2012-01-11CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Parking and Traffic Commission SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: January 11, 2012 LOCATION: City Hall Conference Room B, Third Floor MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Rich Benevento, Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, Russ Rollins, Rich Hutchinson, Mike McCadden (for Bill Fiore) MEMBERS ABSENT: John Somes OTHERS PRESENT: Councilors Scott Houseman, Brett Schetzsle and Wes Slate, Police Officer Bill Barror RECORDER: Tina Cassidy Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. and suggests taking agenda items out of order to accommodate late arrivals. 1. Update on Street Signs in the Chapman's Corner Subdivision Cassidy updates members regarding last month's Order #194. During discussion of that Order a resident of the neighborhood lodged a complaint regarding traffic and parking in the new Chapman s Corner subdivision. She said motorists were traveling in both directions on what was supposed to be a one -way street and construction vehicles are often parked across roadways or left wheel to the curb. After the last meeting Cassidy says she brought the matter to the attention of the Assistant Planning Director Leah Zambernardi. Zambernardi identified a regulation in the subdivision rules which requires developers to erect all required street signage in a project prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit. She has informed the project engineer of the requirement and is in the process of scheduling a meeting with the engineer and City representatives. Cassidy will update members on this issue at the next meeting. 2. Discussion /recommendation to Planning Board: Site Plan Review Application #129 -11: Razing of existing commercial building and construction of new Walgreen's Pharmacy at 48 Dodge Street Attorney Tom Alexander addresses the Board and introduces the development team for Walgreen's which consists of Jeff Rhuda of Symes Development, Josh Swerling of Bohler Engineering, traffic engineer Jeffrey Dirk from VAI, Inc., and Doug Benoit of Bohler Engineering. Alexander first summarizes the parking situation by explaining how many parking spaces are required by zoning for both the new use and the existing Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Page 1 of 7 businesses /space that will remain; then explains the number of parking spaces that will be provided. In summary he says the zoning ordinance requires 102 parking spaces and they will be providing 120. Benevento questions those numbers, saying he reached a parking requirement of 150 spaces based on the square footage figures contained /cited in the submitted traffic study. A discrepancy /misunderstanding remains, and the applicants will provide a clearer summary of parking requirements /supply for the next meeting. Members ask general questions and express the following concerns: a. How long of a queue is expected at the drive - through? Answer: two cars. b. Did the developer contemplate alternative site layouts? Answer: no. C. Where will loading /shipping take place (concern expressed about possibilities of conflict between delivery trucks, drive - through customers, and entering /exiting traffic from Conant and Dodge Streets) d. Does Walgreen's have an analysis it can share with the Board to support its contention that Walgreen's stores actually need less parking than what a local community requires through zoning? Answer: Yes, and they will provide a summary to the Commission for the next meeting. Dirk states that the traffic counts showed volumes of 8,000 -9,000 cars per day on Conant Street traveling at an ambient speed of 30 miles per hour, and about 26,000 cars per day on Dodge Street at an ambient speed of 35 miles per hour. On Saturdays there are approximately 23,000- 24,000 cars traveling on Dodge Street. He also states that they analyzed crash data from the State and found that no crash rates exceeded State averages. DOT /Registry of Motor Vehicles data was used, not local information from the local Police Department. Peak times for the new store are expected to be 4 -6 p.m. on weekdays and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays. The traffic analysis also projected five years of future traffic growth and included traffic increases expected from other projects in the area that are either under construction or planned in the near future. The new Walgreen's is expected to generate 1,100 vehicle trips per day with half (550 trips) coming from existing traffic already traveling by the site. The study assumed a more conservative 800 "new' trips per day would be generated, with 100 new trips per hour generated during the weekday peak hours and 85 +/- trips per hour generated during the Saturday peak hours. 30% of the new trips are assumed to come from the north, 30% from the south, and 20% from the Route 128 on -off ramps. Dirk also mentions that there is insufficient room within the roadway layout to stripe a formal turn lane on Conant Street, though there is physically enough room for a car to pass one turning left. