Harbor Management Authority
August 19,2009
Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room
Members Present
Rinus Oosthoek, Charles Raymond, Greg Ward, Don Neuman,
Sylvan Menezes, George Simon, Paul Miedzionowski
Members Absent:
Gooding, Troubetaris, Slate
Others Present:
Eileen Sacco
Oosthoek called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on July 15, 2009 were presented
for approval. Neuman moves to approve the minutes of the Harbor Management Authority
meeting held on July 15, 2009 as amended. Ward seconds the motion the motion carries.
Report from Facilities Committee
Ward reports that the Facilities Committee met at the Marina this evening and spent an hour
going through the Brown Building. He explains that there is equipment and materials stored
there that belong to the HMA including some supplies for the new project, and some to the
Harbor Master. Discussion ensues regarding how best to manage cleaning the site out. Ward
suggests that everything in the building should be inventoried. He estimated that there could be
close to $100,000 worth of equipment in there.
Neuman suggests that a conversation be held with Mike Collins regarding an inventory and that
the materials should be sorted into four categories as follows:
Equipment that Belongs to the City
Equipment that Belongs to the Harbor Management Authority
Construction Supplies
Neuman notes that the first priority should be the removal of construction supplies and they
should be stored safely. Ward agrees that suggests that Lou Bochynski should be on site when
the material is inventoried.
Ward states that he will talk with Mike Collins and convey the wishes of the HMA.
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August 19,2009
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Ward also reported that a decision has to be made regarding the bathroom and shower/laundry
facilities for the marina. He suggests that the HMA look into portable toilets and portable
showers. Newman suggests that the HMA look at what is available in the McDonalds building
for toilets for the short term and that the Facilities Committee explore the options available.
Ward also reported that the Facilities Committee identified some floats that could be used to
rebuild the Commercial Floats.
Recommendation Re2ardin2 Commercial Tenants A2reements
Ward reports that Mr. Vogler does not want to move his slip. He notes that it is the
recommendation of the Facilities Committee that it should be moved since we are not in the
position to reconfigure the slips.
Neuman suggests that the HMA enforce the letter sent to Mr. Vogler, informing him that his slip
has to be moved through the City Solicitor.
Marina Mana2er Position
Ward reported that he received a call from a Mr. Curtis Hall who is a part time fireman who is
interested in a part time job at the marina. Oosthoek suggests that the matter be discussed with
Mike Collins.
Update Re2ardin2 Glovers WharfProiect
Neuman explains that there is a grant available from The recreational boating grant program that
the Mass Division of Marine Fisheries administers is called the Boating Infrastructure Grant
Program. He notes that the applications are due September 15, 2009. He explains the grant and
notes that since additional information is needed we should wait until September 2010 to apply,
noting that it is an annual grant.
Neuman reported that the railing for the site was discussed. He notes that the Mass Highway
design is a thin pipe with 4 inch openings and he has been in touch with the Mass Highway
representative and they will email him the specifications.
Neuman explains the permitting process for the project and notes that Bochynski put together a
design of the a layout for the slips that went a little too far into the channel. He notes that we
need to get optimal use of the space and Vine is reviewing a plan that he suggests, that includes
24 slips. He explains that he recommends that all fingers be 40 feet long and 35 feet between
them. He also notes that they could accommodate boats up to 50 feet on the westerly side and
explains his proposal.
Oosthoek suggests that Miranda Gooding check with Chip Nyland regarding the fairway, notably
the 25 feet for the city off the center line between the properties.
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August 19,2009
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Neuman reported that a meeting was held with Mayor Scanlon and he has agreed to concrete
floats, and he understands that the city may have to contribute more money for them.
Financial Report
Miedzionowski reports that there is no financial update this evening. He did note that there is a
line item in the HMA budget for sick leave buy back in the amount of $27,600. Oosthoek noted
that there is a line item for the salary of the Harbor Manager in the amount of $55,000 and it
should come from that line. He suggests that a meeting be set up with Finance Director John
Dunn to discuss the matter.
Next Meetin2
The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, September
15, 2009.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Harbor Management Authority
August 19,2009
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