2009-10-06 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: City Hall Conference Room B Tuesday, October 6, 2009 Chairman Richard Benevento, Bill Bent, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sgt. John Shairs, Bill Fiore Sheila Field Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on Wednesday, September 1, 2009 were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any corrections that need to be made. Shairs notes that he is listed as being both present and absent. Benevento clarifies a statement he made relative to the elimination of parking on Hull Street. Bent: motion to approve the minutes of the Parking and Traffic Commission meeting held on September 1, 2009 as amended. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. Discussion: Standlev Street Repavin2 Proiect and Proposed Street Si2n - Ward 6 Councilor Judith Cronin Ward 6 Councillor Judith Cronin addresses the Commission and explains that she was under the impression that two granite curbs were to be installed during the repaving project for Standley Street. She notes that the area is narrow and with the added curbing more so. She explained that it is her view that the "no parking" regulation is no longer needed and she will pull the order from consideration. Sgt. Shairs agrees noting that he has been down there a few times and agrees that the regulation is not needed. Cronin states that a stop sign is needed at Standley and Essex Streets. Shairs agrees that this should be considered and explains that it is not in the ordinance. Benevento suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission could make a recommendation to the City Council that the ordinance be changed to include a stop sign and stop line at Standley Street. Cassidy: motion to recommend to the City Council that the City amend the ordinance to allow a stop sign and stop line at Standley Street for southeast-facing traffic. Bent seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 1 of5 October 6, 2009 Meeting Discussion: Issues with On-Street Parkin2: on Hull Street near Cahill Park - Ward 6 Councilor Judith Cronin Councilor Cronin explains that when events such as soccer tournaments are held at Cahill Park, people park on both sides of Hull Street and creates a dangerous driving condition. She notes that the neighbors would like the parking to stop at Cahill Park. Shairs notes that it is illegal to park within ten feet of a crosswalk, and people do it all the time. Benevento notes that he attends events in the area and has seen the problem and recommends that signage be installed to direct people to park at the Centerville School. Cassidy notes that someone is responsible for planning events such as soccer tournaments and they should be getting the word out to people to park at the school. Cronin agrees and suggests that Bruce Doig would be the one to issue permits for such events. Benevento notes that cars parked on both sides of the street tend to slow traffic. Shairs suggests that the Commission visit the site. Cronin agrees and suggests that she would also meet with neighbors to be sure that they are in agreement with whatever the Commission proposes before the next Commission meeting. Benevento agrees, noting that when constituents ask for things it is good to be sure that they are not the vocal minority and that they know what they are asking for. Bent expresses his concern about liability and suggests that no parking signs should be installed noting that it is a safety issue. The Commission will visit the site on October 16,2009 at 7:30 a.m. No action was taken on the matter at this meeting and members table further discussion to the next meeting. Discussion: Parkin2: and Circulation Issues near main Library and Montserrat Colle2:e of Art - Councillor Slate Benevento explains that the Commission visited the site with Councillor Slate a week ago and walked the area. He notes that they found a few items that need to be addressed. He explains that pavement markings should be added to indicate the "right turn lane" and the word "only" should be added. He also noted that the overhead indictor light is a green ball and should be a left turn arrow. Slate notes that he met with Brian Bicknell from the College and Pat Cirone and Anna Langstaff of the Beverly Public Library and they agreed with the recommendations. He also notes that Anna and Pat expressed concern about the access to the service area of the library which is on Dane Street and is only used by Library staff. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 2 of5 October 6, 2009 Meeting Benevento also reports that they walked the rest of the neighborhood as well while they were out there and they determined that in order to really come up with a recommendation they need a baseline understanding of what is going on out there, with a traffic study and a parking inventory. Bent estimates that a consultant would cost $25,000-$30,000 noting that six intersections are included in the area. Benevento agrees and adds that a study such as this is beyond the capabilities of a volunteer Commission. He suggests that the Commission make a preliminary recommendation to the City Council that a traffic study be done with a cost estimate. The Commission discusses other issues that they observed during the walk in the area and mention that traffic cones are always out in front of the Funeral Home even when there are no services. Shairs explains that the tenant in the house is supposed to put them out and take them in but just leaves them out. Bent observes that there is a cable hand hold with exposed wires and it is a tripping hazard. It was suggested that the City Electrician call Comcast and get the matter resolved. Benevento suggests that the Commission might want to send a letter to Comcast as well. Bent: motion to recommend that the overhead signal at Essex and Dane Street should be changed from a green ball to a left turn arrow, and that the word "ONL Y" should be stenciled on the pavement, and that a "No Turn on Red" sign be installed for west bound traffic approaching Essex Street. