Economic and Community Development Council
January 21,2009
Beverly Public Library - Barnet Gallery
Chairperson Patricia Grimes, Vice Chairman Neil Douglas,
Bill O'Hare Tina Cassidy, Don Fournier, Ed Cahill, Bill
Howard, Frank Killilea
Attorney Tom Alexander, Steven Cohen, CEA Group Inc.,
and Ron Golub, The Stonewood Companies
Eileen Sacco
Grimes calls the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Presentation from CEA Group on Proposed Rezoning of a Portion ofBrimbal Avenue
Attorney Tom Alexander addresses the ECDC and explains that the property is 6 1Iz acres on
Brimbal Avenue near the 128 ramp and Sohier Road. He explains that the land was formerly
owned by the Archdiocese of Boston and was formerly a landfill that was closed in 1960. He
notes that it is a challenging site and they will be conducting a proper closure of the landfill
under the direction of the DEP.
Alexander explains that CEA Group has owned the site for two years, noting that this is not a
case of permitting the land and selling it. Instead, the CEA Group intends to develop it and
continue ownership. He notes that they see this as an opportunity to clean up the site. He also
explains that the plans call for improved signalization of traffic at the Brimbal Avenue and
Sohier Road/ 128 ramp intersection. He notes that it will improve the operations from LOS F to
LOS B. He states that this will mitigate traffic and dramatically improve the traffic flow.
Alexander summarizes the proposed IR Overlay District proposal. He notes that this proposal is
consistent with the Beverly Master Plan recommendations and will allow for mixed uses. He
estimates that this project would result in $250,000 in tax revenue for the City of Beverly.
Alexander states that they have been talking with the owners of the Northridge parcel which is an
abutter to the site and they confirmed by telephone that they have reached an agreement. He also
notes that they have been working closely with the Planning Board and its staff to draft the
proposed language, and the Planning Board has recommended that the Northridge parcel be
removed from the proposal and they have no problem with that. He explains that the parcels that
will be involved are the CEA site, the Vittori Rocci Post site and the other lots on that side of
Brimbal Avenue up to and including the parcel that houses Cycles 128.
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Douglas asks if the landfill site has been monitored. Cohen states that they have done extensive
testing on the site as often as quarterly to determine if there have been any changes to the site. He
explains that they found more landfill gas than was anticipated and notes that DEP' s main focus
is to make sure that the gas is addressed adequately. He explains that the plans for the cleanup
are 95% complete and expects DEP to approve them in 45-60 days. He also notes that the DEP
application is based on this project.
Cohen reviews the proposed plan and notes that it is a "Main Streets" development concept
constructed to look like a village rather than a strip mall. He explains the mixed use they
envision and notes that there is a childcare facility interested in the site. He adds that they hope
to attract a restaurant and specialty shops as well as office space.
Douglas asks what they are planning for parking. Cohen explains that they are planning to
provide 5 parking spaces for every 1,000 sq. ft. of space. He notes that the preliminary traffic
study is based on assumed users and the increase in traffic will be relatively small compared to
the traffic that already exists. He notes that traffic issues that already exist center around the
inefficiency of the ramps at Brimbal Avenue and Route 128. He also notes that mixed-use
development traffic is spread out more evenly throughout the day than is office related traffic.
Cahill asks if the perspective childcare facility is aware that the site is a former landfill. Cohen
explains that they actually have three providers interested in locating on the property and that is
the first thing they tell them and they do not seem to be concerned. He notes that in one case
the provider stated that they have another facility on a similar site.
Douglas asks what they expect the job impact to be from this development. Cohen states that
they have done no assessment on that at this point. Douglas states that it would be helpful
information for the Board to have noting that it is a strong interest of the Board.
Alexander says if the City approves the rezoning request, they will need to get a special permit
from the Planning Board and go through Site Plan Review as well. He also explains that they
will need permits from Mass Highway and he expects that they could be breaking ground in the
spring of2010.
Killilea states that there is a major drainage pipe on the site and he wants to make sure that it is
protected. Cohen states that they will sit down with Killilea regarding the pipe, noting that they
think that the pipe is blocked. Killilea explains that there was dumping of trash on the site and
the pipe was installed to drain storm water and was laid on the accumulated trash. He explains
that the pipe starts at the cemetery and goes to the other side ofBrimbal Avenue.
Fournier asks when the petitioners are going to the City Council. Alexander states that they are
going to the Legal Affairs Committee meeting next Monday, January 26th and to the full City
Council on February 2nd.
Grimes states that she agrees that the installation of traffic lights which would come with this
development will greatly improve the traffic problems and issues along this stretch ofBrimbal
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Avenue. She also notes that what is before the Council right now is the zoning issue and not the
proposed project.
Douglas states that this proposal is consistent with the master plan and is sound logic for this
property. He notes that he would like to see some information on job impact, noting that it is a
concern of the ECDC.
Cohen states that typically the jobs generated from a project of this type is generally between 3-5
jobs per square foot and estimated that the entire site could provide between 250-300 jobs.
Douglas states that he thinks that 75-100 would be more realistic. Cohen states that he will get
back to the Board with that information.
Cahill notes the understanding with Northridge Housing and asks if there is any opposition to the
project. Cohen states that they assume that businesses across the street would benefit from the
improvements. He also says that the proposed zoning change will help some non-conforming
uses conform to existing zoning.
Douglas states that he would be inclined to advance this proposal with an affirmative
recommendation on the zoning change. Members concur.
It was decided that the ECDC will send a favorable recommendation regarding the zoning
change to Mayor Scanlon so that he can distribute it to the appropriate Boards and Commissions
that will be reviewing it. Grimes will draft the letter and distribute to members for comment
before signing and submitting it.
There being no further business to come before the ECDC at this meeting, Grimes asks if there is
a motion to adjourn.
motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by O'Hare. All members in favor, the
motion carries.
The meeting is adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
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