1999-05-04City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Conservation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May4, 1~199 Place: City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly Board Members Present: Chairman David Lang (7:30), Anthony Paluzzi, Jay Donnelly, John Mazuy, Patricia Gdmes, Dr. Mayo Johnson Board Members Absent: Richard Benevento Others Present: Debbie Hudburt, Assistant Planning Director; and Frank Killilee, City Engineer Recorder: Carol A. Peerce Vice Chairman Pal-77i cells the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Reaueet for Determination of APPlicability North Bevedv Cemetery (670 Cabot St.I-Lawn PreP. -City of Beverly Mr. paF,r~,i reminds Commission members that this matter was postponed from the meeting of April 13, 1999 until tonight so that Peter Searnans could attend the meeting. Mr. Seemane states that currently there is unused land in the cemetery, east of the garage, sloping down along the readway, and that prior to laying out this space as cemetery land, he felt it would be good to spread loam and establish a good lawn. Further, because it is within the 100-foot buffer zone, he cam to the Commission for approval. Ms. Hudburt notes that this lawn has sparse growth now, and Mr. Seamans replies he feels this was on filled land, and notes some of the area was a gravel quarry and loam would be brought in for the project. Ms. Hurlburr notes that around the comer there is a pile of dirt that is used to put the spoils from accumulated plot budals. He proposes that when this pile is removed within the next week or so, there would be another area to store this dirt so it doesn't get near abuffing areas. Ms. Hudburt notes trying to work with someone to get jersey barriers so they have a designated area and can go no further. Ms. Grimes questions the proposed work area conforming with the edge of the wetlands, and asks if this is going to be in the buffer zone. Ms. Hudburt replies it is all in the buffer zone. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 2. Vice Chairman Paluzzi asks for questions or comment from the Board. Thero being none, he asks for questions or comments from the public. Renee Mary, 274 Hale Street, notes there are high weeds around the building and Ms. Hudburt replies the stock pile will be moved to an area further down toward the office building. Mr. Mazuy makes a motion to close the headng, seconded by Dr. Johnson. All members in favor, motion cardes. Mr. Mazuy moves for a Negative Determination #3 with the stipulation that a five foot area be marked from the wetlandso that no materials can be dumped in that area, seconded by Ms. Grimes. All in favor, motion carries. 32 Jordan Street - Peel Installation/Pellef3dno Ms. Hurlburt says she worked with Mr. Pellegrino regarding the pool at the rear of the property. She says she became aware of the work because the building permit is circulated to all Departments and when it came to her attention, and after a site inspection, she noted a small area at the rear of the property that was a brook. Mr. Pellegdno states the pool is about 38 feet from the brook. He states this is his second pool, and that the first one was taken down. He notes he did have a pool permit, .but not from the Commission. Mr. Pal, ,-,,i states he was at the site and that a flat site for the pod could be made just by removing sod. He states it is 38 to 40 feet from the brook with a fence betvr,.,cn the pool and brook. Mr. Mazuy asks if there is any excavation to be done, and Mr. Pellegrino states that the lawn will be skimmed down, and one-half inch of send will be put on the dirt. Mr. Mazuy asks if the send will be just in the area of the pool and is informed it will be only in the area of the pool so the bottom of the pool doesn't rip. Vice Chairman Paluzzi asks for additional questions or comments from the Board. There being none, he asks for questions or comments from the public. There are none. Mr. Mazuy moves to close the headng, seconded by Dr. Johnson. All members in favor, motion carries. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 5/4/99 Page 3. Mr. Mazuy moves for a Negative Determination #8, seconded by Ms. Grimes. All members in favor, motion cardes. 2 Boxwood Lane - Ddvewav Pavinf3/McAuliffe Ms. McAuliffe wants to pave her driveway, but it is 25 feet in the buffer zone. At the end of the driveway across the street is the wetland, end to the dght of the driveway is a drain that takes all runoff, so she doesn't feel that paving would change anything. She notes that the address is 2 Boxwood Lane, but it's actually Lot #1. Mr. Paluzzi asks if there is any excavation, end is told there will be none. Vice Chairman Paluzzi asks for questions or comments from the Board, or from the public, end there ere none. Mr. Mazuy moves to close the hearing, seconded by Dr. Johnson. Mr. Mazuy moves to grant a Negative Determination #3, seconded by Ms. Grimes. All members in favor, motion carries. 