Beverly City Hall
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
April 15, 2010
Members Present: Karen Bloodgood, Kevin Gallant co-chair, Michele Gordon, Candace Pike co-chair,
John Swain
Members Absent: Tina Cassidy, Butch Towne
Ex Officio Members: Arthur Daignault
Old Business:
. Motion made by Michele Gordon to accept the minutes from the previous two meeting. Second by
Candace Pike. Passed 5-0
. Candace Pike reports that District Attorney Blodgett will be at Briscoe Middle School on May 10,
2010 to discuss Facebook and cyber bulling.
. Art Daignault wrote a letter to Kristin Guanci on March 30th regarding a donation to the Cove
playground stating that we regretfully can not assist monetarily at this time but offering his
services to the project.
New Business:
Report from ADA Coordinator:
. The Center for Independent Living asked Mayor Scanlon to sign a proclamation for the
anniversary of the ADA. He did so as he has done for the past six years.
. Art Daignault sent a total of355 letters to Beverly Business owners asking them to voluntarily
become fully accessible to people with disabilities. As of this date he has received one response.
At this time Art has determined that working with Municipal Inspections will have the best
impact. If compliance is not achieved working with the contractors and architects than a complaint
will be filed.
. Art Daignault reports that the handicapped parking surveys are approximately half done. He has
drafted a new letter to go with the completed survey.
. Art Daignault is waiting for the date and time of the final inspection of the new kitchen, upper
gym/locker and team rooms (upper and lower) renovation. These areas are to be competed on
April 22, 2010.
. The date for the regional forum for Commissions on Disability in Eastern Massachusetts will be
on May 13, 2010 from lOam to 2pm at the Arlington Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Avenue.
. Art Daignault reports that after he completes the handicap parking surveys he will start going to
different businesses that have outdoor tables and chairs to educate them on the regulations. This
should be sometime this summer.
. The complaint regarding the Endicott College Arts Center is moving forward. Art Daignault
reports that his presentation to the Interior Design Class at the college was very productive.
The next meeting of the Commission is May 20, 2010, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 3rd floor.
NOTE: All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities' meetings are available in alternative
format upon request from the American with Disability (ADA) Coordinator at Beverly City Hall.