass River Dredin Suminsby reported that the state is requiring an environmental impact report and the consultant has estimated it to cost $20,000. He noted that Bass Haven Yacht Club has paid $39,000 for work to be done and needs to bring additional requests to the full membership which does not meet again until June. He explains that they are hoping to ask if the city can help with the additional cost for the EIR. Neuman suggests that they contact Tina Cassidy regarding who to contact and perhaps they should look at asking National Grid to possibly fund the EIR. 44 -46 River Street — National Grid Proposed Project Neuman reports that he received an Email from Tina Cassidy regarding the project. He explained that the Beverly Conservation Commission has requested a peer review of the project and they should have that to review by their March 15, 2011 meeting. Public Access and Other Water Related Sisnau Oosthoek distributed a draft of a list of location for signage to verify. He suggests that members notice the signs as they are out and about and list if they are faded, missing etc. Neuman states that he would like to see some standard HMA signage so that it is uniform throughout the city. Kayak Racks Slate reports that the kayak racks have been repaired over the winter and they will be reset in the appropriate places in the spring. He suggested that signage for the racks should direct people to the harbormaster to register and pay fees etc. He also noted that there are 5 -6 signs on Water Street that should be consolidated to one sign. Troubetaris cautioned that it should be checked to see if the signs are required by ordinance before removing or consolidating them. Harbor Management Authority February 16, 2011 Page 3 of 4 Software Neuman reports that the software, for accessing HMA records from home on Apple Computers has been purchased and it came with two licenses. He explained that the city owns the licenses and they are portable. He explains that Noreen Slocomb will maintain the HMA files. He notes that files to put on the site should be sent to nslocomb(&,beverl ma.�qv Old/New Business Neuman reports that he has set the date to have lunch with Greg Ward and Miranda Gooding on February 23, 2011 at 12:00 at Victoria Station in Salem. He invited all members to attend if they are available. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening, Troubetaris moved to adjourn the meeting. Simon seconds the motion. The motion carries The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Harbor Management Authority February 16, 2011 Page 4 of 4