2009-01-12Beverl Golf &Tennis Commission 1/12/09 Meetin Minutes Meetin called to order at 7:00 pm In Attendance: Mr. Lowd Mr. Bar Mr. Crandall Mr. Klein Mr. Lawler Mr. Richardson Guests: Mr. Dunn Mr. Crovett1 Openin remarks b Mr. Lowd: Mr. Lowd introduced himself to the g uests as the new BGT Chairperson for the y ear 2010. He indicated that the Commission will meet the second Tuesda of each month and would continue to have cordial meetin throu the y ear. Minutes for 12/08/09 Mr. Lawler did a brief review of the Finance Repoli for the Commission members. Mr. Klein motioned to accept the Finance Report as presented,, seconded b Mr. Bar Motion carried 6-0. -Mana Contract Status Mr. Dunn indicated that the RFP is on the street and that the have formed a Review Board to open the bids on 1/28/10 scannin for minimum re rank- them, experience, ideas of operation. He also stated that there were 13 interested parties reviewin the RFP. Dependin on how man actuall submit will depend on how lon the review process will take. The Course is bein run on a da to da basis. Mr. Dunn asked the Commission to review the RFP and the current contract and make note of an chan the feel ma benefit the Cit Mr. Klein stated that the Ma has the final decision. BG&T Site Project Status Mr. Dunn stated that the steel buildin is bein delivered on Monda the contract for erectin the buildin has been awarded and should be complete within the next two months. The Environment report lists three options the Cit can take. 1. $180,,000 cost for complete clean up and removal of 935 tons of soil. No use restrictions. 2. $80,,000 cost for partial clean up and removal of 75 tons of soil. 3. $50,000 for partial clean up with "activit and use restrictions" (AUL) He has contacted Ra Bouchard and asked for a list of AUL for options 3. There is no update on the Pro Shop at this time. Club House Update Mr. Lowd briefly summarized the on going setbacks regarding the Club House and the ADA updates. The Historic Building Status of the Club House has prevented certain progress but has asked the Commission to consider stair lifts vs an elevator and the possibility of installing an ADA locker room as an addition onto the tennis building. Mr. Lowd asked for questions from the guests present. A woman indicated that she received an email from Mr. Crovetti stating that her second installment payment will be automatically charged to her credit card. She was concerned that other people who don't have computers don't have knowledge of this process and it may cause some upset with the other members. Mr. Crovetti stated that he has sent out the email and that January 15 was the scheduled date for the credit card charges to be posted. Mr. Dunn asked the Commission to ask Management not to proceed with this process until he has an opportunity to contact all members and is certain that this will flow smoothly. He feels this need to be communicated to his -satisfaction. Mr. Barger motioned to ask Management (Bass River Tennis) to delay credit card charges that will be processed on January 15 until Mr. Dunn can communicate this process to all BGT members. This motion was seconded by Mr. Lawler. Motion carried 6 -0. Mr. Barger motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Lawler. Meeting adjourned at $:OSpm.