2010-08-09 Special Meeting Special Meeting Page 1 of 4 Beverly Meeting Minutes From: Kathy Connolly [kconnolly@beverlyma.gov] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 1 :37 PM To: minutes@beverlyma.gov Subject: 8910sp.doc Special Meeting Beverly City Council 7:00 PM August 9, 2010 Roll Call: Councilors Present: Patricia A. Grimes Paul M. Guanci, Kevin Hobin, Donald Martin, Maureen Troubetaris, Michael P. Cahill - Councilors Judith A. Cronin, James F. Latter and D. Wesley Slate were absent Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Led by Councilor Guanci Public Hearings and Public Speakers: #152 Call for Special Meeting of July 6, 2010 Communications from His Honor the Mayor: Communications from other City Offices: #153 July 19, 2010 Kathleen P. Connolly Temporary City Clerk 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Kath leen: I respectfully request that Lieutenant Joseph Shairs, Sergeant David Faustino and Sergeant Richard Russo be sworn in to their respective ranks as a result of their promotions, effective July 15, 2010. Hank you for your cooperation Christopher J. Negrotti, Captain Executive Officer Receive and Place on File #154 July 23, 2010 The Honorable City Council City Hall, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 RE: PARKING AND TRAFFIC ISSUES IN THE VICINITY OF CENTERVILLE SCHOOL Dear Members of the Council: 10/21/2010 Special Meeting Page 2 of 4 The purpose of this letter is to present to you the Parking and Traffic Commission's initial recommendations relative to a number of parking-related issues in the area of the Centerville School on Hull Street. At the request of Ward 6 Councilor Judith Cronin, the Commission has spent considerable time discussing traffic and pedestrian safety conditions on Hull Street in the vicinity of the school. Initially, concerns were raised relative to the location of the crosswalk and the safety of pedestrians when cars line the street on weekdays during school drop-off/pick-up times and on weekends when the park is in active use. The Commission conducted a site visit to the area in April and observed a number of factors contributing to the situation: The physical location of the crosswalk relative to the location of the crossing guard and the school; Adequate and visible signage relative to speed limit and the existence of a school zone; On-street parking patterns on Hull Street and on the adjacent residential side streets during drop-off and pick-up times at the school and at times when Cahill Park is in active use; The availability of off-street parking spaces; The speed and overall traffic operations; and Pedestrian access to the park. Having considered these factors alone and in combination, the Commission voted at its meeting on July 6, 2010 to forward the following recommendations to you for your consideration. Siqnaqe Three signs as shown on the attachment should be erected on Hull Street. Sign #1: "Speed Limit 20 Miles Per Hour" with "School" (S4-3P) mounted above it in high intensity fluorescent yellow-green and a "When Children Are Present" (S4-2P) sign mounted below it in high intensity fluorescent yellow- green. Sign #2: Add a School Warning sign (S1-1) in high intensity fluorescent yellow green above the existing dynamic speed message board. Sign #3: Add a School Warning sign (S1-1) in high intensity fluorescent yellow-green in both directions in advance of the driveway to the school. Crosswalk The existing crosswalk across Hull Street should be widened to at least the standard width of eight (8) feet and, if easily implemented, to ten (10) feet. New pavement markings and handicapped ramps should be added and a new MUTCD-compliant School Crossing (S1- 1) with an "Ahead" trailblazer (W16-9P) sign assembly in high intensity fluorescent yellow-green erected ten (10) feet in advance of the crosswalk from either side. Parkinq The ultimate solution to the parking issues in this area would be the construction of new parking spaces either at the school or at Cahill Park. Implementation of that solution appears to be difficult either because of legal issues related to open space requirements for the school or because of its financial implications. Long term, the City should consider studying the issue further by hiring a consultant to do a parking data study and an evaluation of potential off-street parking expansion options. The cost of hiring a consultant to do this work is estimated at $5,000to $10,000. In the short term, there may be a way to provide some relief for the parking problems on weekends. We recommend that the Recreation Department provide a sandwich board-type sign at the field on game days to notify people that parking is available at the adjacent Centerville School. Alternatively, perhaps traffic cones could be placed along Hull Street on game days and a park ranger assigned to direct visitors to use the school parking lot. Hull/Essex Street intersection The City could evaluate the feasibility of redesigning the layout of the Hull Street at Essex Street intersection. Forcing traffic entering Essex Street from Hull Street to come to a complete stop by revising the geometry to a "T" approach would reduce the speed of vehicles entering Hull Street and thereby improve pedestrian safety near the school. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this issue. Please feel free to contact City Planner Tina Cassidy or me if you have any questions relative to the Commission's recommendations on this matter. Respectfully, 10/21/2010 Special Meeting Page 3 of 4 Richard Benevento Chairman RB/tc cc: Ward 6 Councilor Judith Cronin DPS Director Mike Collins Recreation Director Bruce Doig Parking & Traffic Commission members File Refer to Leoal Affairs #155 Communication from City Clerk relative to Call for Election of September 14, 2010 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS William Francis Galvin Secretary of the Commonwealth SS To the City Councilors of the City of Beverly GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said City who are qualified to vote in Primaries to vote at the following locations: Ward 1- Precinct 1 Ryal Side Ayers School, Woodland Avenue Ward 1- Precinct 2 Ryal Side Ayers School, Woodland Avenue Ward 2- Precinct 1 Beverly Public Library, Winter Street Entrance Ward 2- Precinct 2 Beverly Public Library, Winter Street Entrance Ward 3- Precinct 1 McKeown Elementary School, Balch Street Ward 3- Precinct 2 McKeown Elementary School, Balch Street Ward 4- Precinct 1 Cove Elementary School, Eisenhower Ave. Ward 4- Precinct 2 Cove Elementary School, Eisenhower Ave. Ward 5- Precinct 1 North Beverly Elementary School, Putnam Street Ward 5- Precinct 2 North Beverly Elementary School, Putnam Street Ward 6- Precinct 1 Centerville Elementary School, Hull Street Ward 6- Precinct 2 Centerville Elementary School, Hull Street On TUESDAY, THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2010, from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. for the following purpose: To cast their votes in the State Primary for the candidates of political parties for the following office: GOVERNOR FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH TREASURER FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH AUDITOR FOR THIS COMMONWEALTH REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS SIXTH DISTRICT COUNCILLOR FIFTH DISTRICT SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT SECOND ESSEX DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT SIXTH ESSEX DISTRICT DISTRICT ATTORNEY EASTERN DISTRICT SHERIFF ESSEX COUNTY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ESSEX COUNTY 10/21/2010 Special Meeting Page 4 of 4 Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said voting. Given under our hands this ninth day of August 2010. Councilors of: City of Beverly ATTEST: Kathleen P. Connolly August 9, 2010 Acting City Clerk Receive and Place on File #156 Communication from City Clerk relative to appointment of Election workers for 2010 Receive and Place on File Communications, Applications and Petitions: # 157 Communication relative to request of Beverly Farmers Market to use city property for sale of Local produce Refer to Public Services Reports from Committees: Unfinished Business: Motions and Orders: Meeting adjourned: 7:05 PM Attest: Kathleen P. Connolly Acting City Clerk 10/21/2010