2009-07-023 Beverly CATV Advisory Commission Meeting DATE: July 23,2009 LOCATION: Bevcam office, Beverly High School, Beverly, Ma. TIME: 7:00 P.M. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Dan Murphy - Chairman, George Johnson, Arthur Crandall, Al Torsey, Bob Murphy, Eric Overberg, Neil Overberg. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: , E. Overberg, D Murphy. G. Johnson PUBLIC: Don Berman, (BEVCAM), Judy Miller, technical director of the Beverly school system, Jonathon Hitesman, public o A quorum not being present, Dan opened an informal meeting at 7:00. Communications: o Dan received from Mayor Scanlon a 2009 cable franchise survey from Jackie Le Grand to be filled out and returned to him. o Beverly's city solicitor found a snag in hiring Kopleman and Paige, and will address same. o Old business: o June minutes were accepted but not voted on. o New business: o Public Comments: None. o Bob Murphy notified Dan that he was resigning the CATV AC o Eric, Dan, and George attended a meeting with Judy Miller and Paul Cohen to discuss their issues. They stated that more bandwidth will be needed at the new high school for their applications. They now use a VPN via Comcast for their intranet. Judy will set up further meetings with CATV AC and BevCam. o Mayor Scanlon verbally approved BevCam's hiring of consultants. o Dan will ask Mayor Scanlon for any new candidates for the commission to replace Steve Pike and Bob Murphy. o Don presented the June BevCam report, re: staff, production schedule, project outreach, technical issues and financials. Don discussed negotiations with the Citizens Action Committee (CAe) to produce a show via BevCam with the Beverly Police on various issues. o Don discussed the meeting he attended of the telecom committee on July 22 regarding the Verizon bill H.R.1531 and the push to enact a 95 day plan to allow a statewide contract to expedite the franchise process. Public comment was against this. o Dan presented the CATV AC's 5 point business plan: 1. Overview- Situation as it exists today 2. BevCam business plan - PEG 3. I-NET- Users and development 4. Education department - PEG, Ch's 10 & 22 plus a third channel. 5. Conclusion - Future action o Dan wants to look into City of Beverly by-laws regarding expulsion of non participating members of City commissions. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 20 T\ 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at BevCam. At 8:00 P.M. the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted: Eric Overberg