495 Cabot Street - Area Determination & Building Construction/Ewaschuk George Zambouras, Engineer, representing the occupant, states that the site is 495 at the rear of Cabot Street, northeast side of Cabot street, end abuts the MBTA railroad tracks. He states there is an existing garage at the side, but there is a new foundation end a new building planned on the adjacent lot. There ere presently a lot of fruit trees on the property. He states that areas of interest under the Act are whether it is a stream or not. The drainage channel receives runoff from Roosevelt Avenue, which doesn't have a drainage system. He comments that the fact that there is a drainage system shows there is an outlet and he believes there is some problem drainage, but the applicant does not plan to fill in the area entirely. He is going to install a new drainage system making it better than what currently exists. In response to a question from Mr. Mazuy, Mr. Zambouras states that at 4 PM this afternoon it was reining and there was about an inch of water. It wasn't flowing because the pipe is blocked. He states that any water standing there new is due to improper maintenance of the drainage system itself. He states he is here because some of the residents in the Roosevelt Avenue area contacted Ms. Hurlburt. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 4, Mr. Pal-77i asks if the brook runs along the railroad tracks, and Mr. Zambouras states it does not, and that any runoff gets dispersed in the tracks. Mr. Pal, ,'--i asks the distance from the headwall to the proposed construction, and Mr. Zambouras states it is 67 feet. He further states the existing garage will not be removed, and the ddveway will remain packed gravel. Ms. Hurlbud indicates that the Commission is being asked to determine whether the area shown on the plan is a wetland or not, so a derision has to be made on the jurisdiction. Mr. Mazuy suggests continuing the matter and visit the site as a group. Vice Chairman Pal-77i asks if anyone from the public would like to comment on this proposal. Tony DiPaolo, Trustee of the property, states his parents operated a business on the site for 50 years, and they never had any water problems or flooding. He states the only question was from Mr. Ballantine from Rcosavelt Avenue who asked whet was going to be done because he gets some of the runoff and Mr. Ewaschuk assured him it would be okay. Mr. Mazuy moves this matter be continued pending a site visit on May 15, 1999 at 8:30 A.M. seconded by Ms. Gdmas. Members in favor: Mazuy, Grimes, Pal-7~i, Johnson; Donnelly opposed. Motion carries 4-1. Dr. Johnson moves for a recess for public hearings, seconded by Ms. Gdmes. All members in favor, motion cardes. NoUce of Intent (Chairman Lang resumes the chair). 133 Common Lane - House Construction/Wickers Chairman Lang states the Commission conducted a second, individual site inspection to conclude whether a wetland down the road was considered part of the stream, and whether any other resources exist. Mr. Mazuy, Ms. Gdmes and Mr. Pal,,--i are in agreement that there are not. Chairman Lang asks for public comment, and there is none. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 5. Mr. Mazuy moves to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Paluzzi. All members in favor, motion carries. 3 Moman Island Rood - Deck Construction, Wall & Patio/Dionne Ms. Hurlburt indicates the applicant applied for a Notice of Intent. However, because there is a superseding Order out there, he must go through DEP. They centacted the DEP who wanted to keep it simple and asked the applicant to work with the developer and get their approval. She states they are currently working on it but would like to continue the matter in case something goes awry. Mr. Mazuy moves to continue the headng to June 3, seconded by Mr. Pal-~'-i. Ms. Grimes abstains. 5-0-1, motion carries. 204 Greenwood Ave -Site Preparation for Playf3round Exoansion/Norffi Shore Nursery School Inc. Attorney Nicole Reeves notes that the Commission had a site visit two weeks ago and questioned drainage pipes. Madetta Lynch, Executive Director of the School, notes that the grounds service said there is one section of drainage pipe which runs to a four-inch PVC according to the landscaper who installed it. They have no intention to install any new drainage. She states the believe is that it is fine the way it is and that drainage will be adequate. Further, she states if there is any problem, it would be very easy to cap it off. Mr. Mazuy notes that three Commission members ware at the site visit and the planned activity would go up to what is clearly a drainage ditch that has not seen a great deal of use. He states he has no problem with the proposal. Mr. Paluzzi states he also has no problems with the project. Ms. Grimes asks if it predates the school, and Attorney Reeves says it does, and she further notes there is an existing Certificate of Compliance which states the school make sure they don't contribute to the overall drainage issue in the area, and that they prevent flooding, erosion, and sedimentation in the area. She feels they can confirm there is no n~_,d for additional drainage. She states they had a consuit with a playground specialist who said a good part of that area will only be available for a swing set, so they are not looking to increase the number of pieces of equipment on the playground. There being no questions or comment from the public, Mr. Mazuy moves to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Pal-rzi. All members in favor, motion cardes. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 6. Modification to Order of Conditions, File ff.5-612 - 28 Paine Avenue to Modify Plan for Pool Relocation and Landscape Im~>rovements/Inf3mm MaW Rimmer of Rimmer Environmental Consulting, states she is requesting an amendment to the Order from the Commission dated October 1998. The proposed plan is to reduce the amount of impervious area on the site by relocating the pool, which would be underneath the wood deck at the rear of the house. She notes the banks are slumping and they would reinforce them with a granite bank and create a settling pond. She further states there are planting beds proposed. She adds there will be no change in hydrology. Ms. Rimmer states that with regard to the terrace off the back of the house, the area is now grovel and it would be a terrace with steps down to the law~q. Mr. Pal.77i asks about curbing, and Ms. Molly Gibson, Landscape Architect, states the edge will be held as is. Mr. Pal-7~i asks about the capadty of the pond, and Ms. Gibson states it's actually about a fifty feat wide at the side. She states the basin will have larger borders on the site, and that they are fodunate to have these. Chairman Lang asks if the existing drainage ditch is about two feat deap running from one side of the property to the other, and Ms. Rimmet replies yes. She states plantings will be put on top of thaL Ms. Gibson adds there will be dyer stones added as a liner, and that the side will be sloped one inch per foot. She further states the ditch is less than eightean inches deap from the surface, and there is a slope of seventy-frye percent. Dr. Johnson believes the ditch drains from the Ingmm property to Pddes Beach, and then goes out to a pipe and empties onto the beach. Chairmen Lang reads a letter from the resident of 26 Paine Avenue which states 'On behalf of my wife Angelina who is blind, I am writing to indicate she does not have any objection to the project at 28 Paine Avenue' and the letter is signed by J. R. Serafini, Sr. Chairman Lang questions the construction sequence for the work, and Ms. Gibson replies the pool will be installed first, then the terrace, the berm, then drainage ditch, and that the planting beds would be done next year because they don't want to install plants late this year. Ms. Rimmer adds that they will only excavate the sides enough to batter in the stones. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes- 514199 Page 7. Chairman Lang asks for questions or comments from the Board. Mr. Paluzzi asks about materials being brought in and where they will be stored, and Ms. Gibson replies they need to bdng material in for the borders to support the lawn terrace and also need a fine soil so that trees don't seffie. She states they will use that and then bring in new mmerial as needed. Ms. Gibson responds that the material will be stockpiled behind the existing house. Mr. Mazuy suggests a site visit, and Mr. Pah,~,Ti agrees. Renee MaW, 274 Hale Street, questions how the project will function and how will the area fundion in a storm, and Ms. Rimmer says with a more stable bank, it would be a smoother flew, and there is a large lawn area, and that the area and flow would remain the same in a storm situaUon. Ms. Grimes notes the lawn terrace area is gravel now and then it will be lawn. Mr. Mazuy moves to continue the hearing until the June 1, 1999 meeting pending a site visit on May 15, 199 at 9:30 A.M., seconded by Mr. Paluzzi. Mr. Donnelly opposed. Lang, Pal-?Ti, Grimes, Johnson and Mazuy in favor. Motion carries, 5-1-0. 28 Hill Street - Installation of Sewer Services/IT Corporation Larry Nesbitt, P.E., engineer for the project, indicates he filed a Notice of Intent because the work will be within the 200-foot buffer zone to a stream. He states the brook is about 100 feet to the east of the house, and the sewer connedion will be on the west side of the house. Work would be laying a septic tank and sewer line continuing on down Hill Street. He also notes an intent to relocate the water service. He states that presently there is an on-site leach field and carbon treatment system in the basement, and feels this is just a convenient means to go about it without testing the older system. Chairman Lang asks hew long the work will take from stad to finish, and Mr. Nesbitt replies probably four to five days. He also states the existing septic tank will be pumped and removed. Mr. Pal, ,:.