2010-09-20 MEETING MINUTES (Site Visit) BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDERS: Corner of Cross and Boden Streets Tuesday, September 21, 2010 Chairman Richard Benevento, Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy, Richard Hutchinson, Ilia Stacey Bill Page Councilor Kevin Hobin, Kristin Guanci Tina Cassidy The site visit is called to order at 6:00 p.m. Cassidy briefly explains that the Commission decided to conduct a site visit at the suggestion of Bill Page. Page had been contacted by Kristin Guanci who relayed neighbors' concerns with parking and traffic around the park at this location. Recent improvements at the park have increased the number of people using it. Members review existing conditions at the park and on Boden and Ray Streets which are both currently two-way roads. Members discuss the impact of allowing parking on both sides of either roadway, including narrower travel lanes and concerns for pedestrians crossing the roads. They discuss the recent improvements to the playground portion of the site and how that impacted the neighborhood this year, as well as potential future changes to the tennis courts by the Parks and Recreation Commission and/or Recreation Department, including relocation of the two existing courts and the addition of a new one. Commission members are joined by a member of the public, Ms. Paula Evans who lives at #4 Boden Street. She expresses her concerns with the use of the park now that the playground has been improved and the fact that residents were not fully involved in the decision-making process. Cassidy explains why the Commission is on site today and that it is a site visit rather than the type of meeting which requires abutter notification. Members discuss options that could be pursued to address future traffic and parking concerns at this location. Options include making both streets one way, restricting parking to one side of both roads, and possibilities for additional off-street parking. Hobin relates a conversation he had with Recreation Director Bruce Doig who informed him that patronage of new recreational facilities is always greater upon their initial opening, with the number of people using the facilities typically waning in subsequent years, at least with respect to the number of people who drive to them. Members discuss the issue and decide to table consideration of this issue until next year when use is again at its peak. Members feel that the true impacts on traffic and parking supply could be better assessed at that time of year as could the actual parking needs. Final Parking and Traffic Commission minutes Page 1 of2 9-20-10 site visit (Cove Playground) Cassidy: motion to table discussion of the matter to late June or early July of next year so that the activity level at the park will be closer to peak and impacts better assessed, and to consider possible changes related to parking and traffic at that time. Motion seconded by Bent, all members in favor. The motion carries 5-0. Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, the motion carries 5-0. The meeting is adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Final Parking and Traffic Commission minutes Page 2 of2 9-20-10 site visit (Cove Playground)