2012-02-08BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday, February 8, 2012 Beverly City Hall Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, February 8, 2012 in Council Chambers at City Hall, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Mayor Scanlon, David Manzi, Matthew Kavanagh, Paul Manzo, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein, and Annemarie Cesa Also in Attendance: Superintendent Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Maryellen Duffy, Director of Finance and Operations Jean Sherburne, Administrative Assistant to the School Committee Donna Bergeron, Student Representative Ian McHugh, Beverly High School Principal, Sean Gallagher, BHS Art Educator, Paula Borsetti, JROTC, CWO Thomas Smith Call to Order: Ms. Decker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Pledge of Allegiance: David Manzi led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. AGENDA Recognition of Students, Employees and Community Members Dr. Galinski, Maria Decker and Principal Sean Gallagher recognize the following BHS students who competed in WGBH's High School Quiz Show, which will be broadcast on February 26th. Yan Agudelo Jesse Pelletier Nick Miller Kayley Miskis Alex Pelletier Gabriel Buchsbaum Dr. Galinski, Maria Decker, Art Teacher, Paula Borsetti and Principal Sean Gallagher recognized the following BHS students for winning awards in The Boston Globe Scholastic Art Competition. Sam Aldrich Grade 10 — Gold Key Drawing Dan Cacciatore Grade 12 — Gold Key Photography Sam Shorr Grade 11 — Silver Key Photography Izzy Dow Grade 11 — Silver Key Photography Mariah Beard Grade 12 — Silver Key Ceramics Liz Flaherty Grade 12 — Honorable Mention Drawing Jake Levine Grade 12 — Honorable Mention Painting Jen Lomonte Grade 12 — Honorable Mention Photography Maria Decker and Dr. Galinski recognize Sarah Visnick, an 8 t " grade student at Briscoe Middle School chosen as the Ambassador for Beverly in Governor Patrick's Project 351 Sarah participated in this project on January 14, 2012. Maria Decker also recognized Lorinda Visnick who volunteered at the Governor's Project. Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non - Agenda - Related Items None Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda - Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the minutes from the January 18, 2012 School Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and approved by a vote of 7:0. Report from Student Representative to the School Committee Student Representative Ian McHugh reported the following sports activities: the boy's varsity hockey team is competing against Danvers tonight, girl's hockey competing on Sunday against Stoneham and the boy's Regular Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 2 of 6 basketball team has a game on Friday. Ian reported that the Beverly Bootstraps is collecting prom dresses in g ood condition for "Project Prom Night" on March 16 and BHS is hosting a Career Seminar on February 17 . Ian reported that the following items were discussed at the Student Advisory meeting this evening: accessibility of the guidance counselors who are also teaching, bringing back vending machines that would be available after school with more healthy alternatives and issues with the Advisory Block. Communications from Committee Members • Annemarie Cesa received an email regarding the cafeteria — choices, prices, vending machine and a request that the menus be available in a timelier manner. She was also asked about the sign language class not being considered a language this year responding that it will be next year. • Mayor Scanlon reported providing the State Treasurer, Steven Grossman with a tour of Briscoe and BHS on a recent visit. • Matthew Kavanagh received communications from a parent regarding their son's school records as well as class sizes and food choices. • Paul Manzo reported having a conversation with a Briscoe parent whose student was having issues with some classmates. Mr. Manzo suggested the parent speak with administration which she reportedly did. Mr. Manzo heard from an elementary parent that the number of parent volunteers at her school had declined and he received questions about staff changes, i.e. Ray Novack and Jennifer Flewelling. Mr. Manzo said he was asked to judge the North Beverly Science Fair on March 1 St and reported that the Ayers Science Fair is scheduled for March 7 th • Kris Silverstein reported communications regarding the North Beverly principal search and the high schools music director's position. • David Manzi received communications regarding third grade class sizes at Hannah and reported speaking with Walt Kosmowski from BevCam regarding increasing air time of the school committee meetings. • Maria Decker also received communications regarding the principal and music