2009-06-03 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Open Space and Recreation Committee June 3,2009 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), David Brewster, Robert Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Pam Kampersal, Marilyn, McCrory, Bill Squib BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Suzanne Beaudoin, Sylvan Menezes, Michael Ralbovsky Environmental Planner Amy Maxner; Associate Planner Kate Newhall OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Andrea Bray Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes - Mav 6. 2009 Meetin2 The members review the minutes and make suggestions for changes. Coffey: Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Kampersal. Passes 6-0. Updates Website Maxner states that the GIS information is now on the Beverly main web site and it operates with a slow response time. She adds that GIS is a great tool containing wetlands data layers and topographies. Newhall states there is nothing new to report for the OSRC webpage but that she will be adding a photo review of this year's Earth Day Walks as she did last year. Kiosk Grant Newhall states that she spoke to Ed Juralewitz to see when the remaining 3 kiosks would be installed. She suspects that he will be finished with all installations by the middle of June. Maxner states that she spoke to Sean Mahoney who lives on Eagle Lane and abuts Bald Hill and he was disappointed that the kiosk was stolen. He expressed his suspicion that a neighbor on Hull Street took the sign but he was reluctant to name any names. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Newhall states that the sign installer reported that the Bald Hill locator flags were pulled up before he installed the sign, but he re-marked the area so Dig Safe could test the location. Maxner states that Dunne has offered to hold the three remaining homemade kiosks in her yard for a while. Dunne states that it should not be a problem. Kampersal states that it will take 2-3 men to lift and move each kiosk. She asks Maxner to advise her of the date/time for the transfer out of her husband's workshop. Maxner will contact the VELO group and inquire of their willingness to move them. McCrory arrives. Earth Dav Plannin2: - Update Maxner states that the walks were not as well attended as in the previous years and it may be a result from less publicity in the papers especially on the "Things To Do" sections of the papers. Coffey states that the Committee needs to send a picture to the press every two weeks to keep the Earth Day walks in the paper. She adds that there were 15 people at the Woods Egypt walk and that was a good-sized group to lead with Ed Myskowski's help. Buchsbaum states that "15" is a good number of people for the walks. He suggests having a "work day" (trail clearing or trail marking). Dunne suggests that the Committee check to see what other events in and around the community that may compete with the Earth Day walks. Coffey states that they might do fewer walks in the spring and do some in the fall and one in the winter. She suggests listing the events in the "North of Boston" section of the Globe. Coffey states that it would be a good idea to mark a few trails in The Commons because she got lost there again while on a walk out there last week. Brewster suggests having walks to a destination (a pub) as is done in Europe as mentioned by the Salts who attended his bird walk at Bald Hill. Newhall states that the website "Trails and Ales" has information like this. Brewster states that some establishments might sponsor the web site or the walks. Ri2:hts ofWav & CR's Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states she met with Tom Alexander on site and the homeowner had marked out where the entry would go, and flagged where the kiosk would go. She adds that the homeowner wanted to formalize it more with a blue stone walk that leads into it. She will work with Eric Barber in Engineering to get this on a sketch plan. Maxner states that the house went on the market this week. She says that she will continue to talk to Tom Alexander. She states that this easement would be recorded at the Registry. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 National Grid: Coffey agrees to write the letter based on the emails from Brewster and Menezes that describe the site walk and the Committee's findings and recommendations for a path and stream crossing. AMG & Standley Street Open Space: Dunne spoke with Ed Becker, Director ofECGB, and he was helping resolve the Standley Street open space encroachment by Waring School and Sweeny. Buchsbaum confirms that the people at Waring are aware that they are encroaching on this land. Coffey asks if the Committee would like to ask for something in return for the use of the land. Dunne informs the members that Becker said he would be glad to come to an upcoming meeting, or meet with some of the members regarding AMG and the Waring School. Dunne states that Becker stated that the only thing the Committee can do is soft pedal at this point. Maxner states that "Adverse Possession" cannot happen with City owned property. Dunne says that Darrell Crate thinks that ECGB may be too small of an organization to hold a CR for AMG's land and the Trustees of the Reservation has more money and will maintain the property. She adds that Crate has implied that he thinks the Trustees could move their headquarters to the current AMG building. Maxner states that Crate may not have an accurate impression of how land trusts work as now trusts routinely request endowments that fund stewardship of properties they obtain or CR's they hold. Maxner reviews the Conservation Commission's experience with the Sweeney property under an Enforcement Order. The Commission asked him to clean up the property and right of way and Sweeney responded he would clean it up but he wanted the City to survey the property and limits of the right of way, she is unaware if the Engineering Department ever responded to the survey request. Green's Hill (Parcel 27X): Maxner states that the "land oflow value" option, in Bob's opinion, indicates that the City is bound to put it up for auction. Squibb suggests checking with MACC and Maxner agrees to check with them. Maxner states that the other option is eminent domain taking. Newspaper Articles - Buchsbaum states that he needs to finish the article on the bird atlas survey. Old Business The Open Space and Recreation Plan - Implementation of 1 sf Year Action Items Accessibility to Parks: Maxner states that the members received Menezes' draft letter regarding Greenwood Avenue and City drainage project for the Chubbs Brook watershed. Coffey states that a handicapped woman joined them for the walk of Sally Milligan Park and was able to go into the site for a short distance before turning around. She found that encouraging. Open Space & Recreation Committee June 3, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 Maxner reads a letter from Mr. Magos and states that there is a meeting scheduled with his lawyer next week and states that maybe the Chair or Vice Chair would like to attend and represent the Committee. Dunne and Coffey agree to check their schedules. Dunne states that they should keep Norwood Pond on the table for handicapped access. Newhall agrees to check to see if the opportunity for the grant money still exists. Maxner suggests scheduling a walk to Norwood Pond. The members agree to walk the site on Saturday, June 13 at 9:00 am. Other Items Kampersal asks about the Airport wishing to rent land to build a hangar. Maxner states that they would have to file an NOI if any work is proposed within the Conservation Commission's jurisdiction but regarding leases, the Commission does not get involved with that type of issue. Next meetin2: a2:enda items and schedulin2: Buchsbaum suggests having a presentation from the Beverly Clean Energy Advisory Committee at an upcoming OSRC meeting. He agrees to set it up. Rosemary Maglio states that the Black Cow now wants to place a roadway on the only green space near the waterfront and asks the Committee to look this over and make comments. Brief discussion ensues regarding the proposed Black Cow project. Coffey agrees to make time to look over the plan this week. Buchsbaum: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Coffey. Passes 7-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 pm.