2009-04-01 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Open Space and Recreation Committee April 1, 2009 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, Robert Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Sylvan Menezes, David Brewster and Bill Squibb BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Kampersal, Marilyn McCrory, Michael Ralbovsky Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Associate Planner Kate Newhall OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Andrea Bray Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes - March 4. 2009 Meetin2 The members review the minutes and make suggestions for changes. Coffey: Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Buchsbaum. Passes 6-0. Voting members are Dunne, Beaudoin, Brewster, Buchsbaum, Coffey, and Menezes Updates Website Newhall states that the Earth Day walk schedule up on the main Beverly website as well as the OSRC site. She adds that she also posted the parcel inventory in 4 separate sections, (1) Gardens and Beaches, (2) Passive Recreation, (3) Playgrounds and Playing Fields, and (4) School Playgrounds. Newhall states that now is the time to do a press release on the website. She offers to draft the press release and send it to the members for comments. Buchsbaum states that the map of Norwood Pond looks confusing because of all of the tiny trails in about 20 different colors. He suggests consolidating the trails with only about 3 colors. He states that this is not critical but it is something to think about in the future. Kiosk Grant Open Space & Recreation Committee Aprill, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 Newhall distributes copies of the Kiosk display for Beverly Commons, and states that she will use the pantone colors as appropriate. Coffey states that it might be difficult to follow some of the red blazes on the Greenbelt trail. She suggests remarking some of the trails before the kiosks are installed, and using green blazes on the Greenbelt tailor asking Greenbelt to allow them to place some of their logo markers. The members discuss the trail map and members note that the text for plants is duplicated. Newhall will amend the text accordingly. Dunne suggests removing the Clapp Trail. More discussion ensues regarding the amendments to the design. Newhall advises the members the Kiosks must be completed and installed by May 9 at least for the Beverly Commons in time for Nancy and Ed's walk. She asks Beaudoin to thank her husband for all of his help. Coffey offers to look over the trail map and advise Newhall of any possible changes. Earth Dav Plannin2: - Update Maxner states that the Earth Day Walks schedule was published in today's Salem News. She adds that the schedule will run again with additional information. She says that she will print flyers and distribute them to the library, senior center, Montserrat College of Art, and other public buildings and maybe some banks. Beaudoin states that they can use the Hannah and Centerville school parking lots for the Earth Day Walks. Ri2:hts ofWav & CR's 27X: Dunne states that they met with John Dunn, and Bob Munroe, and discussed the means by which the City can take the land. Maxner states that they were in disagreement on the way to go about this. Dunne states that if they take the land under the "Land of Low Value" option, they might be compelled to put it up for public auction, in which case an abutter would probably buy the parcel. Dunne says that the land was appraised for $15,000 quite a few years ago, and the assessed value is currently at $4,500. Dunne summarizes that this issue is currently in the hands of Bob Munroe and John Dunn. Maxner hopes to have an update in time for the next meeting. Open Space & Recreation Committee Aprill, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Essex Street 50' ROW: Dunne states that Bob Monroe will send another letter to Mr. Magos to remove the fence. Maxner will check in with Munroe on his progress in getting this resolved. Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states that they are waiting for the survey from the engineering department and will check in on the status of that. National Grid: Dunne suggests scheduling a walk. The members agree to a walk at 6:00 PM, Monday, April 13. AMG: Dunne states that she and Coffey are scheduled to have a telephone call at 1 :30 PM, on Friday with Darrell Crate, AMG's CFO. Buchsbaum suggests contacting Ed Becker in advance to get his advice on how to handle this discussion. Standley Street Conservation Commission Property: Abutter Encroachment: Maxner states that she went through the aerial photos from 1947 to date and put together a power point. She shows slides of the aerial views progressing chronologically starting in 1947. The slides indicate that a natural or agricultural field was in place since 1947 or earlier, and it is now a soccer field and encroaches on the conservation land. Buchsbaum states that periodically there has been complaints made to Ed Becker from a Greenbelt supporter whose family donated this land about the encroachment of the field. He adds that Sweeney blocks the access to the parcel across the street and this should be addressed. Maxner states that there is no adverse possession for any City owned land and agrees to draft a letter to Sweeny to remove the blockages. The members discuss the possible ways to approach this issue with the Waring School. Newspaper Articles Coffey states that her article about Beverly Commons was published in the Beverly Citizen a couple weeks ago. Old Business The Open Space and Recreation Plan Implementation of 1 8t Year Action Items is discussed. Accessibility at Parks - DCR grant opportunity for October 2009 - Schedule Site Walks Maxner states that Mike Salerno is willing to go on a walk at Norwood Pond. The members agree to possible site walks on Saturday, April 18 or Saturday, May 2. Maxner agrees to offer these two dates to Mike Salerno and advise the Committee on the final schedule. Open Space & Recreation Committee Aprill, 2009 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 New Business Bald Hill: Coffey states that Sean Mahoney contacted her about BMX people at Bald Hill that were attempting to make jumps and manipulating the trails. Maxner states that she will speak directly to Sean Mahoney, and to Scott Murphy, in order to get the full story. Coffey states that Sean Mahoney was concerned about fires, ATVs, and paint ballers up there, and the paint ballers were cutting down trees. Maxner will walk the property before calling these two gentlemen. Volunteer Workers: Coffey asks about Jessica Kagle's natural history inquiry. She suggests involving her establishing interpretive nature trail stations. Maxner agrees to invite her in to speak to the Committee. Community Garden: Dunne states that there is some interest in a community garden, she can't think of any public parcels that could support a garden. The members agree to think about this and if they have any ideas they will contact Dunne or discuss at the next meeting. Next Meetin2: A2:enda Items and Schedulin2: Maxner advises the members that the next meeting will be on May 6 and they will have four Earth Day walks under their belts by then and the Committee can discuss progress and turnout at that time. Coffey: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. Passes 7-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 PM.