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Page 2 of 7 The applicants state that the plans and traffic study have been submitted to MassDOT's District 4 offices but the applicants have not yet received any feedback. They state in response to a question that the new Walgreen's will not be open 24 hours per day. Slate respects that answer but says that because the CVS across the road is open 24 hours, it is reasonable to assume that Walgreen's will want to do the same. Bent asks Dirk if VAI evaluated the Dodge /Conant /N. Beverly Plaza intersection as a 4 way intersection with a split phase. Dirk says they have not, and Bent encourages him to do so. Rollins expresses concern about the age and utility of the traffic signals at the intersection of Conant and Cabot Streets. That intersection will be affected greatly by the new Walgreen s especially in light of the fact that a 173 -unit elderly housing project has just been completed on Conant Street. Cassidy states that she made sure VAI knew about that project, and Dirk confirms that he factored it into the traffic analyses. Cassidy expresses concern about the proposal to allow left turns into the Conant Street driveway and left turns out of that same driveway. Members and the applicant discuss the main driveway which currently services all uses on this site. No improvements are currently planned for this driveway but Rollins and Bent suggest the applicant consider either widening the driveway to incorporate a turn lane for exiting traffic and /or elongating the existing median on Dodge Street to prevent motorists on the Route 128 ramps from shooting across 3 -4 lanes of traffic in an attempt to enter the site. Dirk mentions that the existing monument sign for Appleseed's impedes site distances presently, and relocation of that sign will help. He will also review the existing driveway to see if changes /improvements are possible. Alexander explains that the applicant does not have the legal authority to accept limitations of the main driveway's function because the other businesses on the site have mutual rights to use it. Bent states that this proposal (involving on one portion of a larger site) is not an ideal situation. He would very much like to see the applicants consider the access issues not in a narrow way but rather on a broader scope (i.e. the entire site). He points out the myriad driveways, noting that the one servicing Fast Freddie's is almost literally on the Route 128 access ramp. He sees potential for greater conflicts on the site (Fast Freddie's driveway, motorists lined up for gas pumps, restaurant traffic, etc.) in addition to potential conflicts at the proposed drive - through lane for the new Walgreen's. He would like to see the site designed to address all of the current and future deficiencies and issues as part of this project. Benoit informs members that this proposed Walgreen's, at approximately 13,000 sq. ft., is smaller than the facilities Walgreen s usually builds (14,500 — 15,000 sq. ft.). Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Page 3 of 7 Benevento suggests that further discussion be tabled to the Commission's February meeting and summarizes the outstanding issues /comments for next month: a. Double -check analytical techniques; b. The study showed that operations at the main driveway degrade from LOS E to LOS F, which is an impact and an issue; C. Analyze the existing main driveway to identify potential improvements; d. Look at creating a better parkingibuilding layout and better circulation; e. Long queues on Dodge Street and inadequate gaps exiting off Route 128 southbound are of concern; f. The impact of prohibiting left turns out of the Conant Street driveway and the impact of prohibiting left hand turns into the Conant Street driveway should be studied; g. Current timing on existing signal at the North Beverly Plaza entrance /Conant Street intersection should be evaluated; and h. The Fire Department will be concerned about access onto Conant Street from the site. McCadden adds that the Fire Department would not be in favor of extending the length of the existing median on Dodge Street since it would make access by emergency vehicles more difficult. 3. Discussion /next steps: Possible truck exclusion for Cole Street Rollins states that since the last meeting he contacted a Mr. Robinson at MassDOT's offices in Boston regarding the question of where the State's jurisdiction over Route 127 begins and ends, relative to the possibility the City might impose a truck exclusion on Cole Street. Robinson saw no issues relative to the State's highway jurisdiction that would affect such a request. Members discuss what is needed to pursue a truck exclusion route. Rollins says 24 hour counts of traffic that classify vehicles is needed and at least one other route must be identified as an alternative route for trucks to take. Bent explains that certain data regarding the roadway's physical condition (i.e. geometry and width of pavement) will be needed. Much of that data can probably be provided by the City's engineering department. The traffic counts will likely need to be completed by hired labor. Houseman reminds members that concerns have recently been raised about the safety of the intersection of Hale and Corning Streets. Since Corning Street is very likely the alternate route that trucks would use if Cole Street was not available, he wonders if the Commission would be concerned about safety on Coming Street as a result. