2011-05-04CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee May 4, 2011 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), Nancy Coffey, David Gardner, Pam Kampersal, James Matz, Marilyn McCrory, and Sylvan Menezes Sue Beaudoin, David Brewster, and Bill Squibb Amy Maxner, Environmental Planner Dan Streeter, New England Mountain Biking Association Jane Dooley Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Acceptance of Previous Minutes — April 6, 2011 Members review draft April 6, 2011 meeting minutes. Members discuss amendments with Maxner. McCrory makes a motion to approve April 6, 2011 open session minutes as amended. Seconded by Menezes. Motion carries 5 -0 -1. Kampersal abstains. Maxner notes that the Committee still needs to review and approve April 6, 2011 executive session minutes. New Business Beverly Commons Trail Improvement Proiects — Essex County Greenbelt & New England Mountain Biking Association — Presentation & Discussion with Dan Streeter, NEMBA and Kate Walton, ECGA Dan Streeter of NEMBA was present, while Kate Walton from ECGA who was ill did not attend. Streeter discusses with Committee, NEMBA's and ECGA's continued efforts for trail improvement projects at Beverly Commons. Streeter met with Committee in August of last year relative to another trail improvement project. There is interest in coming back this year for two workdays from 8:30 a.m. until noon in collaboration with Committee and ECGA. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 4, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 Streeter identifies two projects: A — Provide alternate route to Sue Winchester trail that currently exists that would be more sustainable (Greenwood Avenue up to the mill property and up to the secondary trail off of Branch Lane near the wetland where there is a ravine, there are rock outcroppings, and this is the highest area in Beverly Commons). He explains the proposal for a red trail starting at notation #1 on the Beverly Commons trail map, "Snowshoe Trail" sometimes called "Mom's Trail" (for Cindy Mom a former ECGA employee) where much of trail is on ECGA conservation restriction at ravine. It would require two, 20' plank bridges near a spring bed on Wood Lane. Another trail is off of this area. The purpose is to provide a way to get through middle of property without using poor trail sections that are undesirable. Secondary trail comes out by vernal pool. He did not recommend closing any part of trail. Dunne suggests that brush could be put down to discourage people from using the old trail. Streeter says Sue Winchester trail is a named trail and there is no good alternative. McCrory mentions it creates confusion to have a trail not clearly marked and not suppose to be used. She would rather see a well- designed, well- marked trail. Streeter suggests a walk be done rather than flagging the trail. He notes individuals have been doing drainage work at Wood and Branch Lanes. Streeter explains project B — He notes there is a mud bog in the middle of Branch Lane, which would require a lot of work and be costly to address. He recommends that a 200' boardwalk be installed to the side in broad wetland area from Route 128 culvert that runs up to higher ground. He notes that NEMBA or ECGA could apply for a grant to pay for lumber. Streeter shows the Committee before and after photos of a project done in two locations last year. A bridge was built over a 30' mud hole and it is getting a lot of use. NEMBA has done a lot of work with ECGA as Beverly Commons is an important property to ECGA with a conservation restriction. Maxner informs Committee that Conservation Commission discussed this and was supportive of proposal and if OSRC schedules a site inspection some of them would try their best to attend. She notes that she will participate on the site walk if one can be scheduled. Streeter says a lot of it is on Old Farm Road and takes a while to find so it would be best if he or Kate be guides. Committee discussed if new trail was installed, what areas of old trail would be blocked off Dunne suggests if Sue Winchester is inadequate, and that a new trail could be renamed in her honor and users would be encouraged to use new trail since old trail is worn. Streeter says on Beverly Commons trail map from the red notation #2 on Branch Lane, the trail is not there and is worse than Sue Winchester trail. He recommends closing off area on Wood Lane trail near vernal pool. Sue Winchester trail could be left for a while for bicyclists since walkers rarely use it. Minor upgrades could be done at 2, 3, and 4 paths with rerouting and filling potholes with rock. Planks were put in at Wood Lane depression. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 4, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 Streeter explains that on the trail map dark green property is owned by ECGA and City owns lighter green. He notes that trail would be routed so it is not visible and would not come out to Branch Lane since a trail is already in place. Discussion ensues regarding a large fallen tree blocking end of Branch Lane and if City's public works department would clear tree. Maxner agrees to contact the Forestry Division about this. Committee members express interest in participating in site walk possibly at 5 p.m. during the week. Maxner will initiate an email for site walk dates for Committee (Tuesday or Wednesday nights). Streeter mentions that a walk would be easier if there were flags to follow and he'll try to get that done to represent a preliminary trail location. He notes that a trail day is scheduled for September 10 but could occur sooner in June. Emerald Necklace Trail Map — Update on Map Revisions Maxner states that she didn't have any updates on Emerald Necklace Trail Map. Roland Adams, G.I.S. manager, is in process of making changes on map. Gardner notes that he is working with R. Adams, will edit changes and come back to Committee for review on additions. Other City Board 's /Commission's/Department's agenda items Maxner notes that the Conservation Commission is meeting on April 26 and there is nothing of open space significance. 44 -46 River Street was continued again because National Grid needs more time to respond to City's peer review report. Discussion will resume on May 17. Kampersal inquires about Old Rubbly Road extension discussed at past two Planning Board meetings and public right of way relative to a developer's interpretation about abutters and their right to improve it. Matz explains that the Planning Board disagreed with developer on the ownership issue. He notes the developer was seeking a waiver of the owner's signature on the application from Planning Board. However, Matz notes that the Board saw no reasonable effort was demonstrated to identify who owns it and directed the developer to better research this issue. Kampersal suggests developer should have gone to land court. Matz explains that developer and City solicitor concur that two abutters do not own it. Committee discusses how City has a permanent easement to it so it is not responsible for finding owner. Matz explains at the upcoming May 17 Planning Board meeting the developer can present information on further research done to find the owner. Kampersal reports that even the developer stated at a previous Planning Board meeting that he believes the land is undevelopable, but plans on moving ahead despite the challenges. Matz notes that nearby parcels in Wenham have received full approval for development by the Wenham Planning Board, however the only access is over Old Rubbly Road, which is from Beverly and therefore the need for Beverly Planning Board approval. Updates Open Space & Recreation Committee May 4, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Bathing Beach Lane — Right of Way Research Update Maxner will ask B. Munroe again about how to gain access over private way. Tall Tree Drive Easement Maxner is waiting for new sketch plan from Engineering. Ward Councillor Kevin Hobin agreed to call Engineering about the plan. Maxner will follow up again. National Grid — Trail and Stream Crossing & 44 -46 River Street Proiect Maxner states that the City is going to leverage what National Grid is doing at 44 River Street. Harbor Authority is going to push issue about Chapter 91 access for the River Street site. Matz will speak to environmental engineer at Grid before next OSRC meeting. Community Preservation Act (CPA) McCrory updates Committee that she spoke to two Ward Councilors, Wesley Slate and Maureen Troubetaris, who urged OSRC members to speak to their respective Ward Councilors about any information they might need on CPA. Maxner had emailed a synopsis sheet to Committee members. Norwood Pond Matz explains that he feels very strongly that the Norwood Pond open space deserves more permanent protection and would like to work on the effort to get a CR placed over the property. Kampersal explains that several years ago an anonymous benefactor offered the City a large sum of money in exchange for placing a CR on Norwood open space and Mayor Scanlon and Essex County Greenbelt went so far as to draft a CR but it was never finalized. She offers to talk to benefactor to inquire if they would still be interested. Maxner notes that the Committee provided a well - polished power point presentation about the benefits of a CR to the City Council a couple of years ago but the Council took no action. Matz states he was willing to draft letter to the Council about this matter. Kampersal explains the Mayor