2010-07-13Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission 07/13/10 Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Commissioners Mr. Lowd Mr. Barger Mr. Crandall Mr. Lawler Mr. Richardson GFMI Mr. Carter Mr. Murphy Mr. Dion Mr. Page Invited Guest Janet Gaffey Opening Remarks Mr. Lowd stated that there has been a lot of activity in a lot of different places that will be discussed this evening. Mr. Barger shared a wonderful compliment regarding the condition and management of the course. Approval of Minutes Mr. Lawler motions to accept the minutes, seconded by Mr. Barger. Motion carried 4 -0. Mr. Crandall arrives. Finance Report Mr. Lawler stated that the balance in the maintenance account is $4,277 but there are invoices that will utilize those funds and the account will break even. He also distributed spreadsheets explaining the maintenance fund and the Bond fund. Mr. Richardson motions to accept the Finance Report, seconded by Mr. Barger. Motion carried 5 -0. Tennis Mr. Carter indicated that the weather has been very good resulting in a great tennis season. They do have the option to use Bass River Tennis as a back up during bad weather. They have closed the driving range for parking when necessary, but overall it is a good season. Pro Shop Mr. Carter indicated that they would tie into the existing wiring for the camera system. There will be cameras near the carts, two inside the building, and one outside viewing the entrance, one in the pub and one in the Great Room. Ms. Gaffey indicated that for the most part everything is on schedule. Mr. Dunn would provide the paint when ready. Next week will be insulation and lighting. Mr. Dunn will order the new handicap door and a metal security door will be placed over it for added security. She also indicated that power washing the fireplace did not give her the result she was looking for. She will get prices on sandblasting but for now will leave as is. She also showed the Commission the rug and cabinetry to be used. Mr. Crandall would like to see a desk height counter behind the main counter. Mr. Carter stated that the pro shop sign needs to be moved to expose a preexisting window but is concerned the sign will obtain damage in the process. Mr. Lawler stated to move the sign and if damage occurs, they will discuss purchasing a new sign. Mr. Lawler motioned to remove the old pro shop sign, replace the two existing windows with two new windows. Place the sign (old or new) on two posts to cover the oil tank with hostas planted at the base. This is not to exceed $1000. Mr. Dunn indicated that the Mass. Historic Commission would be in to discuss color schemes they are permitted to use. Course /Grounds Update Mr. Murphy indicated that he is continuously working on bunkers. He would like to use a city contractor for paving. He would like one bid put out for $350,000 for normal cart path work and tie in some additional renovations. He would like this to start around the beginning of October. He also wants to include some Tee's and would like it completed by Thanksgiving. He also indicated that all bunkers would be done this year. He stated that their staff would do the drainage; he feels it is too difficult to bid out. An additional $10,000 will be needed for materials and special piping requested by Mr. Collins. He is ordering sod and loam as needed. He also stated that the cost of ripping up existing hot top and regrading would cost $360,000. Mr. Collins also suggested that the cart paths be 8' wide. Mr. Carter stated they are trying to follow the general path. The Master Plan calls for the path down right side of 8; we are trying to cut back on expenses. Mr. Lawler motioned to authorize $350,000 for the cart path and additional relevant work, seconded by Mr. Barger. Motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Barger motioned to authorize $10,000 for drainage project and miscellaneous materials, pipe, sod loam, seconded by Mr. Lawler. Motion carried 5 -0. Maintenance Building Mr. Dunn stated that he would go before the Planning Board on 7/20 for permit to place the maintenance on the last tennis court. Mr. Dunn will be sure abutter concerns are addressed at this time. Concom is not involved in this matter. Then the Commission will meet with a qualified architect who will move along quickly on this. Mass. Preservation Projects Fund Mr. Lowd and Mr. Dunn attended a meeting with Mass. Historic Commission regarding applying for a $50,000 grant. A liaison will be at the clubhouse in a few days to review the building and repairs they wish to perform. Mr. Dunn indicated that the BGT Commission will need to match the funds granted to them, and the project (s) need to be finished and inspected by 6/30/11. The grant will come with requirements and Mr. Dunn is confident they will meet those requirements. An architect will move quickly to work with them regarding the deadline for inspection. Mr. Dunn stated that they need an architect familiar with the Mass. Historical Commission requirements and possibly follow the repair suggestions in the Gale Report. Restaurant /Pub Mr. Page distributed an estimate he received regarding new drapery throughout the clubhouse. The estimate included individual prices for individual windows /rooms. Mr. Lowd asked Mr. Page to leave the material samples for the Mass. Historical Commission to review, if needed. Mr. Lawler motioned upon approval of Mass. Historical Commission to grant $1300 for drapes for Fireside and Access rooms. Motion seconded by Mr. Crandall. Motion carried 5 -0. Mr. Page also stated that they have purchased cash registers and vacuum cleaners. Many people have already rebooked for next year. Golf Mr. Carter distributed a spreadsheet containing "golf rounds" from March to present and indicated that the golf rounds are up. He stated that they are currently a couple hundred light but spring and fall golf will have a big impact. He also stated that the course is in great shape and they have a lot of walk ins. If it stays affordable, he is certain it will get better. Mr. Carter did show concern whether they are forced to maintain resident and non - resident rates. He indicated that the North Reading Course rates work great and are less awkward. Mr. Dunn will review the regulations regarding "resident and non - resident" rates. He will research and have information at the August meeting. Other Business Mr. Lowd was informed of an "alcohol truck" brought onto the course during a tournament. He stated that if the establishment operates their business under a valid liquor license, this is not allowed. Mr. Lowd thanked Mr. Page for the concern and will address the matter. Mr. Lowd also asked the Commission for their ideas on celebrating the 100 Anniversary for the BGT Club and stated that it will be up for discussion during the August meeting. Mr. Lambert and Mr. Ascolillo were appointed co- chairs on the committee regarding the 100 Anniversary Celebration. Mr. Lawler motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Barger. Motion carried 5 -0.