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. Bent: motion to recommend to the City Council that a traffic study of the Essex Street, Dane and Knowlton Street area out to Cabot Street be considered and a scope of work and cost estimate will be provided. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries (6-0). Discussion/Recommendation: Expansion of "No Parkin2: 10 p.m. - 6 a.m." zone on portion of Dane Street in Front of Independence Park - Councilor Wes Slate Councilor Slate requested that the matter be tabled as he is polling the neighbors. He notes that the homeowners responses have been split as to whether the no parking signs should be put back up. Slate explains the history of the area and notes that he is leaning toward recommending that the current parking situation be left as it is. Bent: motion to table the request for expansion of the "No Parking 10 p.m. - 6 a.m." zone on a portion of Dane Street in front ofIndependence Park. Fiore seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. Discussion: Conversion of One Wav Portion of Mechanic Street to Two Wav Traffic - Councilor John Burke Deborah Young of 17 Mechanic Street addresses the Commission and notes that Councilor Burke was unable to attend the meeting this evening. She explains that Mechanic Street used to be two way and was changed four years ago when some families with young children requested Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 3 of5 October 6, 2009 Meeting it. She notes that there are no young children in the neighborhood anymore and she has to drive all around on West Dane Street to get to her house. She also notes that she polled the neighbors and most are in favor of making the road a two way street again. Benevento states that he went out there and measured the area and it is his recommendation that it be left as a one way. He notes that the street is 13 feet wide and is barely legal as a one-way street. Shairs explains that there is no room to widen the street and that the only way to make it a two way would be to eliminate parking on both sides of the street. He also notes that he observed about five cars parked there when he was there and the Parking and Traffic Commission has to consider the conditions of the area. Benevento also notes that engineering standards and regulations have to be considered as well. Fiore notes that fire regulations have to be considered as well and 18 feet is required for fire truck access. Bent: motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission not support the request for two way traffic on Mechanic Street as the street is too narrow, it would violate the Code of Massachusetts Regulations regarding fire access, and would require the elimination of parking on both sides of the street. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries 6-0. ReQuest for Minor Modification to Approved CVS Site Plan Relative to Drivewav Turnin2: Radius on Elliot Street - VHB on Behalf of CVS Atty. Glovsky addresses the Commission and explains that he is joined this evening by Pat Dunford of VHB. Dunford addresses the Commission and reviews the plans. He notes that National Grid has requested that a switch gear manhole be moved next to a transformer. He notes the location and explains that it would reduce the parking spaces in the area from 6 to 4 which will still meet the parking requirements for the site. He also noted that the curb line will remain the same. Dunford also explains that they are also asking that a utility pole on Elliott Street next to the driveway be maintained and to do so they must reduce the radius of the driveway to 15 feet to allow for the maintenance of the pole at its current location. Benevento suggests that trucks should be restricted from using that driveway. He notes that he is concerned about westbound trucks having to cross the centerline of Elliott Street in order to make the turn. Dunford states that the trucks should be able to clear that. He also notes that the Planning Board will be reviewing the proposed changes in a couple of weeks. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 40f5 October 6, 2009 Meeting Bent: Motion to recommend approval of the two minor site plan review modifications being requested SUBJECT TO the condition that CVS representatives prove that a 30' long truck that is westbound on Elliott Street could make the turn into the new driveway without crossing the centerline of Elliott Street. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries 6-0. Shairs informs Dunford that there are several parking meters missing from Rantoul and Elliott Streets and the City would like to get them back as they can be used for parts on other meters. Dunford states that he will look into the matter immediately. Next Meetin2: The next meeting of the Commission will be held on Tuesday, November 3,2009 at 8:30 a.m. Adiournment Benevento asks if there is any other business to conduct at this meeting. There is none. Bent: motion to adjourn, seconded by Fiore. All members in favor, the motion carries 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 50f5 October 6, 2009 Meeting