director search. She heard from constituents regarding the wind turbine, which she referred to Tim Howland, state of the ROTC program at the high school, class size and a sports team inquiry she referred to Athletic Director James Coffey. • Dr. Galinski commented that the North Beverly Principal Search Committee met this afternoon completing a review of approximately 50 applications received and comprised a list of questions for the eight candidates they are bringing forward. She stated that the committee was able to review all applications through a new online program called "School Spring ", making the process much more efficient. Report from Superintendent Galinski 1. Overnight Field Trip — MCJROTC — Camp Edwards, Massachusetts CWO Smith requested approval of a proposed overnight field trip to Camp Edwards, Massachusetts which is projected to take place on June 22 — 30, 2012. Cadet Rosario reported that the focus of the trip would be working with others; endurance and patience. He said that approximately 20 to 30 students have signed up to attend. A motion was made by Annemarie Cesa to approve the overnight field trip to Camp Edwards, Massachusetts on June 22 -30, 2012. The motion was seconded by Paul Manzo and approved by a vote of 7:0. 2. Special Education Mid -Cycle Review Report Dr. Maryellen Duffy provided a summery of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's (DESE) Mid -Cycle Report. She stated that the report, completed every three years, focused on special education criteria. The DESE found three criteria to be "partially implemented" and provided the District with corrective action plans which are being implemented. Report from School Committee President Maria Decker 1. Special Education Tour — February 3, 2012 Maria Decker reported that on the February 3 rd five city councilors, State Representative, Jerry Parisella, School Committee members and District Administration participated in the Special Education tour of the Centerville, Cove and Hannah Elementary Schools, Briscoe Middle and Beverly High Schools. During the Regular Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 3 of 6 tours they were able to observe the students participating in the many programs offered and services delivered throughout the District. Matthew Kavanagh commented that it was certainly an eye- opener seeing first hand the number of students getting terrific services and Paul Manzo stated that it was nice that the City Council members were able to participate in the tour to see first hand the seriousness with which students take their work. 2. Governance Project Maria Decker reported that the School Committee is participating in the Governance Project, offered through the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC). This is a pilot program providing committee members with a Coach, Dorothy Presser and professional development opportunities which Ms. Presser outlined at a recent meeting. 3. State of the Schools — February 29, 2012 Maria Decker stated that the State of the Schools Address will be held in the auditorium at Beverly High School on February 29 beginning at 7:00 p.m. Some of the topics to be discussed will be the BHS audit, Statement of Interest, Strategic Plan and Technology. Committee Reports Standing Committee on Finance & Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chairperson) Paul Manzo reported that the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities last met on January 25 in the Beverly High School Library. They welcomed City Council Representatives Scott Houseman and Donald Martin. The committee received a detailed buildings and grounds report from Director of Public Schools Division Tim Howland which included ongoing vandalism at the high school, surplus equipment and reviewed the buildings and grounds budget. Food Service Director, Nancy Antolini presented a review of her budget, an update to the Point of Sales and the proposed meal price increases. The committee also reviewed the FY12 expenses and revenues. The committee is bringing forward the following budget transfers for approval. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the attached FY2012 budget transfers. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein and approved by a vote of 7:0. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities a motion was made by Paul Manzo to approve the following school meal prices for the 2012 -2013 academic year: breakfast will be $2.00 at all schools, lunch will cost $3.00 at all schools, and milk will increase to $0.75 at all schools. