2009-10-07 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Open Space and Recreation Committee October 7,2009 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, Robert Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Pam Kampersal, Marilyn McCrory, Sylvan Menezes Suzanne Beaudoin, Michael Ralbovsky, Bill Squibb Environmental Planner Amy Maxner Andrea Bray Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Bruce Doh!:. Director - Parks & Recreation - ReQuest for Kiosk at Holcroft Park Bruce Doig states that he attended a meeting of the Gloucester Crossing Resource Group (GCRG), a group of non-profit entities that are working to enhance the living conditions of the residents in that neighborhood. He asks if the Committee would be willing to donate any spare kiosk they might have to this organization to install at the Holcroft Park. He explains that the kiosk will be used to post community events and keep the neighbors informed of activities and other things going on in the area. McCrory states that this sounds like a great way to put a kiosk to use. Buchsbaum asks if the Parks and Recreation Department would have any resources to help the Committee to install some of the other kiosks at some open spaces. Doig states that he does not have the resources to do this, and he is hoping to have another volunteer from the GCRG to work on the installation and he will inquire if they would be willing to donate some of their time to this. The members discuss the plans for the remaining kiosks and agree that this is a great idea. Menezes motions to donate a kiosk to the Gloucester Crossing Resource Group for installation at Holcroft Park, seconded by Coffey. Motion passes 7-0. Doig thanks the Committee and steps out. Brewster advises the group that prior to the meeting coming to order he has asked Doig to include next spring's Earth Day Walk Schedule in the Parks and Recreation flyer. Maxner notes Open Space & Recreation Committee October 7, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 that the Committee may not have a set schedule and leaders lined up, but at least a short piece that could alert people to stay tuned and that it would need to be submitted to Doig in the middle of December to get included in the spring flyer. Approval of Minutes Voting members are Dunne, Brewster, Buchsbaum, Coffey, McCrory, and Menezes. The members review the minutes and make suggestions for amendments. Brewster motions to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Buchsbaum. Motion passes 6-0. Updates DCR Recreational Trails Grant - Follow Up - Bass River Walkwav Maxner informs the Committee that the grant has been finalized and submitted, but there is a long wait time before grant awards will be announced as DCR is still unsure of its total funding level this round. Menezes states that the Stop-n-Shop has not been maintaining the stretch of pathway behind their store and McDonalds and they are required to do this per their Chapter 91 license. He suggests sending them a positive letter to remind them of their responsibility. Coffey agrees to draft a letter. Brewster asks if there are any other grants for the Committee to pursue, and Maxner states that she is not sure, and that Newhall would probably know. Annual Election of Officers - Chair. Vice-Chair and Recordim!: Secretary Buchsbaum suggests maintaining the current slate of officers for another year. No other nominations are proposed. Buchsbaum nominates Dunne as Chair, and McCrory seconds the nomination. Motion passes 6- O. Dunne abstains. Buchsbaum nominates Coffey as Vice-Chair and McCrory seconds the nomination. Motion passes 6-0. Coffey abstains. Buchsbaum nominates Brewster as Secretary and McCrory seconds the nomination. Motion passes 6-0. Brewster abstains. Semi-Annual Report to City Council- Prepare Draft Report Open Space & Recreation Committee October 7, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Maxner reminds the Committee that the semi-annual report to the Council is due this month and a draft should be prepared. Dunne asks the members for suggestions on update items and the members make suggestions: . Grant funded kiosk installation . New grant for Bass River Walkway . Rights-of-Way issues (YMCA, Tall Tree, Sweeney's) . Encroachment issue - Waring School . Stop-n-Shop path maintenance issue . Beverly Commons - trail maintenance by NSBA . The website - trail maps Dunne and Coffey agree to draft a report together. Remainim!: Donated Kiosks - Choose Locations for Installation The members agree that one kiosk should be installed at Sally Milligan Park, and one at the Bass River at the entrance to the walkway. Buchsbaum suggests that they wait to see if they will get the grant before making a sign for the Bass River. Maxner agrees to contact members of Essex County VELO to inquire if they would help with installation. Ri2ht ofWav/Open Space Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states that house has not sold yet. She suggests that the Committee set a deadline for Tom Alexander to have a draft in the City Solicitor's hands at least in time for the next meeting. Members agree with this approach. National Grid: Maxner agrees to draft a letter or to call her contact at Grid to see if this has moved forward at all. Greens Hill- Parcel 27X: Maxner states that they should schedule a meeting (the week of November 16th) with everyone involved to review the options for this parcel. Right-of-Way - YMCA: Maxner shows the plan that the YMCA submitted to the Conservation Commission for wetlands permitting to allow for passage through the property. Dunne agrees to write a letter to the Commission in support of this application. Newspaper Articles - new topics and new authors Open Space & Recreation Committee October 7, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Coffey states that she can write an article about rights-of-way after the YMCA issue is completely resolved. New Business Remarkin2 Trails at Beverlv Commons Coffey states that she has observed the need for new trail markings within the Beverly Commons. The members discuss the various trail markings to use. Coffey motions to adjourn, seconded by Dunne. Passes 7-0. The meeting is adjourned at 8:45 p.m.