2010-11-09Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission 11/09/10 Meeting Minutes Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. In Attendance: Commissioners Mr. Lowd Mr. Ascolillo Mr. Barger Mr. Crandell Mr. Lambert Mr. Lawler Mr. Richardson GFMI Mr. Carter Mr. Dion Mr. Page Opening Remarks Mr. Lowd welcomed all to the November meeting of the BGT. Finance Report Mr. Lawler distributed the Finance Report to the Commission. Mr. Richardson motioned to approve the finance report, seconded by Mr. Ascolillo. Motion carried 6 -0. BGT Site Proiects Pro Shop Mr. Lowd got an update from Ms. Gafney regarding the few remaining details regarding the pro -shop. They are currently utilizing spare carpet for the entrance and in front of the counter. Mr. Carter indicated that a rug is needed, with or without a logo. He will obtain three quotes and present to the Commission. The remaining shelving will be installed shortly plus any outstanding items from Janet. Cart Paths Brian is presenting report; Mr. Murphy is unavailable for this meeting. They are making progress with the cart paths. They will keep going as long as weather cooperates. There is no asphalt laid yet. They are currently stockpiling material along McKay Street for removal. The tee work will follow. Golf Course The irrigation system has been blown out and winterized, along with the pump station. They are still working on the tree work. They will postpone covering greens as long as there is an interest in playing. The only troubled greens at this time; 16, 4 & 2. Maintenance Building Mr. Dunn stated that the old maintenance site is still in the hands of DER The slab is waiting to be poured on the new building location. He also indicated that there will be netting placed to protect the neighbors properties. Tennis The tape /nails will be pulled from the courts. They will be stored in the tennis building; the tennis building is in the process of being winterized. The Burt Page Report Mr. Page indicated that the weather has impacted business, sales are lower. He stated that they are still planning a full grill room for the winter and breakfast will start to be served on Saturday. They may close on Mondays if necessary. The light fixtures are in and installed. The window treatments are still in process. The dance floor is complete. They have also painted the bar area. He stated that all their functions have resulted in positive feedback. He has Christmas parties booked and meetings. They have been having difficulties with one of the boilers and asked for suggestions on repairing it. The Carter Report Mr. Carter distributed the 2011 Season Dues Form and Rounds Report. He indicated that he would keep the existing rates and only wants to change wording on limited membership. He stated that keeping the rates the same will draw more business. Mr. Lawler asked Mr. Carter to present his 2011 rates in "Proposal Form" for the City Council. He can email the proposal to Mr. Lowd to present to the Council. Mr. Lawler motioned to approve the proposal presented by GFMI that fees remain the same as presented on 2011 season dues form, seconded by Mr. Richardson. Motion carried 6 -0. Mr. Carter indicated that he found a "wait list" dated 2004; he composed a letter and sent it out to those people on that wait list to see if they respond. Mr. Lawler motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Barger. Motion carried 6 -0.