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa. Prior to the vote a discussion followed with David Manzi voicing concern over the level pricing for both elementary and secondary. Paul Manzo stated that a review of the cost between elementary and secondary is pennies. Kris Silverstein questioned if raising prices would cause a decrease in students buying lunch. Maria Decker reported that lunch prices have not been increased in three years. A vote was taken which resulted in the following: (6:1) Yes Vote: Mayor Scanlon, Matthew Kavanagh, Paul Manzo, Maria Decker, Kris Silverstein, and Annemarie Cesa. No Vote: David Manzi Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Annemarie Cesa, Chairperson) Annemarie Cesa reported that the Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life Committee last met on February 1 St they had a lengthy discussion regarding the concussion policy and Dr. Duffy provided an update of the Race To The Top (RTTT) Grant. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, & Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Head Injuries and Concussions in Extracurricular Athletics" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our March 14, 2012 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. Regular Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 4 of 6 Policy Review Subcommittee (David Manzi, Chairperson) David Manzi reported that the Policy Review Subcommittee will meet on March 7, 2012 at 6:15 in the Superintendent's Office. Negotiations Subcommittee (Matthew Kavanagh, Chairperson) Matthew Kavanagh reported the Negotiations Subcommittee will meet on February 16, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Committee Engagement • Annemarie Cesa commented on Treasurer Steven Grossman's recent visit, the Y's new initiative "Healthier Community" which will be participating in a conference in Washington D.C. She said she is participating in the North Beverly Principal search and attended the EEC Open House. • David Manzi reported attending the EEC Open House commenting how fortunate we are to have this program. • Paul Manzo reported attending Hannah's PTO meeting and congratulated them on acquiring the Beverly Cultural Grant. He stated that Briscoe is looking for support with the upcoming Nature's Classroom trip hosting a fundraiser at Prince's Pizza. • Kris Silverstein said that she attended the Sped Tour, Treasurer Grossman's visit and the Polar Plunge. Kris reported that the Special Ed Ad Hoc committee is getting ready to begin their district visits. • Matthew Kavanagh attended the BHS Open House commenting the new format, having parents sign up for time slots, worked very well and that there was a wealth of information available to parents. • Maria Decker reported that BMPA is having a dance fundraiser, Briscoe's PTO is sponsoring a student vs. staff basketball game on March 7 th and Dr. Galinski was the guest speaker at Centerville's PTO meeting. She reported that the Polar Plunge raised $30,000, Centerville held a Super Bowl for Caring food donation, and BHS was hosting "Teens for Jeans" campaign to benefit the homeless and a blood drive. New Business Endicott College is hosting an exhibit beginning on February 14 in the Halle Library, School Days ... They aren't what they use to be! Opportunity for Questions from the Press Consider Executive Session A motion was made by David Manzi to enter into Executive Session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with union personnel and not to return to open session. The motion was seconded by Kris Silverstein. Maria Decker called for a roll call. A roll call vote resulted in the following: Yes: Kris Silverstein, Matthew Kavanagh, Annemarie Cesa, Paul Manzo, Mayor Scanlon, and Maria Decker David Manzi Maria Decker made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Annemarie Cesa and approved by a vote of 7:0. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Matthew Kavanagh, Secretary Beverly Public School Committee Regular Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 5 of 6 90MY PUBLIC SCH 502 Cabot Sbvet wetly, -mamsechmeft 01915 T0180. Or (978) 921 -8100 Ems. 725 Fax 78 22 1 -8U www.beyedysftols.org uperrrrerrdent of Schools. . r TO: eroding CommOm on FInancs & FacAftiss FROW Jew Sheftm DimeW of Flnenoe & O rWons RE: Appmal of X012 Transtm DATE: January 19, 201 .,lean A. Sherburne • DirseWr of Finance & OFem ons Attached please find a list of al trams neommry to adjust FY2012 wry and operaWnW wwuntB. Included In them bwafers Is the tr°ansfsr of salaries to . acoomrnodabs to n avemsnt of off column moves . 7bank you. • M L • F - - - • Regular Meeting February 8, 2012 Page 6 of 6 . r ■ • W12 App mod - y a t - ■ - ■ • �t ■ • r Bmkd T msfer fin# FY 2 R&A3bd BUd ti ■ ' AD176 610 $K2 $20,000 $85,275 AD195 6LW , = 0 000 ($16,200) $0, 600 A '015 6100 ' $98,6 1 - M703 - . ■ . '. A' '#5 61115 $121 V $124,2106 AYW75 611 O $5,200 $274,852 ■ ' A Y075 A 7 61135 $195fin $2,G 16 $198,418 • - � - , -. ■ AYM X140 =SIAN $6,026 $1 56,400 . ■ . 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