2012-03-07CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee March 7, 2012 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, Nancy Coffey, David Gardner, Charlie Mann, Marilyn McCrory, James Matz, Sylvan Menezes, and Bill Squibb Pam Kampersal Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Jane Dooley Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — February 1, 2012 Members review draft February 1, 2012 meeting open session minutes. Members discuss amendments with Maxner. Brewster makes a motion to accept February 1, 2012 open session minutes as amended. Seconded by Coffey. Motion carries 9 -0. New Business Community Preservation Act Campaign Strategy — Update & Discussion McCrory states that there is community support and enthusiasm about historic preservation, community housing, open space and recreation that Community Preservation Act could provide for the City. If Beverly were to adopt a 1% CPA surcharge on its property tax bills it would bring in $455,000 annually with all exemptions including commercial. With the state match of 25 %, an additional $114,000 would be raised annually. According to information from the Department of Revenue, the charge for the average Beverly household valued at $421,000 would be $42 a year, a $13 increment for every $100,000 of value. She describes projects that CPA could fund using 10% of funds for each category including new recreation opportunities (not existing playgrounds or ball fields), preserving historic structures and open space, and affordable housing as well as creating new community housing. CPA funds could not be used for maintenance. McCrory says for open space, CPA funds could be used for community gardens, appraisals, surveys, engineering studies, and purchasing open space. Open Space & Recreation Committee March 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 McCrory explains that to assess community support for CPA there has been the suggestion to use a survey monkey to conduct a survey with residents (i.e., are you willing to spend $42 a year for CPA), as well as the use of press releases and newspaper articles. Discussion ensues about feasibility and cost associated with using reverse 911 automatic calling system although Committee notes that City would not take a stand on CPA, and possibility of including an insert in residents' water bills. Discussion ensues about September 6 being date to get a CPA question in place on City's election ballot. McCrory explains that it is not a signature process but is a two -step process where City Council approves putting the question on the ballot and City Clerk puts it on. Committee also discusses how CPA funds could be used for open space preservation, such as trail building, and purchase land around Pole Swamp Lane and other unbuildable land throughout Beverly and how this coincides with Essex County Greenbelt Association's efforts. Coffey mentions that CPA funds could potentially be used to furnish lighting at the Bass River Walkway. Gardner raises the possibility of using CPA funds for easement for harbor walk behind Moynihan Lumber and National Grid by Bass River. Mann discusses establishing a trail with a narrow sliver of land off Grover Street and Old Planters Road, owned by a Rhode Island bank. McCrory states that the next CPA meetings are scheduled for March 19 and April 5 at 7:15 p.m. at the library. She asks Committee to provide her feedback on people's thoughts about CPA. Earth Day Walks — Event Planning and Scheduling Maxner updates Committee about the Earth Day Walks flyer and asks if Tall Tree Drive should be added. Menezes mentions that June 19 is Open Harbor Day and there will be multiple sponsors at the old McDonalds site where several hundred people attended last year. He agrees to send email with details to Maxner. Discussion ensues about whether Robert Buchsbaum could lead a tide pool walk. Brewster states that on May 22 he is planning to start his walk at 9 a.m. at the trailhead behind McDonalds. Maxner and Coffey are working on flyer language and note that Erika Sonder is all set for wildflower walk at Sally Milligan. Discussion ensues about skipping Memorial Day for walks. Maxner reviews dates for flyer and will present final draft for OSRC review to be completed by end of March. Coffey offers to ensure Earth Day Walks information gets into newspapers on a weekly basis. Maxner offers to resurrect email lists from past attendees. Tall Tree Drive /Fox Hill Trail Blazing Maxner offers to talk to Conservation Commission next week as a meeting agenda item relative to proposed trail blazing in the area where there is an existing trail and if an RDA application from OSRC is required. Maxner notes there is a stream crossing. She notes that Rolan Adams has done GPS marking of trail and Mann could take photographs for map of trail. Mann offers to make a presentation to the Commission if necessary. Open Space & Recreation Committee March 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Aquifer Language Amendments to Open Space and Recreation Plan & Norwood Pond Conservation Restriction — Discussion /Action Items Matz updates Committee on proposed amendments to Open Space & Recreation Plan language on the aquifer resources stating that legal description is medium yield aquifer, which is highly productive. He notes that he was requested to obtain the exact amendment language and to get specific citations or official documentation from DEP that the Committee could attach as referenced should it decide to make the amendments. He mentions that DEP believes the aquifer is a potable source although it is noted in City's plan as non - potable. Matz addresses the new Cummings property on Dunham Road where clear cutting was duly noted on the front facing parcel. He explains that he spoke to Planning Director, Tina Cassidy, as well as Beverly's state representative and state senator offices, about proposed Route 128 interchange along Brimbal Avenue that is in the 25% design phase. The next step would be to get federal review and comments, although there would have to be an appropriation of funds at the state level for the project, which is not occurring and this is not on the state's agenda. He adds that the proposal could remain in the 25% phase for the foreseeable future. Matz mentions that Cummings property is only parcel in area that could be developed but no site plans have been filed with City. Also that Maestranzi owns a lot of land in the area but he believes there is no knowledge of them being interested in developing it. Brewster notes three or four years ago, there were several designs for the