2012-03-05CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Parking and Traffic Commission March 5, 2012 City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor Chairman Rich Benevento, Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, Vice - Chairman Russ Rollins, Rich Hutchinson Bill Fiore, John Somes Councilor Don Martin Tina Cassidy Benevento calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The first item on this evening's agenda is discussion of the proposed Walgreen's in North Beverly. He explains to the audience that this evening's meeting will adjourn at 7:00 p.m. so that the Commission can address the City Council at its meeting at that time. 1. Continued discussion/ recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan_ fFormatted Review Application #129 -11 and special permit application for parking waiver: Razing of existing commercial building and construction of new Walgreen's Pharmacy at 48 Dodge Street (corner of Dodge and Conant Streets) Attorney Tom Alexander represents the project proponents and identifies other members of the development team: Jeffrey Dirk from VAI, Inc., Jeff Rhuda from Symes Development, John Bohler from Bohler Engineering. Benevento begins the discussion by stating that he has concerns about several aspects of the proposal: the long queues of traffic at both the Conant /Dodge Street signal and on Dodge Street toward Henry's Market; the fact that ten percent of the new traffic is expected to come from the southbound off -ramps of Route 128; and the additional traffic to and from the site that will come with the new Walgreen's. Bent states that the revised plan (preserving a portion of the historic home) is a disappointment. He was clear at the last meeting that he wanted the applicants to reconsider the site plan in its totality in terms of traffic flow, existing and proposed exit /entrance points, etc. He is disappointed this was not done and wonders aloud whether a detailed presentation is needed at this point. Hutchinson states that he visited the site, intending to stay for an hour to field -check some of the traffic data in the submitted report He counted 12 cars coming off the Route 128 ramp in fifteen minutes, and observed what he considers to be a dangerous traffic issue. Final Parking & Traffic Commission Minutes March 5, 2012 meeting Page 1 of 4 Rollins says that his concerns are similar to those already mentioned. Cassidy states that she understands Bent's reaction but is interested to hear the applicant's response to the issues just identified. Benevento says that he registered concerns at the last meeting about the parking calculation provided by the applicant. Alexander states that the building inspector has reviewed the calculations and determined they met the requirements of the zoning ordinance. He hands out a summary of parking requirements outlined by zoning and in terms of what is actually needed by existing users on the site. Bent notes the location of five parking spaces on the western property line very near the Conant Street driveway. He characterizes the spaces as "remote" and questions whether they would ever be used by customers. Dirk suggests that the spaces would likely be used by employees of the new establishment, not customers. Rhuda summarizes the "Proposed 50 Dodge Street, Tenant List" and states that he knows from long- standing experience with the site that the parking situation today is good. Symes intends to keep its offices at this location, so has a vested interested in making sure there are no parking issues in the future. Benevento agrees that the summary is a fair conclusion to draw but suggests it remains a good summary only as long as the tenancy of the existing facilities doesn't change. He states his opinion that the Walgreen's on Elliott Street is not an analogous situation in that the North Beverly site shares its lot with a gas station, Dunkin Donuts, a restaurant, offices and retail shops. Dirk asks if there are any questions regarding the traffic data and studies submitted, including the supplemental information provided since the last meeting. Bent states that he had no issues with the technical report but asks if the ITE provides trip generation and parking space numbers for neighborhood retail centers. Dirk says that it does and that he will provide an analysis of same to the commission before the next meeting. Bent suggests using overall numbers - such as those for a neighborhood retail center - rather than calculating based on individual uses. He states that he is not in favor of providing parking spaces just for the sake of providing them, but does want to ensure that there isn't a problem with parking post- construction. Alexander takes a minute to remind the audience that the proposal is for a Walgreen's (which is a pharmacy) not for a Wal -Mart (which is a big -box retailer). Benevento agrees but reiterates that the location of a proposed store does play a factor. Rhuda