wants an interchange at Brimbal Avenue off of Route 128 leading to the North Shore Music Theatre, which would open up commercial and industrial land, a majority of which is owned by only one person. Discussion ensues on potential value of land and related drainage problems. Maxner explains that currently there is an Open Space Recreation Overlay Zone on the entire City owned parcels. She notes that a zoning overlay on City land could be changed with a two - thirds vote by City Council. Discussion ensues on whether or not a conservation restriction could be pursued for land. Dunne notes this was put into the OSRC action plan as a high priority. Matz states he is willing to champion conservation restriction for Norwood Pond. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 4, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Maxner will forward the power point to Matz. Other Business Earth Day Nature Walks 2011 — Review upcoming events & schedule The next walk is on May 15. Maxner notes that walks will be listed in two newspaper calendars and are in events section of City website. Chapman's Corner/Manor Homes at Whitehall — Access Pathway to Open Space Parcel - Update Maxner notes that a site inspection was held with Matz, Joan Johnson, Jane Brusca, Scott Houseman of Beverly Land Trust, Maxner, Leah Zambernardi, and Bob Griffin. The walkway is located over ledge, and has steep drop that could be potentially dangerous, and is located within 10' of a residence. Matz explains that the existing pathway is also blocked by landscaping and is unacceptable in its current state and layout. Maxner says suggestions were made by the project engineer about building up retention basin to make an easier slope although this was not considered best proposal as it still traversed the rip - rap slope of the basin. Another alternative was to shift the trail to lot next door because there is flat area with gentle slope. Trail would encumber another property but the developer is adamant about keeping the trail and retention basin on one lot. Matz says alternative trail location would go along existing stonewall near dense thicket and would not diminish the second parcel's value. Maxner notes that every lot in subdivision had a waiver of some dimensional requirement or another and suggested that the second lot line be changed to keep the trail on the original parcel but in a better location. She noted that filling the basin for a trail that could constitute either a minor modification to subdivision or amendment that could require a public hearing. Drainage for subdivision had three separate peer reviews. Discussion ensues about fencing around retention pond and drainage area. Dunne suggests an alternative location for path on right side of house. According to Matz and Maxner, this had not been considered. Gardner agrees to look at site tomorrow relative to putting right of way further away from house. Other discussion /action items related to Committee business Maxner will follow up with B. Munroe about stonewall at right of way public access at Essex Street across from Cole Street. Maxner summarizes to do list for Committee: email about site walk at Beverly Commons with D. Streeter; notify Mike Collins about fallen tree over Branch Lane trail; follow up with Eric Barber about Tall Tree Drive easement; follow up with B. Munroe about gaining access at Bathing Beach Lane; email Matz synopsis of National Grid substation trail chronology; Matz will start working on Norwood Pond and Maxner will send him PowerPoint presentation; Gardner will look at alternative pathway for Chapman's Corner; Coffey going to follow up with Open Space & Recreation Committee May 4, 2011 Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 B. Munroe about Pole Swamp lane parcel transfer to Con Com; Norwood Pond kiosk needs new plexi -glass and poster as well as no dumping sign and there are a couple of trees across trails. OSRC will mark up Executive Session meeting minutes for April 6, 2011 and give to Maxner. Committee will vote on these minutes at its next meeting. Gardner notes his changes to April 6 open session meeting minutes and members agree they have already been addressed. Gardner notes that Mrs. Smithson died and she owned a parcel of land by Pole Swamp Lane. He suggests planning be done for future to maintain contact with her heirs who may have potential interest in developing the property. He notes that this holds true for all large parcel owners in the Farms, in particular. He thought ECGA's Ed Becker could be consulted on this. Next meeting agenda items and scheduling The Committee's next meeting is scheduled for June 1, 2011. Matz motions to adjourn, seconded by Coffey. The motion passes 7 -0. The meeting is adjourned at 8:57 pm.