interchange. Matz notes that a preferred design has been chosen. Discussion ensues about whether City should pursue easement trail if there is resistance to a full Conservation Restriction in the Norwood Pond area and if there was a possibility of CPA funds for Beverly could they be used for this purpose. Gardner suggests Matz look at Mass. General Law for Chapter 61 properties relative to CPA. Matz offers to speak to Kampersal and Maxner to get the language changed relative to the aquifer designation/reference and to take the first steps towards getting an easement for Norwood Pond. March Semi - Annual Report Maxner states that OSRC needs to write March Semi - Annual Report to be presented to the City Council. She and Dunne will write report and Dunne will present it on April 2, 2012. Other... (Other City Board 's /Commission's/Department's agenda items, proiects or business related to open space and recreation — discussion and /or recommendations, if an ... Maxner explains that Conservation Commission will continue Endicott College's hearing for the proposed synthetic turf field on the north field and that she will have to look at what jurisdiction the Commission has for shielding lights on the playing fields. Open Space & Recreation Committee March 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 Discussion ensues about lights that Committee agrees college teams are using, Menezes mentions that the lights are affecting boaters at night and that they need shielding, Matz states the lights are on during the summer shutting off at 11 p.m. Coffey asks if the Con Com has any jurisdiction over lighting. Maxner states that she will bring this issue to the Commission's attention at the hearing. Matz opines that lighting banks are not designed to be shielded since they are for participant safety on the field. Squibb suggests that the banks could be shielded. Maxner notes that Conservation Commission is also going to address ANRAD to delineate wetlands and identify buffer zone at Cummings' Dunham Road property. Matz updates Committee on upcoming Planning Board meeting where Windover project at Enterprise site on Rantoul Street for a four - story, mixed use building will be addressed. Updates Eagle Scout Proiect Updates — Discussion/Recommendations Maxner explains that Matt Akerman will present information on his proposed Eagle Scout trailblazing project at the Conservation Commission meeting next week. She also will meet with Akerman in the trail area to identify wetland areas. Mann agrees about the importance of Akerman meeting with Conservation Commission and mentions that he has been trying to communicate with abutter Mr. Sweeney about the project. Bathing Beach Lane — Right of way Access Maxner states that she has no update on right of way access at Bathing Beach Lane from B. Munroe. Mann notes that there are some parcels in the area leftover from subdivision that may be of interest to the City. Maxner offers to reconnect with Munroe on this. Greens Hill — Parcel 27X Gardner mentions that he and Maxner attended a meeting with J. Dunn, who is pursuing tax title properties around the City including 27X. He noted that there is an additional procedure to follow in obtaining this parcel. Maxner notes that someone was hired to do the title search. Gardner expects that this should come to fruition in a couple of months. Open Space Encroachment off Standley Street — Waring School Maxner mentions that school representatives attended Conservation Commission meeting on January 31 and the school is working towards correcting the encroachment. Dunne offers to inform Ed Becker via letter from the OSRC that the school is working on it. Other... (Other rights of way and /or open space matters /issues /concerns, if any...) Pole Swamp Land Swap Open Space & Recreation Committee March 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Maxner describes research done by Dick MacNeill on boundaries of Pole Swamp Lane parcels and what is owned by the City, the Conservation Commission and privately held. She notes that she presented illustration of parcels to Conservation Commission that chose a bundle of parcels equaling 18 acres that abut or encompass Pole Swamp Lane. Maxner notes that she is meeting with B. Munroe and D. MacNeill tomorrow to finalize instructions to move forward. Discussion ensues and OSRC suggests Maxner recommend to Conservation Commission to ask the City to transfer all of the City -owned parcels on Pole Swamp Lane to be used as open space. Maxner will speak to Munroe, who had also mentioned Commission should transfer all parcels, about approaching Commission on the OSRC's proposal to take the total 18 to 26 acres of Pole Swamp Lane parcels as Commission land. Tall Tree Drive Easement Mann explains to Committee that he reviewed copy of Tall Tree Drive easement relative to the Fox Hill trail and suggests wood chips donated from a tree company could be used for border for 35 feet. He suggests actionable items for Committee include what should be done with concrete that could be hazardous to trail users at the 8 -foot painted curb near fence posts marking trail easement. Mann offers to speak to homeowner /donor about what makes the most sense for the trail. Maxner agrees to scan trail plan and email it to Mann. He suggests the City engineer should put stakes down marking the trail easement. Essex Street to YMCA trail Dunne notes that no more stones have been placed on the walking trail from Essex Street to the Sterling YMCA. Matz mentions it is overgrown with a pile of logs and brush that the public works department could remove. Maxner explains that when she spoke to the Forestry and Grounds Department she was notified that there is no interest in clearing or maintaining a trail that does not lead to a bona fide open space area. Committee also discusses setting up a time to look at YMCA hill on Tuesday, March 13 at 5 p.m. meeting at the top of the path in the YMCA upper parking lot to assess how much clearing is needed to re- establish trail. Next meeting agenda items and scheduling The Committee's next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2012. Mann offers to speak with Waring School representatives and Essex County VELO to determine how they could help to blaze or clear trails. Maxner will speak to Conservation Commission on March 13 about if OSRC has to apply for RDA on Akerman's Eagle Scout trail project. Committee follows up on earlier discussion to finalize Earth Day Walks flyer as soon as possible. Coffey motions to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. The motion passes 9 -0. Meeting adjourns at 9:00 p.m.