2002-05-13BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MAY 13, 2002 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Mahoney, Nelson, Simpson, Tognazzi, Trask, Vitale, and White ABSENT: Commissioners Lydon and Rosen PUBLIC: Ken Lewis, Gerry Nelson, Bruce Eaton, Dave Graham, Ken Robinson, Alex Skrabut, Rich Mello, and Angier Ames A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Vitale called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentation: · Edwards & Kelcey Update – Dave Graham updated the commission on the environmental portions of the RSA project. The project will not have to have an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) but rather a less time consuming and less costly Environmental Assessment (EA). · Angier Ames, T-Hangar Development Interest – Mr. Ames appeared before the commission and presented his desire to lease infield area at the corner of Bravo and Delta taxiways, across from Hangar #4 for t- hangar development. There were commission questions regarding access, utilities, and wetland impact. The airport commission decided to form a sub-committee to ascertain the viability of West Side T-hangar development, starting with access. 2. Reading of the Minutes for April 2002 – Chairman Vitale called for a reading of the minutes from the April meeting. Commissioner Duval made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Tognazzi. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman Vitale called for a reading of the financial report. Vice Chairman White gave the financial report for April 2002. Commissioner Trask made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: Sub-Committee Reports · Property/Legal/Finance Subcommittee – Commissioner Mahoney informed the commission of City Council’s approval of $159,000 from Urban Development Grant Program Funds for the completion of the Gurnard site cleanup. · Public Relations Subcommittee – Commissioner Simpson reported on latest efforts to produce a public relation packet and Commissioner 1 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MAY 13, 2002 Trask reported on the results of a meeting with Danvers airport abutters. Meeting included talks about airport noise, fumes, communication, complaint process, general airport information and frequently asked questions. Chairman Vitale asked Bruce Eaton if he would work with Karen Nelson in helping Mr. Richard Mello with his drainage concern. Chairman Vitale told the commission that an airport presentation will be given to the Danvers Town Manager and Selectmen within the next four weeks. · Facilities and Maintenance Subcommittee – Commissioner Tognazzi submitted two maps; one showed proposed areas on the airport where shrubs and flowers could be planted and the other showed a proposed viewing stand. Commissioner Tognazzi also submitted comments that G.A.S.’s Hangars #2 and #3 needed painting, N.E.F.’s building needed repairs, painting, and electrical work, and Coastal Pool should install the Barracks Building’s rear area fencing and gate. He also suggested that buildings at the airport have a choice of two paint colors to ensure uniformity. C. NEW BUSINESS: None D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: Airport Manager Mezzetti informed the commission on the April traffic count, airport April landing and parking fees, MEPA meeting results, tax abatement appeal status, MALS repair, tower status (opening an hour earlier), latest on proposed zoning change, defensive driving training at the airport, FAA grant status for airport costs incurred during the enhanced Class “B” airspace restriction, security signs, Gurnard status, CPI rent increases for G.A.S. and N.E.F., Wyler hangar construction, MAMA meeting, noise complaints, airport maintenance, and VMP herbicide spraying schedule. E. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: · Chairman Vitale updated the commission on industrial parcel interest. · Chairman Vitale read a magazine article that said even if a city paid off FAA grant money, the city still could not close down an airport. 2 BEVERLY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MAY 13, 2002 · Chairman Vitale presented former Commissioner Gourdeau with a plaque for his service on the commission. F. COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Vice Chairman White said that the commission should get an understanding of who pays the realtor’s commission for sale or lease of its industrial parcels. Chairman Vitale said that the commission would not pay a commission, that it’s the buyers/renters responsibility. · Commissioner Mahoney made a motion for the commission to oppose the proposed zoning change contained in City Council Order #29, seconded by Commissioner Trask. Motion passed unanimously. · Vice Chairman White asked the Airport Manager to check with the Director of Finance to ascertain if Urban Development Grant Program Funds were not already used up. · The commission instructed the Airport Manager to apply for a M.A.C. grant to repair the large cracks in Runway 9-27. G. PUBLIC COMMENTS: H. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Tognazzi, seconded by Commissioner Duval. Motion passed unanimously. 3