Harbor Management Authority
June 17,2009
Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room
Members Present
Miranda Gooding, Paul Miedzionowski, Rinus Oosthoek, Charles
Raymond, Greg Ward, Don Neuman, Maureen Troubetaris, Wes
Slate, Sylvan Menezes, George Simon
Members Absent:
Others Present:
David Suminsby
Eileen Sacco
Gooding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on May 20,2009 were
presented for approval. Slate moves to approve the minutes of the Harbor Management
Authority meeting held on May 20,2009 as amended. Neuman seconds the motion the motion
Report from Facilities Committee
Ward reports that the Facilities Committee met this evening. He stated that there are six (6) slips
available at the marina. Discussion ensues regarding the exact number of slips available. Ward
noted that there is a chart that shows 26 slips and Carol Augelewicz's records show 16. Gooding
will look into it.
Ward explains that there is an issue at the marina regarding the sale of a boat to someone who is
third on the list for a slip at the commercial marina. He explains that the first person on the list
will get a slip and the second person on the list has agreed to wait and allow the third person on
the list to get the slip. Ward expressed concern that it would be setting a price on the slip if the
sale of the boat is contingent upon the availability of the slip.
Neuman states that the boat does not go with the slip and he would not mention the word boat in
negotiating this, and make it clear that the boat is not part of the transaction.
Gooding expressed concern that the party is not selling the boat unless the slip goes with it.
Neuman suggests that the Commission talk to Roy Gelineau to make sure that this is done in a
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correct legal fashion. Troubetaris and Gooding agreed. Ward states that he will contact
Gelineau regarding this matter.
David Suminsby joined the Commission meeting at this time. Raymond explains that he invited
Mr. Suminsby to attend the meeting to share his ideas on solutions for the parking on the
Suminsby explained his proposal and notes that he has spent a significant amount of time down
there. He notes that he has walked the area several times and noted the area between the bridge
that abuts the restaurant. He noted that his plan would call for the filling of tide lands but he
hopes that the state might consider that. He explains that the area is shallow and not useful for
navigational purposes.
Suminsby states that he feels this would eliminate the need to use Ferry Way Landing which
would cut into green space.
Neuman states that he thinks that it is a good idea but would be regulatory challenge.
Raymond states that the Mr. Suminsby made a thoughtful presentation at the Planning Board
meeting last night.
Slate notes that Suminsby is a constituent of his and suggested that the Commission invite him
back to another meeting in July after the Commission has had a chance to review the proposal.
Oosthoek suggests that July would be a good time, noting that the Commission is focusing on the
McDonald's side. Slate questions if there is anything in process now where this plan could be
Gooding states that it is a thoughtful plan and she appreciates Mr. Suminsby's effort and thanks
Raymond for inviting him to the meeting. She notes that there will be many conversations about
this site in the next few weeks and the Commission will take this under advisement. She thanks
Suminsby for attending the meeting.
Ward continues with the Facilities Committee report and states that some floats have to be built
soon noting that in a discussion with Lou Bochynski he recommended that they be done right
Gooding suggests that a small group of members for a committee that is willing to devote a lot
time in reviewing the plans for the marina and float maintenance.
Ward states that an inventory should be done of the Harbor Management equipment in the
Harbor Management building.
Ward notes that three eviction letters need to be sent out regarding slips. He explains that they
are delinquent from last season. Gooding suggests that they be referred to Roy Gelineau.
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Marina Mana2er Position
Gooding reported that she has spoken with Lou Bochynski, Mayor Scanlon, John Dunn and
Mike Collins. She noted that Bochynski has opted for retirement. She reported that discussions
have been held regarding Bochynski staying on part time for 20 hours per week and the Mayor
has asked him for ideas on how he would like to structure that. She further noted that no
decision has been made to date and it is not clear if Bochynski is willing to stay.
Discussion ensues regarding the position of the Marina Manager. Ward reports that the Facilities
Committee discussed it and recommends that two part positions are needed for the summer. He
notes that Bochynski was there seven days a week, 24 hours a day and there is a lot that needs to
be done and looked after. He suggested that the HMA review the job description and determine
what is needed for the summer and advertise for a full time position in the fall.
Oosthoek suggests inviting Mayor Scanlon to a meeting to discuss this further. Neuman agrees
that the Commission should decide what model they want to follow and discuss it with the
Miedzionowski suggests that they contact Mass Maritime, noting that they have a marina
management program and perhaps we could get an intern.
Gooding agrees and states that the Commission needs to figure out what is needed for the rest of
the season and go from there.
Troubetaris asks if the Mayor is in favor of replacing the position. Gooding notes that if Leone
takes over the management of the marina the position could be for the short term. Neuman notes
that Leone will need someone to oversee it and might keep the person on if they are good at it.
Gooding stated that she will talk with Mayor Scanlon about the job description and advertising
for someone at least for the summer, noting that she is hesitant to spend money on salaries.
Neuman notes that what is really needed is someone full time for the marina management and a
part time person to do the bookkeeping. Gooding explained that the Mayors plan is for
Bochynski to stay on part time with back up from Mike Collins and John Dunn will figure out
the administrative duties.
It was also noted that if the work on the marina is to be done in the fall there may be a need not
to have boats stored there in the winter. Ward estimated that it would be $8,000-$10,000 less in
revenue. He also noted that there might be places on the commercial side to store those boats.
Miedzionowski agreed to make some calls regarding a possible intern. Menezes offered to
review the job description.
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Financial Report
Discussion on Waterfront Improvements
Neuman reports that the cost estimate from Vine Associates dated 7/1/08 estimates that it will
cost $7.3 million for all of the work that needs to be done on the site. He recommends that the
focus be the waterfront side in front of the McDonald's building which will cost about $2.4
million. Gooding suggests that representatives of the HMA meet with Susan St. Pierre of Vine
Associates to layout what needs to be done. Oosthoek agrees noting that it would be the logical
way to proceed.
Neuman questions if Vine Associates is under contract. Gooding explains that they are under
contract. She suggests that we consult with them and if need be schedule a special meeting of
the HMA if a decision needs to be made quickly. Neuman agreed and notes that as long as we
have the money we should get the wheels turning. He noted that we should be mindful ofMr.
Leone's plans and how to integrate the work with his. Gooding, Neuman and Menezes will meet
with Vine Associates to figure out the best way to deploy the money.
Gooding explains that there is still no approval from the state on the revised plans for the Black
Cow. Neuman states that he thinks that the city can move forward separate from the Black Cow
noting that they are separate pieces. Raymond agrees and notes that if the floats are constructed
of wood and installed in the recreational marina they can be moved to the commercial marina
FY2010 Bud2et
Oosthoek states that the HMA needs to approve the adjusted budget for FY2010.
Memezes moves to approve the FY20 1 0 budget for the Harbor Management Authority in the
amount of$3,904,455. Troubetaris seconds the motion. The motion carries (10-0).
Miedzionowski reviews the financials and notes that letters are going out to tenants from the
commercial and recreational marinas. He states that he will confer with the City Solicitor on
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Next Meetin2
The next meeting of the Harbor Management Authority will be held on Wednesday, July 15,
There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this evening,
Neuman moved to adjourn the meeting. Slate seconds the motion. The motion carries (10-0).
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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