2009-06-03 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: City Hall Conference Room B June 3,2009 Chairman Richard Benevento, William Bent, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sgt. John Shairs, Bill Fiore Sheila Field Councilor Wes Slate Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 1. Discussion: Distribution of Lon2 Term Meters on Rantou. Street / Or2anic Rainbow and S2t. Shairs Shairs reports that the City ordinance calls for long term meters on the ICC side ofRantoul Street. He notes that the ordinance specifies seven (7) long term meters and explains that sometime ago an additional three long term meters were installed in that area bringing the total long term meters to ten (10) but the ordinance was never changed to reflect that increase. Shairs explains that he monitored the area and removed three of the long term meters to bring it into compliance with the ordinance. Shairs notes that some of the business owners in the area are concerned about that and have requested that the long term meters be spread out up and down Rantoul Street. Shairs explains that there is a plan to install 150 additional meters downtown including the post office area. Shairs notes that the area of the Panther Pub had no signs limiting parking and that one hour parking signs for three parking spaces were recommended. He also notes that there are some on River Street as well and that has helped. Cassidy reviews the potential locations for the new meters on the map. She notes that these locations are parking spots where commuters are parking today, although there are no meters. Cassidy also notes that there are spaces by Casa de Luca that are two hour spaces that are not used at present due to changes in use of abutting properties. Bent asks if there is any residential only parking. Cassidy explains that the city has avoided that because they do not have a parking department. Benevento asks if the long term parking is enforced. Cassidy reports that it is enforced, noting that it will cost $3.00 for 12 hours. Shairs notes that the owner of the Organic Rainbow prompted this discussion regarding the long term meters on Rantoul Street, noting that they requested the ten long term meter heads. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 1 of3 June 3, 2009 Meeting Cassidy states that she feels that this is a reasonable approach, noting that the city is hoping to have some of the new meters in by the fall and Finance Director John Dunn is hopeful that they will all be in by next spring. She says that the question is whether to put back the three long term meters on Rantoul Street and request an ordinance change or leave it as it is at 7 long term spaces. She notes that the ordinance change would be with the understanding that the city will take another look at it when the new meters are installed. Benevento suggests that all of the downtown parking should be looked at. He asks what kind of meters are proposed to be installed. Cassidy reports that they are Smart Meters that can be accessed with coins or a debit card. Slate suggests that the Commission send this back to the City Council reinforcing that the ordinance calls for 7 long term meters in that area. Cassidy: Motion to acknowledge the request but recommend that a decision be deferred until the meter project is complete and the impact of it is known. Fiore seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries (6-0). Shairs: Motion to remove the restrictive parking signs on lower Railroad Avenue, near the Casa de Luca and former Press Box restaurants until the meter project is in place. Bent seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carried (6-0). Discussion/ Recommendation to the City Council Re2ardin2 Possible Elimination of On- Street Parkin2 on West Side of Marshall Court Sgt. Shairs reports that Marshall Court is a very narrow, sloping street that has no restrictions currently on on-street parking. He notes that people park on both sides of the street and when they do they restrict access by emergency vehicles. He explains that he has instructed people who have contacted him to call the police when cars are parked on both sides and that police have been ticketing cars when that happens. He notes that they are blocking emergency access. Benevento asks if this is an accepted City street. Cassidy states that it is not an accepted street, but is on a list of streets on which the city is authorized to make temporary repairs. Councilor Slate suggests that the Commission visit the site. Joyce Cahill addresses the Commission and explains that the problem has occurred because new tenants on Webber Street have restricted parking from 6-10 a.m. and they are parking on Marshall Court as a result. Cassidy suggests that the city post no parking signs on Marshall Court, the same as is posted on Webber Street. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 2 of3 June 3, 2009 Meeting Shairs states that he thinks that there has to be no parking on one side of Marshall Court. He suggests that there be no parking anytime on the west side of the street closest to Porter Street. This will still allow parking on the east side of the street. Benevento suggests that Sgt. Shairs and Councilor Slate visit the site and see what could be done. He also requests an opinion from the City Solicitor as to what the City can and cannot do in terms of street sign posting on unaccepted streets. Cahill states that she is concerned about people parking across her driveway and states that she would like to see no parking on Marshall Court at all. Cassidy questions if that would cause a problem for other neighbors. Shairs agrees and states that it is not wise to eliminate parking on both sides of the street since some residences have no access to off-street parking in this area. He also notes that the City needs access for public safety vehicles. Bent: Motion to table the matter to the next meeting pending a site visit by Shairs and Slate and receipt of an opinion from the City Solicitor as to the jurisdiction of the City regarding unaccepted streets. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries (6-0). Old/N ew Business Benevento asks if the signs recommended by the Commission have been installed in the Shingleville area. Shairs explains that he talked with the Department of Public Services and reports that they have been replacing the signs that need to be replaced, noting that 16-24 signs need to be replaced in total. Shairs reports that MGM is looking at Beverly to possibly film a movie on Cabot Street in September. He notes that a meeting with officials at MGM and the City of Beverly will be held this week. He states that he should have more information regarding this such as the closing down of streets for the July meeting. Hutchinson reports that on Lennox Street, cars park right to the corner of Rantoul Street. He suggested a "No Parking Here to Corner" sign be installed. Shairs will take a look at that and report back in July. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any other business to conduct at this meeting. There is none. Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Shairs. All members in favor, the motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Final Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 3 of3 June 3, 2009 Meeting