Beverly City Hall
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
May 20, 2010
Members Present: Karen Bloodgood, Tina Cassidy, Kevin Gallant co-chair, Michele Gordon, Candace
Pike co-chair, John Swain, Butch Towne
Members Absent: Arthur Daignault
Ex Officio Members:
Guest(s): Eve Amendola
Old Business:
. Minutes from the May meeting to be approved at the June meeting.
. Candace Pike reports that in June Bev TV start airing informative programming for parents about
Facebook and Twitter.
. John Swain attended the Regional Commission Meeting in Arlington He reports that sidewalk
tables and chairs we discussed and that in Medford approval and licensing is through the licensing
board. Also discussed were House Bill 1965 regarding limiting handicap parking fine use to only
title II items, Senate Bill 1880 mandating that establishments selling liquor accept Mass State ID's
for liquor sales and House Bill 2206 regarding building access. Tina Cassidy will gather more
information on these bills.
New Business:
Tina Cassidy will have an e-mail account set up for the commission with the city and have an "away"
reply message placed on Arthur Daignault's e-mail. Anyone who telephones will leave a message that
will be passed on to Candace Pike for reply.
John Swain reports Paul Fermano a contractor at doing renovations at Jubilee Yacht Club contacted him
regarding his need for a variance. Steve Fredrickson told him to apply with the state. Karen Bloodgood
will inquire with the School Department about moving the assisted listening device from the McKowen
Elementary School to the High School.
Commission members discussed coverage of Handicap Parking enforcement while Art Daignault is
Report from ADA Coordinator:
The next meeting of the Commission is June 10,2010,2009 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 3rd floor.
NOTE: All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities' meetings are available in alternative
format upon request from the American with Disability (ADA) Coordinator at Beverly City Hall.