-i asks if they expect to encounter any water while installing the sewer and water lines, and Mr. Nesbitt replies it is possible. He states it is their intent to pump the water and test it to datermine if, prior to discharge, it should be treeted as a precaution. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 5/4/99 Page 8. Chairman tang asks if excavation is done, how far would the septic system be from the resource area, and Mr. Nesbitt replies it is over 100 feet. Chairman tang asks if anyone from the public would like to comment on this proposal. Ms. Joan Murphy of 36 Longmeadow Road, asks if IT Corp. will be resurfadng after work in the street. Mr. Nesbitt responds that they will repair probably at the Citys request. There being no further questions or comments, Mr. paIH77! rnoves to close the headng, seconded by Mr. Mazuy. All members in favor, motion cardes. Standlev Street - Relocate Comoost Area. Restore Wetlands. and Water Installation/City of Beverly Mike Geiser of Beta Engineadng said the City was anxious to get a compost facility which could be used. He notes the plan was drawn from field surveys, and the subcontractor noted the wetlands with flags. He states one area of concern was water, so there was a drainage issue but that problem is being addressed to meet the DEP statements required for compost facilities, and their goal is to receive approval from them for this fadlity. Mr. Geiser states that one problem is odor, and a solution to that problem is to bring materials up to a drainage platform. Mr. Geiser states another problem was moisture control. The hill had an elevation of 104 feet and there was groundwater at the 99-foot elevation. The solution was to cut off the top of the hill to bring it down to about five feet above the existing groundwater elevation, and then to use that material from the top of the hill outward into areas away from the wetlands. He states that a lot of this work has been completed and that other material unsuitable for the site has been removed. Mr. Geiser gives an overall plan of the site. He states that there has bean two encroachmants; to the immediate dght of the ddveway where 10-15 feet of chipped material and other natural fills are, and that they will bring those materials to the top of the site. The other location is at the far westerly end of the site and due to the activity, materials wore pushed into wetlands, and they will pull back away from wetlands to original profile. Mr. Geiser indicates they encountered a lot of trash on the site and it was taken to the landfill just prior to the final dosura of the landfill. He notes further it was agreed that the City would bring some material back up on to the high ground Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 9. and give that portion of fie site back as a wetland area. They wanted to bring windrows up on to the platform which is being constructed. He states that material from the largest windrows will be removed from the site, and material from the smaller windrows will be brought up on to the platform which will change the traffic pattern that citizens will be driving to deposit their waste. The new driveway will have % to 1-1/2 stone size so not to allow for particulate sediment. He notes that haybales have bean installed to the north end northwest of the site between the work that has bean going on to bring the hill down and the wetlands, and between the area of the new traffic pattern to the south of the platform. He further states that the agreement is a minimum 25-foot buffer zone would be planted be~::',;,n the active portion of the site and the wetlands and the haybales to act as a vehicle for any runoff coming from the site. Mr. Mazuy questions distance from the existing wetlends to the rear of the area, and Mr. Killilea replies there will be a 25-foot buffer zone and operators will have to stay out of that area. Ms. Grimes states she was at the site several weeks ago and saw bulldozers on the site, and Mr. Killilea replies that was to prepare the area so vehicles could drive on it. Ms. Grimes also states she is not dear on how the traffic pattern will be changed, and also feels that a plan should be presented to the Commission with regard to plants and vegetation. Mr. Killilea states that plans are to bring in a water main near the platform because they need moisture for in windrows, and also to meet the requirements for fire protection. He states the road is all within the buffer zone, from the guard shack to the platform. Mr. Geiser states his firm will prepare detailed plans showing what has been done to date and any future additions to be presented at the next meeting. Mr. Paluzzi notes that on the east side of the site there is a pile of leaves and chopped wood and wants to know if this is going to be removed. Mr. Killilea states this is a tsmporery storage area and the material will be put on to the working platform, put into a windrow, and then it will be removed from the site. He further notes that the entire windrow must be screened, and all work activities will be done on the platform. He reiterates that only grass and leaves will be in the windrow. