Harbor Management Authority
April 15, 2009
Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room
Members Present
Chair, Miranda Gooding, Charles Raymond, Greg Ward
Paul Miedzionowski, Don Neuman, Maureen Troubetaris,
Rinus Oosthoek, Wes Slate, Sylvan Menezes, George Simon
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Lou Bochynski, City Solicitor Roy Gelineau
Eileen Sacco
Gooding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Harbor Management Authority meeting held on February 18, 2009 were
presented for approval. Troubetaris moves to approve the minutes of the Harbor Management
Authority meeting held on February 18, 2009 as amended. Slate seconds the motion the motion
Report from Facilities Committee
Ward reported that the Facilities Committee met this evening and reviewed the budget. He
explained that they are recommending an increase in the Dock Maintenance line item from
$20,000 to $25,000 for additional work that needs to be done. Bochynski explained that divers
need to go into the water to inspect the chains and floats, noting that this is normal and usual
maintenance. Gooding clarified that this work is not included in the work being done by Vine
Associates. Bochynski agreed and explained that the last time this was done it was done by the
low bidder for the work and the bare minimum was accomplished. He stated that he is hoping to
keep the cost at $20,000 but would like to have the flexibility to have the money in the event that
additional work is needed.
He also explained that they are recommending that the line items for Utilities Boat Owners,
Utilities, and Marina Operating Expenses remain the same.
Ward explained that they are proposing to put three fingers in the recreational marina and noted
that when the renovations are completed they could move them to the commercial marina. He
estimated that the cost for this will be about $30,000.
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Ward reported that the Facilities Committee is also recommending that the $40,000 that usually
goes to the general fund be retained by the Harbor Management Authority budget.
Ward reported that there are eight slips open at the recreational marina and recommends that the
HMA advertise them after going through the waiting list.
Bochynski explains that the individuals who are current have all been called, but he has not gone
further into the list. It was suggested that they be advertised on Craigslist and Bev Cam.
Gooding asks if there is a waiting list for the Commercial Marina. Bochynski reports that there
is one person on the list and all slips are full.
Bochynski explains the past due accounts and the procedures that are used to try and collect the
money. Roy Gelineau stated that he will have Bob Monroe look into that.
Gooding suggests that Oosthoek, Miedzionowski, and she work on the budget requests.
Ward stated that the next Facilities Committee meeting will be held at the marina.
Finance Report
Miedzionowski reviewed the monthly finance report for the Harbor Management Authority.
Slate asks if we can anticipate the budget process being different this year due to the fact that the
Harbor Management Authority legally has control over funding. Gooding states that she hopes
that the HMA will have input into the crafting of the budget for the HMA.
Executive Session
Gooding notes that City Solicitor Roy Gelineau is present this evening to review matters of
pending litigation.
Motion: Slate moves that the Harbor Management Authority go into Executive Session for
the purpose of discussing pending litigation and negotiation of a lease, and the HHA will return
to open session. Troubetaris seconds the motion. Gooding calls for a roll call vote as follows:
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The motion carried (10-0).
The HMA returned to open session at 8:30 p.m.
Black Cow Project
Gooding reported that the Planning Board Public hearing has been postponed to Mayl9, 2009
and the Beverly Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing on the project on April 21,
2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the Beverly Public Library.
Mass Hi2hwav
Gooding reported that the Public Hearing for the public access way will be held on May 9,2009.
Update on Bass River Dred2in2
Menezes reported that he and Oosthoek met with the Commodore of the Bass Haven Yacht Club
regarding the closing of the gates. He explained that snow was blocking them and when they
were made aware of it they cleared the snow and tied the gates open with a rope. He noted that
they were very willing to address the issue.
Neuman reported that he met with Mr. Sterling and stated that they have some money to spend
on dredging. Neuman explained that he called Bourne Engineering to see if they could go along
with the city project for dredging. It was recommended that they meet with Mayor Scanlon on
the matter.
Hubbard Pier
Menezes expressed concern that the drawings for the pier show that the gangway will sit in mud
for 4 1Iz hours of the tide. He noted that the regulations call for 18 inches of water at a minimum
at low tide. Bochynski reported that the plan noted that there are stops on the inside of the piles
to keep the float up. Menezes notes that he did not know that and suggested that the
Conservation Commission should address this in their regulations because this is what DEP
Seaport Council Update
Gooding reported that new grant applications to the Seaport Council have been prepared and the
Mayor and Tina Cassidy need to sign off on them. She also noted that we should be on the list
for some additional money.
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Kavak Rental- Correspondence from Harbor Master
Gooding reported that the Harbormaster has suggested that permits or stickers should be issued
to people storing kayaks in the racks at Sandy Beach. Bochynski the history of the kayak racks
and suggested that it would be one more thing to monitor down there.
There being no further business to come before the Harbor Management Authority this eyeing,
Slate moved to adjourn the meeting. Ward seconds the motion. The motion carries.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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April 15, 2009
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