2010-05-18 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 7:00 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mary Behrle, Alyse Gause, John Kelley, Anthony Kline, Neil Olson, Kevin O'Reilly and Joanne Panunzio Board members absent: Others present: Patricia Cirone, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff Kevin O'Reilly presided. Neil Olson made the motion, seconded by John Kelley, to accept the minutes of May 4,2010 as read. Motion passed. Public Presentation None Committee Reports Personnel: 1) Director Evaluation: John Kelley reminded trustees to return library director evaluation. 2) Director and Assistant Director Contracts: John Kelley reported that the director's and assistant director's contracts are ready to be signed. John Kelley made the motion, seconded by Anthony Kline, to: approve the contracts expiring June 30,2010 of director and assistant director. Motion passed. Contracts will be sent to City Hall for the Mayor's signature. 3) Contracts Commencing July 1, 2010: John Kelley explained that the trustees need to begin discussions with director and assistant director regarding contracts commencing July 1,2010 no later than May 20. John Kelley recommended keeping the contracts as is. Trustees discussed procedures for upcoming contracts. Anthony Kline made the motion, seconded by Joanne Panunzio, to: comply with all applicable state laws in regards to pending openings of director and assistant director opening positions. Motion passed. Anthony Kline asked the board's permission to talk to the city solicitor's office about what the timing of the next steps should be. By a show of hands, trustees agreed. Administration: No report. Finance: No report. Long Range Planning: Alyse Gause reported that trustees need to start thinking about the long range planning process. Mary Behrle offered to help Alyse Gause. Report of the Library Director 1) Staffing: Staffing situation is easing up a little with the return of one staff member from medical leave. Two more staff members are still out on medical leave. 2) Administrative Assistant: Job for administrative assistant has been posted. 3) Paid Printing: Paid printing is now working well. 4) Middle School Students: There has been a rise in problems with middle school students. 5) Bookmobile: Bookmobile is officially on order. There is no arrival date. 6) FY2011 Budget: Patricia Cirone met with Mayor Scanlon to discuss FY2011 budget. Patricia Cirone is waiting to hear back from him whether there will be cuts. 7) Coffee Vending: Patricia Cirone reported that if the library runs the coffee vending operation then there is no requirement to go out to bid. 8) Book Drop: Patricia Cirone has contracted with Book Drop to sort through unwanted book donations in the hopes of raising more money for the library. 9) MLS: MLS, new consolidation of Massachusetts regional library system, is moving forward. Finalists for executive director will be interviewed on May 24. 10) FY2010 Budget: FY2010 budget is on track. 11) Upcoming Events: Home Grown Festival May 22, Concert on the Common June 24. 12) Vacation: Patricia Cirone will be on vacation for two weeks. Communications Letter from the MBLC announcing the final disbursement of state aid. Unfinished Business None New Business None The next meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, June 22,2010 at 7:00P.M. at the Beverly Farms Branch Library. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M.