notes that the parking requirement for retail uses in the Beverly zoning ordinance appears to be "back asswards" in that the number of parking spaces required for a retail use increases with the size of the building. This is counter to Final Parking & Traffic Commission Minutes March 5, 2012 meeting Page 2 of 4 what most ordinances do, which is to require relatively more parking per square foot for smaller retail establishments than for larger ones. Bohler quickly summarizes the site plan. At Walgreen's urging a portion of the historic building will be preserved. By narrowing traffic aisles and moving the building slightly, the engineers have been able to incorporate a landscaping strip along the Dodge Street frontage. Six parking spaces have been "lost" as a result of retaining a portion of the historic building, and in addition six additional parking spaces should be provided to account for the floor area in the historic building. The applicant is modifying its waiver request to increase the waiver to cover this deficit. Dirk explains that he and other representatives met with representatives of MassDOT regarding the Route 128 ramps. Dirk says he met with Paul Stedman, Mike Karas, and Mr. Fomicella of MassDOT. MassDOT indicated the agency wants to see only right hand turns from the ramp (as opposed to traffic crossing multiple lanes on Dodge Street to access the subject plaza) and will be studying the issue. Dirk indicates a "channelized" ramp would eliminate most if not all of the cross -cut traffic. Bent asks Dirk for specifics on what MassDOT intends to do in terms of follow -up on this matter. He doubts MassDOT intends to actually make ramp improvements, betting instead they may erect a few signs. Dirk notes that the existing /proposed driveways are located as far as possible from the existing traffic signals. The applicants have in fact looked at ways to improve the existing Dodge Street driveway including its narrowing but need the agreement of other lessees on the site that use it. Benevento says he is pleased the applicants are talking to the other lessees about this but reiterates his belief that the existing proposal is not a good one. Bent expresses similar sentiments. Benevento notes in particular the drive - through component. Bent states that in good conscious he cannot vote to recommend this site plan to the Planning Board because there are too many conflicts. He finds the drive - through element to be the most objectionable and thinks the site would ultimately be safer if the drive - through was eliminated. If it was, sidewalks could be constructed to service the "remote" five spaces and the number of parking spaces on site could be increased. Benevento reminds the audience that the meeting will be adjourned in ten minutes. He asks if there are members of the public who wish to address the Commission. Ward 5 Councilor Don Martin expresses his concern about the Dodge Street driveway and says that unless it is improved the project and adjacent streets will be a disaster. He also says he is concerned about the proposed traffic patterns on site. Brian Chertok, 40 Cornell Road states that he spoke with a Mr. Matthew Harris who is on the site selection committee for the Walgreen's corporation. Chertok states Final Parking & Traffic Commission Minutes March 5, 2012 meeting Page 3 of 4 that Mr. Harris indicated the company does in fact entertain and build stores smaller than the one proposed for Beverly and would do so if /when site circumstances dictate. He asks if there is a fire lane around the building. Bohler states that there have been no negative comments from the Fire Department regarding the proposed fire lanes. Chertok asks if there is a dedicated fire lane all around the building. Bohler says there is not. Former Councilor Bill Coughlin addresses the Commission and states that he is concerned about this project and its potential to exacerbate existing traffic concerns. He wonders if the applicants need to install another set of traffic signals at their main Dodge Street driveway. Bent asks the applicants to consider shrinking the building, or eliminating the drive - through, and modifying the site plan accordingly. Cassidy asks to which meeting this discussion will be continued - to the Commission's next regular meeting the first week in April or to a special meeting to be scheduled sometime between now and March 20 The Walgreen's project is slated for a public hearing before the Planning Board on March 20th. Alexander states that he would have no issues if the Commission continued discussion to its regular April meeting even though that will likely mean a delay in the Planning Board rendering its decision. Members agree to continue discussion to the Commission meeting scheduled for April 3, 2012. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, motion carries 5 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission Minutes March 5, 2012 meeting Page 4 of 4