2012-04-03CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: April 3, 2012 LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice -Chair Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, Bill Fiore, Chairman Rich Benevento, Russ Rollins, Richard Hutchinson, John Somes MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Patrolman Frank Wojick, Ward 4 Councilor Scott Houseman RECORDER: Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 1. Update on Site Plan Review application #129 -11 and Special Permit application for the construction of a new Walgreen's Pharmacy at 48 Dodge Street Jeff Rhuda addresses the Commission and updates them on the status of the Planning Board's review of the proposed Walgreens at 48 Dodge Street. He notes that there have been radical changes to the plans and reviews a draft revision of the plan with the members. He notes that by including a second story mezzanine for storage they have been able to reduce the footprint of the building. He also notes that there are different parking requirements for the site because the building will now be under 10,000 s.f. in size. Rhuda explains that they also moved the drive - through lane to the other side of the building, in response to concerns of the neighbors and City Councilor Don Martin. He notes the locations on the plan and states that the location of the proposed driveway onto Conant Street and the main driveway onto Dodge Street has not changed. However, there is now access around the entire building which was not the case with the previous plan. Bent notes that drive - through traffic expected on the site is not a significant volume and states that the applicants have made substantial and positive progress since he last looked at the plan. Rhuda explains that they also shortened up the island in the driveway to improve access at the turn. Cassidy asks how much traffic is estimated to use the drive through lane. Rhuda explains that the number of projected vehicles per hour in the Vanesse study was 10 Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April 3, 2012 meeting Page 1 of 5 vehicles. Cassidy asks if the traffic analysis is going to be revised to reflect the new design. Rhuda states that it will be updated once Walgreens finalizes the site plans. Benevento expresses his deep concerns about cross - traffic from the Route 128 ramps. He notes the southbound ramp coming off 128 is across from this site and recommends that they consider extending a raised island on Dodge Street across from the south bound ramp. Benevento suggests that sloped granite curbing could be used instead of vertical curb to accommodate occasional emergency vehicles. Attorney Tom Alexander, representing Walgreen's asked if the Fire Department would accept sloped granite curbing. Fiore explains that there is equipment that hangs from the bottom of the fire truck that could be vulnerable, especially in the winter when the island is full of snow. Bent notes that Mass DOT has jurisdiction over this stretch of roadway and suggests that a dialog should be opened with MassDOT on this subject, noting that the intention is to prevent traffic from cutting across Dodge Street into the site. Benevento suggests that the applicants confer with their own traffic consultant, Jeff Dirk, regarding possible ways to reconfigure either the Route 128 ramp or the existing Dodge Street traffic island. Cassidy agrees, adding that the Mass DOT design team should be involved. Rollins notes that the problem of cross - traffic is an existing condition and MassDOT should have to fix that. Benevento states that he wants to protect vehicles coming off the ramp. Alexander states that there is no easy answer and notes that the proposed ramp configuration is big money and would involve a potential taking of land to accomplish it. Benevento says that while a ramp reconfiguration would be expensive, there are very likely lower cost solutions that could address the problem. Rhuda and Alexander state that discussion with other tenants on the site (including Fast Freddie's) is on -going regarding possible changes to the site driveway and configuration. Rhuda reviews the timeline for the approval process for the project. He states that they are going to the Planning Board in April and the plan has to be finalized by April 6 to get ready for the Planning Board meeting on April 26 They are not expecting the Board to act on the plan at the April meeting, but rather expect the Planning Board discussion to continue to the May meeting so that the Parking and Traffic Commission can complete its review and make its recommendation. Alexander notes that there are a lot of moving parts to this project, explaining that they are getting input from the Design Review Board as well. He adds that the revised plans will be ready by April 18 He also notes that they met with the Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April 3, 2012 meeting Page 2 of 5 neighbors and Councilor Martin. Rhuda explains that they have added screening to the back of the property that will be beneficial to the privacy of the neighbors. Cassidy states that the next Parking and Traffic Commission meeting is on May 1, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Benevento thanks them for the update on the project. 