Beverly City Hall
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
January 21, 2010
Members Present: Karen Bloodgood; Kevin Gallant, co-chair; Butch Towne; John Swain
Members Absent: Tina Cassidy; Michele Gordon; Candace Pike, co-chair
Ex Officio Members: Arthur Daignault
Guest(s): Marsha LeBrun
Old Business:
. Sgt. Joseph Shairs, Marsha Lebrun and Art Daignault had a meeting to develop a new way to
analyze handicap parking tickets. Ms. Lebrun explained the new chart.
. Motion to stop police handicap parking details made by Butch Towne. Second by John Swain.
Approved 4-0.
. Bob Munroe and Steve Fredrickson will be attending the February meeting regarding the potential
ordinance for tables & chairs.
New Business:
Report from ADA Coordinator:
. Architectural Access Board complaint updates:
o Dane St Congregation Church: putting up new parking signs
o Emanuel Congregation Church: sending photos of work
o N.S. Community Baptist Church: had a hearing on January 11, 2010
o S. Peter's Episcopal Church: under review
o St. John Evangelist: pending
o Endicott College, Visual and Performing Arts Center: pending
. Department of Justice complaint update:
o Home-style Laundry: filed in December
o Lauranzo Insurance: needs sign
. On December 10, 2009 Art Daignault attended a meeting of the zoning board regarding a special
permit to open the theater and informed them of the violations present at the theater. Then new
owners have agreed to repair some of the violations immediately and remaining in the future.
. Current plans and construction that Art Daignault is checking for compliance:
o Landmark: new gym
o Beverly High School
o Former Mayflower Hotel: just started
o Endicott College: connector walkway
o CVS, Elliot Street: Art will check parking
o Beverly School for the Deaf: has not yet started
The next meeting of the Commission is February 18,2010 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 3rd floor.
NOTE: All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities' meetings are available in alternative
format upon request from the American with Disability (ADA) Coordinator at Beverly City Hall.