Beverly City Hall
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
November 15, 2008
Members Present: Karen Bloodgood, Tina Cassidy, Kevin Gallant co-chair, Candace Pike co-chair, John
Members Absent: Michele Gordon, Butch Towne,
Ex Officio Members: Arthur Daignault
Old Business:
. Seven curb cuts remain on Cabot Street. Then, the sidewalk from Cabot Street to the Wenham line
will be accessible.
. The assisted listening system has been ordered for Briscoe Middle School.
. Candace Pike will arrange a time for the installation of the TTY line at the Library.
New Business:
. Art Daignault & Tina Cassidy are trying to form a partnership with the Executive Directors of the
Beverly Chamber of Commerce and Beverly Main Streets, so that their membership can be
educated on making their businesses accessible to people with disabilities.
. Karen Bloodgood will investigate the cost and feasibility of purchasing of either a beach
wheelchair or a mat that can be rolled out for use a wheelchair.
. Motion made by Candace Pike to accept the job description for the ADA Coordinator. Seconded
by Kevin Gallant. Passed 4-0.
Report from ADA Coordinator:
. Art Daignault reports that the city wide transition plan is complete. It contains all city owned
properties. Emily Rockwell of the School Department is very happy with it.
. Complaints:
1. Sam's Cleaners - They are still not compliant. Art Daignault e-mailed Moshi
Cohen with the mediation from the Department of Justice.
2. Red Brick - A hearing with the AAB was held on September 22,2008. They were
ordered to have the elevator installed, inspected and operational by January 2009.
. Individual Complaints
1. Pleasant Street and Park Street - Cars are parking on the corner, blocking the curb
cut. The stop sign was moved and a no parking sign installed.
2. Chestnut Park: Better lighting is needed to the upper parking area and the sign.
BRA will address this issue.
3. North Shore Education Consortium: Cars are going around the school buses as
student get on and off. The parents are drafting a letter to the head of the school.
4. North Beverly Plaza: The Planning Board approved the site plan for the walkway.
It must be 4 feet wide with signs for pedestrian crossing. This should be complete
by the end of April 2009.
. Art Daignault conducted training with each shift of the Beverly Police Department and was well
received. He distributed Disability laws booklet, information on Service Animals, brochures on
interacting with the disabled and his business cards.
. Art Daignault reports that Sgt. Phil McCarthy is getting two to three 911 disability indicator forms
a week.
. Municipal inspections are going very well. Art Daignault states that he did the final inspection of
the new office building on Conant Street with the Building Inspector.
The next meeting of the Commission is March 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 3rd floor.
NOTE: All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities' meetings are available in alternative
format upon request from the American with Disability (ADA) Coordinator at Beverly City Hall.