2010-05-05 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee May 5,2010 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, Robert Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Marilyn McCrory, and Bill Squibb Suzanne Beaudoin, Pam Kampersal, Sylvan Menezes, and Michael Ralbovsky Environmental Planner Amy Maxner Christa Connelly (Salem State student, observing) Andrea Bray Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes - April 7. 2010 Meetin2: The members review the minutes and make suggestions for amendments. Voting members are Dunne, Brewster, Buchsbaum, Coffey, and McCrory. Brewster: Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by McCrory. Passes 5-0. New Business 1 Lake Shore Avenue OSRD Application #03-10 - ReQuest for comments from the Plannin2: Board The members review the preferred plan and the conceptual plan. Maxner states that the preferred plan complies with the 50% open space and perimeter buffer specifications in the OSRD Ordinance. She notes there is proposed grading on Lot 4 within one section of the 25-foot perimeter buffer zone, and the applicant proposes to install a fence and screen landscaping within part of the 100-foot buffer zone and 25-foot perimeter buffer on Lot 1. The entire plan set is reviewed. Discussion ensues regarding the work on Lots 1 and 4 on the preferred plan. Dunne asks if they would consider providing public access through the property and Maxner states that they do not wish to allow it. Squibb notes that he is not in favor of excluding the public from the open space especially considering it abuts Sally Milligan Park. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 5,2010 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 McCrory asks if this parcel can actually yield 9 lots. Maxner reviews the zoning book and states this is an R22 zone requiring 22,000 square feet per lot and the yield plan indeed shows all lots meeting that threshold. Coffey states that the preferred plan is much more protective of the remaining open space which is delineated in the most logical and advantageous location next to Sally Milligan Park. McCrory agrees noting that a supportive letter from the Committee is appropriate. Discussion ensues regarding the grant of the CR and what entity would hold it and police it. Members also discuss the applicant's request for a waiver from Section VIII.2.cii. of the Ordinance to post a $25,000 cash bond with the City for maintenance of the open space. Members agree that the letter should encourage the Board to require some level of funding for the entity who will be policing of the CR. Discussion ensues regarding the proposed Pork Chop Lot and Maxner reads the regulations governing Pork Chop Special Permits from the zoning book. Coffey suggests that the letter applaud the applicant on this preferred plan as it very effectively honors the spirit of the OSRD Ordinance. Coffey: Motion to grant permission to Dunne to write a letter to the Planning Board reflecting this discussion and recommendations, seconded by Buchsbaum. Passes 6-0. Standley Street Conservation Land - Discussion: Action Plan for Addressin2: Abutters' Encroachments Maxner states that the Dog Park Committee appeared before the Conservation Commission at the Commission's meeting last night and broached the idea of establishing a dog park on the 17- acre Conservation Commission parcel on Standley Street. Maxner states that the Conservation Commission will pursue Mr. Sweeny's encroachments via the City Solicitor's office. She adds that there are large cut tree trunks stacked along the right of way and several piles of debris on the City parcel. She explains that the last time they approached Sweeney he responded by saying that he would cooperate if the City surveyed the property and defined the boundaries. Buchsbaum states that the donor family has voiced dissatisfaction with the encroachment issue to Ed Becker. Squibb explains that the donor family members are "dog people" and he is of the understanding that they would be happy to see this parcel used for a dog park. Buchsbaum: Motion to grant permission to Coffey and Dunne to craft a letter to Sweeney containing the items discussed, seconded by McCrory. Passes 6-0. Open Space & Recreation Committee May 5,2010 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Maxner states that she needs to be sure that the dog park does not trigger Article 97 proceedings. If this idea moves forward, she notes that she will recommend that the Commission issue a revocable license that must be monitored annually to ensure the conditions of use are being upheld and complied with. Members agree that a license is a good idea. Preparations for June 2. 2010 Meetin2 - Community Preservation Act Discussion Maxner states that she has invited representatives from the Beverly Affordable Housing Coalition, the Historic District Commission and the Beverly Conservation Land Trust. Coffey recommends that the Lynch Park Advisory Committee be invited. She offers to contact that group as well as the Historical Society and asks Maxner to forward her invite email to provide her a template to work with. Maxner clarifies that they will be looking for a person to spearhead the committee that is not tied to one group. She suggests that they serve refreshments and Coffey agrees to bake some cookies. The members discuss other people that could be invited to attend, as well as an agenda. Coffey agrees to lead part of the discussion. Old Business Earth Day Walks - Reports on Walks. Pro2ress on Current Schedule Brewster states that the Daffodil Day was well attended. Coffey states that she will email the Bass River flyer to everyone. Carattu Park McCrory states that the original letter appears to express concession and the Committee could take a stronger stance and clearly state its desires. The members review McCrory's edits to the letter. Dunne suggests adding something about the use of the park by kids and families in the neighborhood. The members edit and amend the letter. Maxner states that Kampersal provided a signature page with 39 signatures requesting to save Carattu Park. Members agree on final edits to the letter and ask Maxner to forward to the City Council for their consideration. Updates Open Space & Recreation Committee May 5,2010 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Ri2hts of Way/Open Space Bass River Walkway behind Stop & Shop: Maxner states that personell from MA DEP Chapater 91 is investigating the store's responsibilities under its Chapter 91 License. She will report back when she hears back from Tall Tree Drive: Maxner has nothing new to report, she will check in with Tom Alexander agaIn. Greens Hill- Parcel 27X: Maxner has nothing new to report. YMCA: Maxner states that the work is coming along and the path is in. Other Items Maxner states that the draft Conservation Restriction on the Chapman's CornerlManor Homes at Whitehall development has been finalized and approved by the Conservation Commission and it will now go to the Council for their review and approval and finally the State for approval. She notes that the Beverly Conservation Land Trust and the Conservation Commission will hold the CR jointly and that the Land Trust will receive administration funds through the developer and the "Friends of Chapman's Corner" and the Conservation Commission. Coffey states that the Salem Sound Coast Watch will be hosting another eelgrass presentation on May 25,2010 at 7:00 at the Beverly Farms Library, presented by Tay Evans and Barbara Warren. Coffey: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. Passes 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9: 12 pm.