2009-09-24 Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting DATE: Sept 24,2009 LOCATION: Bevcam office, Beverly High School, Beverly, Ma. TIME: 7:00 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Dan Murphy - Chairman, George Johnson, Arthur Crandall, Al Torsey, Eric Overberg, Neil Overberg. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Dan Murphy, E. Overberg, N. Overberg PUBLIC: Don Berman, (BEVCAM), . A quorum being present and Dan opened the meeting at 7:00. Communications: E-mail from Russ Fisk regarding rumors that citizens are blaming Mayor Scanlon for Beverly not being offered FIOS from Verizon. . Old business: . The Kopleman and Paige issue regarding their contract with Beverly has been resolved. Dan presented a signed copy of the contract. . No new members proposed foe CATV AC. . The August meeting minutes were read and accepted. . New business: . Dan will prepare a press release to quell rumors on FIOS. He will also contact Mr. Stan Usovich ofVerizon to address this. The possibility of BevCam producing a question and answer session with Mr. Usovich was discussed. Dan will keep Russ posted on the outcome. . Public Comments: None. . Don presented the September BevCam report re: staff, production schedule, project outreach, technical issues and financials. Don also reported that he met with Mr. Hayes regarding relocation of BevCam to other city property. . Don presented a draft copy of the contract between BevCam and Robert Haigh and Nancy Richard. . Dan presented a draft copy of the questionnaire to present to the Beverly department heads. . Neil questioned his tenure as a member of the commission... Dan will look into this. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 22 nd, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at BevCam. At 7:30 P.M. the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Eric Overberg