2009-11-10 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: City Hall Conference Room B Tuesday, November 10, 2009 Chairman Richard Benevento, Bill Bent, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sgt. John Shairs, Bill Fiore, and Sheila Field None Councilor Tim Flaherty, Councilor Don Martin, DPS Director Mike Collins, Councilor Judith Cronin, Eileen Sacco RECORDER: Shairs calls the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 1. Discussion: City Council Order #145: Traffic and Safety Related Issues near North Beverly Train Station (Laurel and Dodge Streets) Councillors Flaherty, Martin and DPS Director Mike Collins Shairs explains the area and notes that the Council order has been referred to the Commission for evaluation and a recommendation to improve safety and traffic improvements. Collins explains that they have identified what people perceive the problem to be and explained that he has observed the problem of motorists crossing the double line on Dodge's Row to turn onto Laurel Street. Shairs explains that a stop sign cannot be installed where there is a signalized signal. He also notes that the pole at the corner of Laurel Street will be removed when the last of the equipment is removed from the pole. Councillor Martin suggests that if the stretch of land is expanded to make two full lanes it would make a big difference. Collins explains that it is not possible because there is private land on both sides and the existing public right of way is not wide enough to accommodate that. He also explains that the traffic issues are between 4:30-5:30 p.m. and notes that it is easier to get by there now that the pole is gone. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 1 of5 November 10, 2009 Meeting Martin suggests that the lanes be remarked. Collins states that he is hesitant to move the yellow lines because trucks and buses might get stuck. He also notes that over the years there were two sets of arrows. Cassidy clarifies that two full lanes of traffic are not possible in this case unless a land taking is done. Collins explains that there are two full lanes there and notes that he drives through there every day and notes that there is no problem, although it is tight. Martin asks if there are plans for paving the area. Collins explains the railroad crossing has to be redesigned for the RR Quiet Zone and the City has engaged a consultant to work on that. He notes that there is a traffic plan that calls for two lanes of traffic at Dodge and two lanes of traffic on Laurel Street and it would require a signal. Collins explains that part of the problem is that the railroad gates stay down for over three minutes and notes the locations and the area. Hutchinson asks what the chances are of moving the stop. Collins explains that it would take a lot of political pressure and notes that he really believes that many problems could be solved if the MBTA changes the way they operate in North Beverly. Benevento states that he is uncomfortable making a recommendation on this without a professional looking at this. He suggests that the base line needs to be determined at the p.m. traffic hour. Martin suggests that yellow lane delineators be installed to slow traffic down in the area and prevent motorists from weaving over the yellow line. Collins states that he would be hesitant to install them noting that you can't plow around them. Shairs agrees and states that he thinks that people would try to avoid them. Collins states that he would like to address the problems with the railroad and notes that he will be having conversations with them over the winter and he is optimistic that he can get some changes made. Bent notes that there are serious safety issues at the approach to Dodge Street. Collins agrees and states that he would still like to take the approach of dealing with the railroad to see if changes can be effected that way. He also suggests that he would rather have enforcement in the area rather than the delineators. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 2 of5 November 10, 2009 Meeting Collins explains that he would like the railroad to adjust the inbound train and use a different method of actuating the gates to manual from automatic and that would reduce the length of queue time and driver frustration. Martin states that he would like to see the yellow barriers installed. Collins states that he would rather use cones noting that they can be moved for snow plowing. Flaherty questions if the signs indicating $100 fines could be made bigger. Collins states that he would like to put them on the left hand side so people can see them. Benevento suggests that the Commission visit the site and a site visit is scheduled for November 18, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Benevento thanks Flaherty, Martin and Collins for attending. 2. Discussion: City Council Order #131: Prohibition of On-Street Parking on Haskell Street/ Councillor Judith Cronin and Sgt. Shairs Councillor Cronin addresses the Commission and explains that the neighbors responded to the recommendation to make the even side of the street no parking. She notes that she met with constituents to work on the issue and notes that the problem seems to be one apartment house that has a lot of cars. Benevento states that a lot of roads are too narrow to accommodate parking on both sides. He mentions the Lothrop Street project and notes that parking has to be reconfigured if the requirement is too restrictive. He adds that on-street parking is for everyone. Resident Tom Guzio of 8 Haskell Street addresses the Commission and reviews pictures of the problems in the area. He explains that he met with fellow residents and their concerns are the parking habits of people in the area, noting instances in photos he provided. He states that one problem area is 12-14 Haskell Street. Resident Marton states that they want to find a way to improve safety and access on Haskell Street. Cassidy notes that the width of the existing right of way needs to be considered and suggests that she will get some information from the GIS Coordinator to help in that regard. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 3 of5 November 10, 2009 Meeting Marton explains states that most of the homes sit directly on the street and most homes have limited off street parking. She asks that the Commission explore reducing the width of the northbound lane and the narrower width would reduce speeds. She also requests that the speed limit be reduced to 25 miles per hour, and that parking be prohibited between poles #1739 and #1740 and that "no parking" signs be posted between the two light poles at Dix Park. She also requested that Haskell Street be changed to one way traveling southbound or northbound. Benevento suggests that the City may be able to shift the roadway's center line to create a parking lane on one side of the road with no parking on one side of the street. He suggests that the Commission visit the site to see what is going on out there and adds that if they get a consistent width for the entire length of Haskell Street, that (shifting the yellow line) might solve the problem. Shair notes that the State sets the speed limit for a local road and explains the process. Resident Barbara McGee addresses the Commission and says that there are several large SUV's parked on the street. Benevento suggests sending a friendly letter to the landlord of the building notifying them that illegally parked cars will be tagged and/or towed. Cronin notes that the owner has been contacted numerous times about this issue and adds that there is a large parking area for 14 Haskell and suggests that the tenants of 12 be allowed to park there as well. Cassidy suggests that the Commission conduct a site visit the area. Benevento agrees and suggests that the Commission will make a recommendation on the Council Order at the next meeting if possible. Members schedule a site visit to Haskell Street for November 18, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. 3. Approval of Minutes Benevento asks if there are any corrections or other changes that need to be made to the draft set of minutes of the Commission's October 6, 2009 meeting. There are none. Bent: motion to approve the minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on October 6, 2009, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor., no one in opposition. The motion carries 6-0. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 40f5 November 10, 2009 Meeting 4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Commission will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. 5. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any other business to conduct at this meeting. There is none. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, no one in opposition. The motion carries 6 - O. The meeting is adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 50f5 November 10, 2009 Meeting