2008-07-01 Beverly Historic Commission Draft Minutes - July 1, 2008 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Date: Board: Location: Members Present July 1, 2008 Historic Commission Beverly City Hall William Finch, Chair, James Younger, John Condon Mathew Lewis, Ralph Turcotte (7:20 p.m.) Members Absent: Others Present Recorder: Kate Newhall Eileen Sacco Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Aooroval of Minutes The minutes of the Commission meetings held on June 5, 2008 and June 25,2008 were presented for approval. Younger moved approval as amended. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion carried. 76 Trask Street - Demolition of House and Barn Finch reviewed the process that the Commission will use this evening to review this matter. He notes that first the Commission must determine whether the building might be historic, and make a decision as to the historic significance to the City of Beverly. He also explained that they will determine if there is any public benefit in delaying the demolition for a period of time and explained that if it is so determined, the Building Inspector would be instructed not to issue a permit. He further explained that during the 12-month period of delay the Commission would review the cases and make a determination that concerns of the community have been met and that 12- month period could be reduced. Finch stated that he looked at an earlier map and found that it appears that it was built in 1836 and subsequently remodeled. He noted that there is Greek revival architecture in the house and Federal Style molding. He reviewed the family history of the site and ownership from the Brown family to the Swifts. He also had some historic photos. Finch noted that the site presently has a house and a small barn, which probably dates back to 1864 and has suffered severe fire damage. The owner noted that he feels that it is beyond repair and intends to raze it and construct a new house and barn, set further back on the property. Finch agreed that the exterior porch has a number of condition issues. Finch opens the hearing for public comment at this time. There was no one present who wished to comment on this matter. [Mr. Turcotte arrived] Finch reviewed the issues before the Commission regarding 76 Trask Street. Finch noted that removing all but the architecturally significant features would be a major job. He also noted that the two fireplaces have period mantles. Page 10f2 Beverly Historic Commission Draft Minutes - July 1, 2008 Finch asked the owner what the timeframe for the project would be. Mr. Pearson stated that he would like to start as soon as possible. Younger states that he feels that the property is historically significant based on the chain of history associated with it, noting that it was previously a dairylblueberry farm. Lewis stated that he would concur and following the family tree and what it meant to the City. Younger moved to determine that the property at 76 Trask Street is historically significant. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion carried. With regard to a delay of demolition, Younger stated that we have to consider what we will be left with and noted that the condition of the barn is so far gone that it is not unique. He also noted that because the house is not within the context of other houses the same age and he is not convinced that the house needs to be preferably preserved. He further noted that he did not see the inside of the property but he concurs that it would be a major rehabilitation. Turcotte stated that he agrees that it is not in the best interest to put a delay into effect. Finch stated that substantial rehab would have to be done and noted that if it could be moved, and there is not much likelihood of that, it could be a purposeful reason for a delay. The owner addressed the Commission and noted that the basement carrier beams have been eaten through and he is not sure it would survive a move. Finch asked if they would be willing to see if there is someone who would want to move the house. The owner noted that some of the trees on the property would need to be taken down to accommodate a move. Younger moved to not to issue a demolition delay based on the current condition of the property which is in many ways neglected and would require substantial work, and that the location does not have a lot of context with other houses and is not visible, and there is not a tremendous amount of public good in preserving it. Condon seconds the motion. The motion carries. Election of Officers Election of Chair: Younger nominated Finch for the position of Chair of the Beverly Historic Commission. Lewis seconds the motion. Condon moved that the nominations be closed. Turcotte seconds the motion. The motion carries. On the motion to elect Finch Chair of the Commission a vote was taken and the motion carried. Election of Vice Chair: Condon nominated Younger for the position of Vice Chair of the Historic Commission. Lewis seconds the motion. Condon moved that the nominations be closed. Turcotte seconds the motion. The motion carries. On the motion to elect Younger Vice Chair of the Commission a vote was taken and the motion carried. Adjournment Condon moved to adjourn the meeting. Younger seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. Page 2 of2