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 5/4/99 Page 10. Mr. Mazuy wants to know if anyone is supervising the operation to see that the plastic is going to be picked up, and states that JRM should not be able to enforce their own rules. Mr. K]llilea adds that lines ware marked telling JRM to stay a certain distance away, and that he was told they never exceeded those lines. Mr. Mazuy questions whether this entire project is in the buffer zone and very close to the watiands, and Mr. Lang states them am large podions in regulated areas. Mr. Kjllilea states the City made arrangements with the contractor, and that he want down to StandIcy Street and that no material was brought on site from outside. Chairman Lang asks for questions or comments from the public. Bob Botti=s, 10 Standley Street, states that the dump was closed at this location shortly after he purchased his home and he was told by everybody that the City will not be able to have a leaf and grab compost site in that area in the future. He also notes an ecological concem such as when it rains, and wants to know does it get wet and go into the wetlands? He further notes that across the street from his home there is a vemal pool, and states there is a problem with odor in the neighborhood. John Murray, Ward 6 Councilor, 14 Greenwood Street, feels it would be a good idea to make sure dumping is limited to Beverly residents' leaves and yard waste. He sties that with regard to running a water line to the site, he feels there is a disester waiting to happen and feels approval should be given for the water line. Jake Dylanosky, 43 Livingston Ave. wants to know if any water samples ware taken and is informed water samples were in fact taken and the results were satisfactory. Mr. Dyhanoskiy added that he is wondering if this is a drumlin and if any perc tests were done. He added that he thought this was granular fill and he is cencemed with level surface of percability and add run-off into the wetlands. Joan Murphy of 36 Longmeadow Road questions whether 25 feet is adequate for wetlands protection for this kind of activity and also if there can be a physical barrier that will keep trucks out of the no-work zone, and if the water pipe will be located on the next plan. Jay Donnelly states his concern is that the closest pad of the platform will be 25 feet from the wetlands. He states he is concerned about what comes off the platform and inches back to the landfill. Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 11. Chairman Lang asks for comments on the water quality, and is told that the water coming down will be filtered through a lot of soil and seek its way through the unconfined orifices, and that the pH is organic and them would not be a lot of chemicel processes. Mr. Donnelly moves to continue this matter until the next meeting and expects the City to define areas on planting buffer and platform, how the buffer zone will protect the wetlands area, to show placement of the haybales during installation and other earth work, to address the issue of the wa~er line and how the dewataring trench will be managed, what will be done to prevent erosion, and a detail on the extent of gravel on the roadway. Seconded by Dr. Johnson. John Mazuy and David Lang opposed, all other members in favor, motion carries 4-2- 0. The headng is continued until June 1, 1999. Site Modification - Aero Manufacturing/Sam Fonzo Drive Chris Sparages of Hayes Engineering notes that in November of 1998, the Commission issued an Order of Conditions. The original plan called for a retaining wall along Sam Fonzo Ddve, end the new plan shows revisions which are presented to Commission members. He notes the new plen will eliminate the need for a retaining wall and will allow parking spaces in the front area and some additional landscaping areas. He adds that no drainage fadlity has been changed. Mr. Pal-77i notes that the three to one slope abuts the wall in the parking area on the new plan. Chairman Lang asks for other questions or comment from the Board or the public. There being none, Mr. Pa!,m--i moves to accept the Modifications to the odginal plan, seconded by Mr. Donnelly. Mr. Mazuy abstains. Lang, Paluzzi, Donnelly, Grimes and Johnson in favor, motion carries 50-1. Off Marain Street - Installation of 2100 feet of drains on Chase Street, Pond Street. Riverside Street, Park Street, Federal Street, and Marclin StreetJCitv of Beverly Ralph Supee of Camp, Dresser McKee states a drainage system will be constructed to service Chase Street, Rantoul Street and Park Street and is intended to relieve flooding. He states the projed starts with 24-inch pipes end Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514/99 Page 12. goes up to a 4 x 6 box cover under the br i dge and down the extension to Margin Street. He notes the first pad should be done in the summer and fall, and