2009-03-12 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: LOCATION: DATE: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: City Hall, Third Floor Conference Room B March 12, 2009 Chairman Richard Benevento, William Bent, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sgt. Joe Shairs Bill Fiore Eileen Sacco Benevento calls the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 1. Discussion/Recommendation to Plannin2 Board: Site Plan Review Application #100- 09: Demolition and Removal of Existin2 Buildin2 and Construction of a new Buildin2 and Associated Site Improvements / 1 Water Street/ Citv of Beverlv and Joseph A. Leone. c/o Black Cow Restaurant Peter Ogren of Hayes Engineering addresses the Commission and explains the plans for the construction of the Black Cow restaurant. He states the parking requirements for the site and notes that they are proposing 144 spaces in various locations. He notes that 6 spaces on the restaurant site will be dedicated to Designated Port Area uses by regulation, and 6 spaces on the nearby Harbormaster's site will be set aside for recreational users at the request of the State grant agency (Division of Conservation Services). There are a sufficient number of parking spaces provided on the proposed site and the Harbormaster's site to meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. There are also 16 additional parking spaces at the old Creamery site which is next to the Anchor Pub that are also available for public use. Ogren explains that the current zoning calls for a 1Iz parking space per boat slip at the commercial and recreational marinas for a total of 28 spaces. He also notes that the zoning calls for one parking space for every four seats in a restaurant. Ogren turns the discussion over to Bill Bergeron from Hayes to explain the traffic report that they prepared. Bergeron addresses the Commission and explains that they used a traffic study that was done for the Congress Street Condo project (former Ventron site) by Abend Associates which included this site in the study. He notes that at that time the traffic study was conducted, the Planning Board knew the City was contemplating the construction of a restaurant on the former McDonald's site and required that the study include a ISO-seat restaurant in its analysis. He explains that Hayes has revised the study to reflect the current plans (for a 329-seat restaurant). He notes that the counts in the Abend studies were predicted through 2011. Bergeron explains the study and notes that the CabotlRantoul Street intersection is considered to be operating at a level of service (LOS) B. He reviews the safety analysis and states that traffic Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 1017 March 12, 2009 meeting conditions have improved in the area since the study was done in 2003, in that a new roadway (Goat Hill Lane) was constructed and traffic signals were installed/retimed. Bergeron notes that Hayes felt comfortable using the projected 2011 data and also notes that the only wild card could be the existence of the new Salem Bypass Road which was not open at the time the study was done and therefore no data from that was included. Ogren questions if the traffic patterns would change because of the Salem Bypass Road. Benevento explains that it is easier to get to Salem now, noting that using Salem's Bridge Street used to be a nightmare. He also suggests that they conduct new traffic counts, noting that it is not because he does not believe them, it just makes sense to have accurate information. Ogren states that this site was once a McDonald's fast food restaurant and it generated a lot more traffic than this restaurant will. Benevento agrees, but notes that as a Board we have to live in the here and now. Discussion ensues regarding satellite parking and the location of it. Cassidy explains that the project includes a reconfiguration of the parking lot on the harbormasters site to create 21 more parking spaces than exist there today. She also explains that the Black Cow will add landscaping to the Ferry Way Landing site and notes the locations on the plans. She also notes that there is a possibility of a pedestrian walkway between the proposed restaurant site and the Harbormaster's lot. Benevento asks if there is any pedestrian access. Cassidy explains that there is a sidewalk along Cabot Street and Summit Avenue and notes their locations. She notes other areas of pedestrian access as well. Bergeron explains that Leone has been contacting local property owners to find additional parking areas for his employees' use. Cassidy explains that the zoning ordinance assumes and includes that requirement and Leone is being proactive in that regard. It was noted that at the DEP hearing Leone indicated that he would have about 30 employees on the largest work shift. Benevento asks if the restaurant site will accommodate all of the parking needed for the restaurant. Cassidy states no, and explains that the zoning ordinance allows an owner to count parking on site or on a nearby site within 500' of the establishment. With the inclusion of the Harbormaster's site and the parking area under the bridge, there will be sufficient parking to meet the zoning requirements. In fact, she also notes that they are proposing a little more parking than is technically required by zoning. Benevento asks if there is some historical significance to the site. Cassidy explains that the restrictions of the grant that covered some of the acquisition cost will require that a majority of the first floor of the new building be used for public recreation and conservation use. She notes that the City and the proposed restaurateur have been meeting with the State officials overseeing the grant and they have agreed that if a restaurant is on the second floor and the first floor is dedicated public use they would deem it to be consistent with the grant requirements. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 2 017 March 12, 2009 meeting Benevento asks if that section of Cabot Street is a state highway. Ogren states that he thinks it is. Benevento notes that they will have to get an indirect access uses permit and Mass Highway will want to see current traffic counts. Ogren reviews the permits that are required for the site and notes that the owner is taking it slow but he is aware of the number of permits required. Sgt. Shairs expresses his concerns about parking and states his opinion that it is premature to count on the spaces at the Creamery noting that they full on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with patrons of the Anchor. He also states that he thinks the 61 spaces on the site will be used by boaters and fishermen. Ogren explains the parking provided on the site for the marina and the Designated Port Area. Cassidy states that the project does not rely on the parking at the Anchor to meet the zoning requirements. Benevento asks if they have considered having the employees park in remote locations. Bergeron states yes, and notes as previously discussed that Leone is working with nearby property owners to obtain additional parking for his employees. Bent states that he feels that the opening of the Salem Bypass Road is a major change to the traffic pattern in that area and he would be surprised if Mass Highway didn't request current traffic counts. He states that his only concern would be the intersection of Water Street and the proposed restaurant driveway. He suggests that it might be worthwhile to look at it and see if improvements could be made. Benevento agrees that the Salem Bypass Road's opening is a consideration and notes that there could be a traffic backup if the restaurant's parking lot is full. Cassidy explains that the zoning calls for 1Iz parking space for every boat slip. She notes that it is unlikely that every boat owner would be on the site at the same time. She also notes that the commercial fishermen largely arrive in the morning (well before any restaurant customers would be on hand) and are typically off site by early afternoon. She also notes that there will be more room for parking on the Harbormaster's site that you might think at present. The City plans to reconfigure it and increase the number of spaces available on that site. Shairs asks what the hours of operation will be for the restaurant. Cassidy suggests the restaurant's hours will likely be from 11 :30 a.m. to midnight. Shairs notes that he monitors the traffic on the 4-12 midnight shift and he has seen people park at the McDonalds site to go to the Anchor Pub or the Beverly House of Pizza. He states that he is concerned about pedestrians crossmg. Cassidy notes that there are going to be some changes in the area and suggests that the bait shop and Beverly Port Marina will have to start providing parking on their own property for their customers, and notes that the Marina in particular has more than sufficient space on its site to accommodate its customers. Bent states that he would like more time to review this. He also suggests that they do some current traffic counts. Benevento agrees. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 3 017 March 12, 2009 meeting Cassidy explains that the Planning Board is opening a public hearing on this matter next week and will likely continue the hearing to its April meeting. She also states that she will get copies of the old Abend traffic study and addenda to Commission members. Benevento opens the meeting up for public comment at this time. John Silver of Beverly Port Marina (BPM) addresses the Commission and expresses his concerns about parking and the locations of the satellite parking, noting that he thinks it will be hard for people from out of town to find it. He also states that he is concerned about the impact on other local business and their customers. He states that BPM is not opposed to a restaurant on this site, but feels what is proposed is too large and should be scaled down. Benevento asks for the sizes of the Black Cow restaurants in Hamilton and Newburyport. Bergeron states that the Hamilton location has 140 seats and Newburyport has 273 seats which includes outside seating in the summer months. Benevento says that he understands Silver's concerns noting that people always try to find prime parking and agrees that it might be difficult for people from out of town to find the other parking. He asks if they have considered valet parking for the site. Ogren states that they have thought about that and they could look at that again. Bergeron states that Leone is a proactive restaurant owner and if there is a parking issue he will address it with valet parking or otherwise. He also notes that they cannot finalize or formalize the agreements for off-site employee parking locations yet because they do not know what the time frame for construction and opening of the restaurant will be at this time. Silver expresses his concerns about zoning changes that were made and that more parking would have been required under the old zoning. He also notes that it is the same situation with the marina parking, stating that the City is putting in a larger marina and have plans for a ferry service out of there. Cassidy explains that the city is reconfiguring the marina but is not putting in a larger one. She also notes that zoning compliance is an issue for the Building Inspector and he needs to insure conformance to the ordinance, not the Parking and Traffic Commission. She also explains that they have been investigating offering dinner cruises from the site or an educational Discovery Cruise tours for students. She also states that there are no plans for a ferry servIce. Silver suggests that the Commission take a look at the parking at the Anchor Pub to see what the impact would be. Cassidy suggests that would be inappropriate for the City to view the Creamery parking lot as one only to be used by patrons of a single business. She suggests that if parking on congested residential streets proves to actually be a problem, a "resident only" sticker program would solve the issue. She notes that effort would be more proactive than saying no to a development project based on speculation that it could pose a parking problem for the Anchor Pub that may not materialize. Bent states that it appears to him that the parking calculations meet the zoning requirements for parking and he is not sure if there is anything else that the Commission can or should do on this Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 4017 March 12, 2009 meeting point. He notes that it would behoove the restaurant to make sure that the parking for the site works. Benevento states that safety is his number one issue, whether it is traffic circulation or pedestrian safety and whether people have a safe, well lit path of travel to get from one location to the other. He also notes capacity is important to fully understand the traffic volume and convenience is also a concern. He states that the site has been vacant way too long and he needs to be convinced that it will all work. Shairs suggests that they look at putting a driveway across the Ferry Way Landing to make a simple path of travel between the restaurant and the overflow parking on the Harbormaster's site. Cassidy explains that there may be a legal impediment to doing that but she will look into the matter. Benevento asks if there are any further questions or comments. There are none. Bent: motion to continue discussion to the next meeting on April 8, 2009 and that the Commission will review the information and try to get some comments to the applicants prior to the April 8th meeting. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carnes. 2. Discussion/ Recommendation to Plannin2: Board: Site Plan Review Application 99- 09: Construction of Subsidized Elderlv Housin2: Project (173 Units) at 145 Conant Street / Harvest Development/Currv Architecture Atty. Glovsky is present on behalf of the applicant. Benevento recalls that the last time the Commission met regarding this matter, the only concern was that of the address of the property. Shairs notes that the proposed address is 145 Conant Street and the only access will be from Cherry Hill Drive. He expresses concern that having an address on a street to which the project has no access could be confusing for emergency response personnel. Cassidy notes that addresses are typically assigned by the City Engineer. Bent states that he has no issues with the project. Cassidy agrees. Benevento questions whether the intersection of Conant Street and Cherry Hill Drive would require a traffic signal. Cassidy says she doubts it, given the relatively little amount of land left to be developed in the industrial park. She states that she has observed a queue as long as 6 or 7 cars on Cherry Hill Drive waiting to turn onto Conant Street during p.m. rush hours, but the line moves quickly and delays do not seem to be an issue in this location. Cassidy notes that she sent crash rate data out to members of Commission after the last meeting as requested. Benevento asks if there are any other questions or comments on the project. There are none. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 5017 March 12, 2009 meeting Bent: motion to recommend to the Planning Board that it approve the project, subject to the condition that the assigned street address be a Cherry Hill Drive address to eliminate any potential confusion for emergency response personnel. Cassidy seconds the motion, all in favor. The motion carries. 3. Continued Discussion: Potential Elimination of Left Hand Turns at Intersection of Park and Elliott Streets Shairs explains that he requested that this item be on the agenda because he read m the newspaper that the Planning Board approved the CVS project. Glovsky explains that the applicant was slated to meet with the Commission on the day of the last scheduled Planning Board meeting, but the Commission's meeting was canceled due to a snow storm. He explains that the Planning Board voted to approve the project with all of the Parking and Traffic Commission's recommendations incorporated, and suggest that if there is a better way to route the traffic once the store is open, CVS will come back to address those issues. 4. Update: Citv Council Action Relative to the Proposed Handicapped Parkin2: Application and Review Process / Shairs Shairs reports that a letter needs to be sent to the City Council requesting that they accept the handicapped parking application and review process recently discussed by the Commission. Cassidy states that a letter has already been sent. Bent: motion to send a letter to the Beverly City Council recommending the proposed handicapped parking application and review process be adopted. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The motion carries. 5. Update: Letter to Beverlv Main Streets Re2:ardin2: Speed Limits on Cabot and Rantoul Streets / Shairs Shairs reports that he attended a meeting ofRantoul Street merchants and he suggested to them that it would be an easy process to post speed limit signs on Rantoul Street. He explains that he found out differently at a subsequent Commission meeting. In fact, the State has control over the posting of speed limit signs on this road since it is a State highway (Route 1A). He also notes that one Rantoul Street merchant has concerns about the number of so-called long term, 12 hour meters compared to Cabot Street. He states that he is in the process of looking to swap out meter heads from other areas in the City to see if additional spaces can be created, or existing ones relocated. 6. New or Other Business (a) 15 Minute On-Street Parkin2: Zone (Rantoul Street. north from the Pond/Rantoul Street intersection) for a Distance of Three Parkin2: Spaces Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 6017 March 12, 2009 meeting Shairs explains that this request requires an ordinance change and recommends that the Commission send a request to the Beverly City Council recommending an ordinance change for a new 15 Minute On-Street Parking Zone (Rantoul Street, north from the PondlRantoul Street intersection) for a distance equal to the length of three parking spaces. Bent: motion to recommend to the City Council that the ordinances be changed to create a new 15 minute on-street parking zone on Rantoul Street, north from the PondlRantoul Street intersection for a distance equal to the length of three parking spaces. Motion seconded by Hutchinson, all members in favor. The motion carries. 7. Approval of Minutes The draft minutes of the February 11, 2009 meeting were presented for approval. Benevento asks if there are any changes that need to be made to the minutes. Members indicate they have not had sufficient time to read the draft. Bent: motion to table approval of the draft minutes of the Commission's February 11, 2009 meeting to the next meeting, seconded by Shairs. All members in favor, the motion carnes. 8. Adjournment Benevento asks if there is any additional business for the Commission to conduct today. There is none. Shairs: motion to adjourn, seconded by Hutchinson. All members in favor, the motion carnes. The meeting is adjourned at 10:00 a.m. Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 7017 March 12, 2009 meeting