2010-05-04 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDERS: City Hall Conference Room B Tuesday, May 4, 2010 Chairman Richard Benevento, Bill Richard Hutchinson, Sgt. Joe Shairs, Field Tina Cassidy Councilor Judith Cronin, Sue Cahill Eileen Sacco Bent, Sheila The meeting is called to order at 8:30 a.m. 1. Approval of Minutes: April 6, 2010 Meeting Bent: motion to table the approval of the minutes to the June 1, 2010 meeting. Shairs seconds the motion. The motion carries (5-0). 2. Discussion: Potential Relocation of Crosswalk at Centerville School Westward from Current Location to One Closer to Grover/Essex Street Intersection and Closure of Existing Fence Opening Benevento reports that he went to Wakefield and looked at signage. He explains that they use a post on pole that is fluorescent yellow green and says "Speed limit 20 miles per hour when children are present". He also notes that there is a larger message board that flashes "your speed" as motorists pass. He states that he thinks that a nice cluster of signs that is very visible will encourage people to look at the speed limit. Shairs explains that the city posts "20 miles per hour speed limit when children are Present" and the message board behind it. Discussion ensues regarding the set up of the signs. Benevento states that he likes Final Parking & Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes Page 1 of5 May 4,2010 Meeting the Wakefield setup. The Commission discusses potential locations for the signs. Benevento states that he likes that the motorists are given advanced warning but thinks that it should be reinforced closer to the school. Bent states that if speed is a big issue then the city should think about reconfiguring the roadway. Fiore notes that there is a telephone junction box in the area. Benevento agrees that reconfiguration is something that should be investigated noting that the idea is to eliminate drivers from shooting straight through. Councilor Cronin states that she would be happy with signage. Benevento suggests a sign in advance of the dynamic message board that states "Speed Limit 20 when children are present". Cahill recalls that there is a sign near the school on a pole that says "school zone." Benevento suggests that there should be a cross walk at the gate to the park to accommodate access to the park. He recommends a standard 8'-10' wide cross walk. Shairs notes that the fence would have to be moved to get 7 off street parking spaces in there. Cronin states that she is encouraged by the recommendations of the Commission and the City Council will have something to act on. Discussion ensures regarding parking on the park side of the street. Benevento Suggests pulling the cars back off the street, onto the park itself, to improve sight lines. Cronin suggests taking down the no parking signs on Ash Street etc. Shairs notes that there should be no parking on that side of the street, noting that from a safety standpoint, he would rather see parking on the side streets. Final Parking & Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes May 4,2010 Meeting Page 2 of5 He explains that he drove through there on Saturday at 10:15 a.m. and he could barely get through there. Benevento suggests that the area needs a comprehensive review with the School Department to include dismissal procedures and locations etc. He suggests inviting a school department official to talk with the Commission and see if they have any ideas on how to solve this. Cronin agrees and notes that the school department has done a fabulous job coordinating the busses and the traffic in the morning and at dismissal. Shairs notes that the weekend traffic problems in the area are for a longer duration than drop off and pick up at the schools. He adds that the issue is the use of the fields and perhaps some of the games that are held there could be held elsewhere to shift some of the traffic issues. Benevento suggests getting some data on the numbers of cars would be helpful. Shairs explains that a gentleman in the neighborhood had volunteered and is collecting data on the subject. He could not attend the meeting this morning but will be em ailing him that information. Bent: motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission recommends improved signage as illustrated and recommended by the MUTCD, with an additional warning sign flashing during heavy traffic times. The Commission also recommends that the paved sidewalk should be shaved down and post on street parking on the park side of the street, and that the School Business Manager be invited to a meeting of the Commission to discuss options for the area. Fields seconds the motion. The motion carries (5-0). 3. Discussion/Recommendation: Site Plan Review Application 101-10- Expansion of ICC Building on Rantoul Street to Incorporate #302 Rantoul Street The Commission reviewed the proposed plans for the expansion of the ICC building on Rantoul Street which proposes to incorporate the property at 302 Rantoul Street into the site. Final Parking & Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes Page 3 of5 May 4,2010 Meeting Benevento notes that if they need more parking for the site, there is no place to put it. Shairs asks whether there will be enough parking provided on site to meet the zoning requirements once the addition is constructed. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Benevento asks for a motion. Bent: motion to recommend to the Planning Board that the proposed site plan be approved subject to meeting the zoning requirements for parking and that the Commission has no issues otherwise with the plan. Shairs seconds the motion. The motion carries (5-0). 4. Discussion: Possible Shift of Parking from One Side of Hale Street at Brackenberry Lane to Other Side (west side of Hale Street to East side of Hale) / Councilor Hobin / Sgt. Shairs Shairs explains that Hobin contacted him regarding this matter sometime ago and he asked him to gather information from the neighbors about the proposal. They also decided to put the matter off until the spring. Shairs reported that Hobin is in the process of talking with the neighbors. He notes that he would like to review accident data for the area as well. Shairs suggests that he would like to see the data for the rest of the area before the Commission schedules a meeting on this. Fiore: motion to table the matter for more information. Bent seconds the motion. The motion carries (5-0). 5. Discussion: Request for Crosswalk at Spring Street and Odell Avenue Councilor Hobin and Sgt. Shairs. Shairs explains that he doesn't see a problem with the request but there is no handicapped access on the other side. Benevento suggests that the Commission table the matter until they can take a look at the area. Final Parking & Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes Page 4 of5 May 4,2010 Meeting Fiore: motion to table the matter for more information. Bent seconds the motion. The motion carries (5-0). 6. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any other business for the Commission to conduct. There is none. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Field. All members in favor, the motion carries (5-0). The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Final Parking & Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes Page 5 of5 May 4,2010 Meeting