2. Update / discussion: Possible truck exclusion for Cole Street Rollins reports that traffic counts will start next week in three locations. He explains that Councilor Houseman and Mr. Overberg have expressed their concerns regarding tour busses using the street going to events at Endicott College. He notes that a large event at Endicott can have 10 busses followed by several cars arriving around the same time. A truck exclusion route, if eventually adopted, will not address the issue of busses using the road. Rollins adds that Councilor Houseman will schedule a meeting with Endicott College President Dick Wylie to discuss the matter. He suggests that perhaps the college can give out instructions on alternate travel routes to participants in future events. Cassidy notes that the traffic counts are expected to take about a week. 3. Update / discussion: Council Order #4 - Conduct a traffic and parking study in the vicinity of the proposed commuter rail parking _garage Cassidy reports that since the March meeting she has met with representatives of the MBTA and the project manager to review the traffic study. She explains that the intersections of Bridge and River Street and Railroad Avenue and Rantoul Street need traffic signalization but the budget for the garage project does not include the approximately $700,000 needed for traffic signals. She explains that she drafted a letter to the MBTA requesting that the traffic signals be included in the bid for the project, and the T informed her that they will be including both intersection signals as alternates in the garage construction bid. As alternates, there is no guarantee that they will be included in the project since it will depend upon the total bid price and whether there is enough money in the budget to pay for them. Cassidy says that Mayor Scanlon would like to meet with Chairman Benevento and Vice - Chairman Bent to discuss this matter. She notes that Councilor Slate would like to be included in the discussions since he represents the ward in which the garage will be built. Benevento states that he is concerned that the alternates may never get funded. He also notes that the City needs both signals but should identify the one that is the priority, in the event that funding is available only for one. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April 3, 2012 meeting Page 3 of 5 Bent notes that the issue with the traffic signals is a budgetary one. Benevento says that there are budget woes in every city and town but despite that, critical items should be included in order to ensure the project is constructed successfully. Cassidy agrees and states that she will schedule a meeting with Mayor Scanlon and the Commission representatives. 4. Discussion (continued): Council Order #22: Study and recommendations for mitigation of speed on Sunnyvale Street from Desmond Road - Councilor Schetzsle Rollins explains that the driver that was the apparent subject of concern in the area has since moved. With his departure, the speeding matter that was of concern has been obviated. He recommends that the Commission send a letter to the Council indicating that no further action is necessary at this time. He adds that he spoke to Councilor Schetzsle who confirmed the issue is resolved. Rollins adds that Councilor Schetzsle had also requested a stop sign at Desmond Road as part of this Order and for the same reason believes the stop sign is unnecessary. Members concur that a letter of "no recommended action" be filed with the Council relative to this Order. 5. Old / New Business a. Update on status of roadway signage installation in the Chapman's Corner subdivision (follow up to December's Order #194 - installation of stop sign at the intersection of Birch Woods Drive and Spruce Run Cassidy recaps for members the issue that was first raised in December. That is, the street signage required by the Planning Board - particularly the one -way and no parking signs - have yet to be installed in this subdivision, despite the fact that installing the signage was a pre- condition to occupancy permits. Rollins states that he met with the developer's representative and Assistant Planning Director Leah Zambernardi about this matter previously and he thought that the signs would be in place by now. Cassidy notes that the Planning Board's regulations for new subdivisions require that the signs be installed before the first occupancy permit is issued. She explains that when staff followed up a few weeks ago, the developer promised that the signs would be installed "in the spring ". Not satisfied with this answer, Cassidy wrote a letter to the developer informing him that no buildings permits or occupancy permits would be issued by the Building Inspector until the signs are installed. She will follow up and report back to the commission at the next meeting. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April 3, 2012 meeting Page 4of5 b. Past discussion on removal of "No Right on Red" sign at the corner of Balch and Cabot Streets - Hutchinson Benevento reports that he looked at the intersection and has concerns about sight distances. The radius on the right hand side of Balch Street is too "tight" as presently constructed to permit a safe right turn on red. The existing radius, which is probably near 10' would need to be about 30' to accommodate a right turn. He agrees that the rise in Cabot Street to the west contributes to line of sight problems. Hutchinson asks if improvements to that intersection are included in the City's plans for reconstruction of Route 1A. Cassidy suggests contacting Eric Barber in the Engineering Department, since the 25% design plans are on file with that office. 6. Approval of Minutes Benevento asks if there are any changes that should be made to the draft minutes of the Commission's February 7, 2012 and March 5, 2012 meetings. There are none. Bent: motion to approve the minutes of the February 7th and March Stn meetings as drafted, seconded by Somes. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries 7 -0. Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Board to conduct this morning. There is none. 7. Adjournment Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes April 3, 2012 meeting Page 5 of 5