hopefully the entire projed finished by December. He notes that the reason for the pumping station is that in normal tide conditions, everything will drain into the Bass River. He sties the structure is quite large and will be entirely underground. He further notes there will be groundwater encountered when exx~vation is done. The pumping station will be done later, and that work will continue through winter until next spdng when the ground will be filled in. Mr. Donnelly questions how it will be dispersed in a way that minimizes impact and will it have impact on the quality of the water, and is told it is essentially the same water going to the sam body of water. The flow from the pumping stmjon will only occur at flood stage. Chairman Lang asks how many gallons per minute, and is told 80,000 gallons per minute, and that it was designed for a 10-year storm when there is a flood condition in the dver. Mr. Pal~r~Ti makes a motion to ciosa the headng, seconded by Mr. Donnelly. All Commission members in favor, motion carries. Discussion re: Now Buffer Zone end Three Pool Permits Debbie Hudburt announces that there is a now policy for any minor activity in a waterfront area or resource area with a buffer zone, certain work may be exempt from filing. She states some of the exceptions are fences, pools, gravel walkways or unpaved pedestrian walkways for private use, vista pruning, planting of native species, and conversion of lawn to deck, shed, patio or pool. Mr. Pah ,77i makes motion to adopt Regulation 1058-6 as official policy for people the Commission do not want to regulate because of the exemption policy, seconded by Dr. Johnson. All members in favor, motion carries 6-0. Soeoial Conditions There was a general discussion among Commission regarding the draft of Special Conditions, end it was decided that Commission members would review the draft until the June 1, 1999 meeting. Certl~cata of Compliance 23 Widinf3 Drive Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514199 Page 13. Ms. Hurlburr notes she received a letter requesting a Certificate of Compliance for a pool that was originally installed in 1991 by Dlane Trellis at 23 VVhiding Drive. Ms. Hudburt showed pictures and Mr. Pal-7:,i states that he viewed the site and did not see any outstanding issues. Mr. Mazuy makes motion to grant Certificate of Compliance, seconded by Mr. Donnelly. All Commission members in favor, motion carries 60. Hill Crest Avenue Ms. Hurlburt notes this is a request for certificates of compliance for Lots 83, 84 and 85 on Hill Crest Avenue. Ms. Hudburt states that these lots have been stabilized and in fact, other filings have sinca been approved for pools. Mr. Paluzzi states he has also viewed the site and agrees with Ms. Hurlburt. Mr. Pal, ,~'-i makes motion to approve the Certificates of Compliance, seconded by Mr. Mazuy. Mr. Donnelly opposed. Lang, Paluzzi, Mazuy, Grimes and Johnson in favor. Motion cardes, 5-1. Other Business Ms. Grimes asks for an update on the Beverly/Salem Water Supply Board issue. IArt, h regard to previously discussed water testing at the Beverly/Salem Water Supply site, Mr. Mazuy moves to submit a letter, which states 1 .) where is the filing on the permanent structures in the area, and 2.) notify them that the Commission March 4, 1999 letter said other testing had to be done thera and if they are not willing to do it, we will do it ourselves, and that if they have any objection to this, to so advise the Commission. Seconded by Ms. Grimes. All members in favor, motion cardes 60. Chairman Lang states he received a latter from the Mayor regarding a skating facility to be established on Vitele conservation land. He notes he has been invited to appear on this issue, and he urges other interested Commission members to also attend, or indicates the Commission could invite the Mayor and Council to come to the next mee{ing of the Commission. Order of Conditions Mr. Mazuy moves to issue Standard Order of Conditions for 204 Greenwood Street, 133 Common Lane, and 28 Hill Street, and issue Standard Order of Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes - 514/99 Page 14. Conditions and Coastal Conditions for 23 Margin Street, seconded by Mr. Donnelly. All other Commission members in favor, motion carries 6-0. Approval of Minutes Meeting Minutes of Februm 22, 1999 - Mr. Donnelly makes motion to approve with amendments, seconded by Ms. Gdmes. All other Commission members in favor, motion cardes 5-1 (Mazuy abstains). Meetincl Minutes of March 16. 1999 - Mr. Mazuy makes motion to approve with amendments, seconded by Mr. Donnelly. Members in favor. Mazuy, Donnely, Lang and Pal,,-'-i. Grimes and Johnson abstain. Motion carries 4-0-2. Meetinf3 Minutes of April 8, 1999 - Mr. Paluzzi makes motion to postpone approval of these minutes, seconded by Ms. Grimes. All members in favor, Mr. Paluzzi makes motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Grimes. All Commission members in favor, motion carries 6-0. Meeting adjoumed 10:45 P.M.