2009-05-20 CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Historic District Commission, Regular Meeting May 20, 2009 Conference Room A, Beverly City Hall, 3rd Floor William Finch, Jim Younger, John Condon, Matt Lewis, Ralph Turcotte MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Associate Planner Kate Newhall Andrea Bray Chairperson William Finch calls the meeting to order. 1. Public Hearin2 - Demolition of House at 75 West Street - Applicant: Charlie Mann. Windover Development. Owner: Wenslev Hefni. Trustee. Hefni Familv Trust Finch states that the Commission is required to review any demolition application for buildings that are more than 50 years old. He explains the procedural regulations regarding the demolition decision. He states that several of the Commission members have visited the property. He states that the house, built by the Cabot family, is not directly visible from West Street but is directly visible from West Beach. He describes the history of the property. Architect Charlie Mann, representing the applicant, states that the current condition of the house is a mish-mash and it looks nothing like the structure as it was originally built, and therefore there is no significance to the house in its current state. He explains that it is cut up and faced with many different and unrelated materials. Finch reads the following letters into the record: . Ronald Pruett, 29 West Street, in support of the demolition. . Jeffrey Horowitz, 65 West Street, in support of the demolition. . Robert E. Lockwood, 89 West Street, in support of the demolition. Finch opens the hearing to public comment. Nancy Coffey, 97 Haskell St, agrees the house does not have any of its original character, and states that she would like to have an opportunity to take pictures, inside and outside, prior to demolition. Finch closes the public hearing. 2. Determination as to whether structure is: (1) Historicallv Si2nificant. and (2) Preferably Preserved Finch reviews the two objectives for the Commission. Younger asks about the room on the south end with the ornate painted ceiling. Finch states that the ceiling painting is not original and "very low-end". Historic District Commission May 20, 2008 Page 2 of2 Younger states that the site, with the beech trees, is significant. He adds that there is very little of the original features left in the house. Charlie Mann confirms that the new house will sit about 30 feet further from the beach than the present structure, and the feel from the beach will be similar. Finch agrees with Younger that the site is significant, but the house has changed so dramatically that it lacks all reference to the original structure. Younger: Motion that the property be deemed historically significant. Attorney Miranda Gooding of Glovsky and Glovsky, representing the applicant, questions the Commissions determination that the property is historically significant. Finch clarifies that the property does have historical significance, but the house does not. He adds that the carriage house is more historically significant than the main house. He explains that the Commission is acting cautiously in order to avoid setting a precedent that might give the public the impression that any old structure can be demolished. Younger agrees with Finch stating that the context is very important in this case. He states that the motion is on the table and Condon seconds the motion. The members vote on the motion. Passes 5-0. Younger states that the house should not be preserved because it has no architectural features from the original design. Finch agrees but states that the property has associative significant because of the prior owners. He iterates that the carriage house actually has more significance. Lewis agrees that the carriage house should not be associated with this decision. Condon: Motion for the Commission to deem that the main house is not preferably preserved, seconded by Turcotte. Passes 5-0. 3. Approval of Minutes - July 1,2008 Meeting The members make suggestions for amendments. Condon: Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Younger. Passes 5-0. 4. New/Other Business 15 Kernwood Heights Newhall asks if the members believe that the property at 15 Kernwood Heights has any historical significance, and the members agree that it does not. Condon: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Younger. Passes 5-0. The meeting is adjourned at 7:40 PM.