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Page 4 of 7 Rollins recommends pursuing the next steps toward designating Cole Street as a truck exclusion route. Bent suggests that MassDOT may be available to do the required traffic counts for free. Cassidy says that might be a more difficult route (or longer route) than simply asking the City's Finance Director whether City money is available. The counts are expected to cost around $250 each, and if three are needed the total cost would be less than $1,000. That amount of money may be available in the current City budget. Bent offers to contact a colleague at MassDOT to find out exactly what must be included in a truck exclusion request and hopes to be able to provide a list of engineering- related information that will be needed. The Engineering Department will then be contacted to see if they can provide it. 4. Continued discussion: Citizen request to add stop signs on Parramatta Road (by relocating existing xisting stop signs that are now on the intersecting side streets) Rollins updates the members by explaining that he and officer Bill Barror set up a speed analyzer on Parramatta Road as promised at the last meeting. Though data is brief (copies distributed to members) it shows that nearly all vehicles are traveling at or below the speed limit of 30 miles per hour and that only 2% of all vehicles exceeded the speed limit. Only one vehicle was traveling at a speed likely to prompt enforcement during the study period. This information, coupled with the fact that stop signs are not permitted to be used as speed control devices, lead the commission to the conclusion that the suggestion should not be advanced. On a somewhat unrelated note, Benevento reminds members and those in the audience that he will be making his annual address to the City Council on the Commissions behalf within the next month or so. He asks Cassidy to contact Council President Paul Guanci and the City Clerk to schedule it. 5. Discussion: City Council Order from Wes Slate re: conduct of traffic and parkin study tudy in the vicinity of the proposed commuter rail parking ag�rag_e Members briefly discuss this Order which has been reintroduced as a formal Council Order for discussion in 2012. Cassidy reports that she conveyed to the Mayor the Commission's desire and intent to schedule a meeting between MBTA traffic consultants, City staff, Commission members and the City's Route 1A consultants to discuss the potential impacts of the planned commuter rail garage. He is supportive. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Pagc5of7 She is working with MBTA Project Manager George Doherty to schedule that meeting. A meeting also needs to be scheduled at some point between Commission representatives and the City personnel working on general parking and parking meter issues in the general vicinity of the garage. Benevento asks that he and Bent be given copies of the 25% design plans for the Rantoul Street project. The matter will be discussed again at the next Commission meeting. 6. Discussion of citizen's request to consider (a) designating one side of certain streets for parking during snow emergencies and (b) amending winter parking regulations by suspending meter enforcement and off - street parking lot enforcement during snow emergencies Cassidy and Houseman briefly explain the two suggestions sent to Houseman by a constituent. Benevento believes discussion of either idea should include Public Works Commissioner Mike Collins. He suggests that further discussion be tabled until next month and Collins invited to the meeting. Rollins states that he doubts the Department would be in favor of the "one side of the street" idea, since it would automatically dictate two days' of snow removal on those streets instead of one. Cassidy will invite Collins to the next meeting. 7. Approval of Minutes: December 6, 2011 meeting Benevento asks if everyone has read the draft minutes for the last meeting and whether there are any corrections that need to be made. There are none. Hutchinson: motion to approve the draft minutes of the Commission's December 6, 2011 meeting, seconded by Rollins. Benevento, Cassidy, Rollins, Hutchinson in favor, no one against, Bent in absention, McCadden does not vote. The motion carries 4 -0 -1. 8. New or Other Business Hutchinson states that he's noticed an unnecessarily dangerous situation at the southbound on -ramp to Route 128 at Brimbal Avenue. Though there is an acceleration lane motorists don't use it because it is not properly striped. Benevento suggests the City might want to author a letter from the Mayor to MassDOT District 4 Chief Engineer Patty Leavenworth asking for a review of all Route 128 interchanges in Beverly to assess adequacy and safety of traffic operations. The Commission and Mike Collins should be copied on that letter. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Page 6 of 7 Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission minutes January 10, 2012 meeting Pagc7of7