2009-01-21 City of Beverly Planning and Construction Committee Minutes January 21, 2009 A Meeting of the Planning and Construction Committee was held on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. at the Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex Street, Beverly, MA. Members Present: Chairman Ray Bouchard, Ed Doherty, Dan Skolski and Maureen Hobin. Others Present: Peter Seamans and Cheryl Lamont. The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by the Chairman, Mr. Ray Bouchard. Mr. Skolski made a motion to approve the minutes of September 17, 2008 as presented. Mrs. Hobin seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Planning and Construction Minutes - January 21, 2009 Page 2. The following invoices were presented for payment: Vendor Invoice Number Amount Mount Vernon Group 18 $58,778.18* Mount Vernon Group 19 62,192.71 ** Mount Vernon Group 20 25,903.84*** Mount Vernon Group 21 2,802.24**** * This represents the period of time from August 1 - August 31, 2008. ** This represents the period of time from September 1 - September 30, 2008. *** This represents the period of time from October 1 - October 31, 2008. **** This represents the period of time from November 1 - November 30, 2008. Mr. Skolski made a motion to ratify payment of these invoices as presented. Mr. Doherty seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. The following invoices were presented for payment: Vendor Invoice Number Amount Heerey International, Inc. 12 $ 5,950.00* Heerev International, Inc. 13 10,725.00** Heerey International, Inc. 14 78,180.04*** Heerey International, Inc. 15 5,677.18**** Planning and Construction Minutes - January 21, 2009 Page 3. * This represents the period of time from September 1 - September 30, 2008. ** This represents the period of time from July 13 - September 13, 2008. *** This represents the period of time from July 1 - September 10, 2008. **** This represents the period of time from June 14 - September 13, 2008. Mr. Doherty made a motion to ratify payment of these invoices as presented. Mr. Skolski seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Chairman Bouchard stated that a proposal was received from Gayle Associates for some building envelope and other investigations for the Library, City Hall, and eventually, the Police Station. Chairman Bouchard stated that this proposal was looked at today by the Mayor and is not sure if this proposal was executed or not. Chairman Bouchard stated that this proposal is a preliminary look at the roof to do some test cuts, to look at the windows and the brick veneer. City Hall is having a lot of water infiltration at this time as well as at the Library. The Library stairs will be included in this as there is a lot of water infiltration from the brickwork into the stairs as well as the three skylights that need to be refurbished or replaced. The Library and City Hall front stairs need to be looked at since they both create a tripping hazard. Planning and Construction Minutes - January 21, 2009 Page 4. Chairman Bouchard stated that a contract has been signed with Alliance Environmental Group with regard to the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club maintenance building, which is located at the rear of Goodyear Avenue. They will be doing a study and research to determine whether this property has had any hazardous materials stored there. There is a consensus that herbicides, fungicides and other hazardous materials were stored in this property for many years. Chairman Bouchard stated that there has been another contract signed with Alliance Environmental Group to remediate the site. Chairman Bouchard stated that he received an e-mail that this work will begin on January 29, 2009. Chairman Bouchard stated that there is a dirt floor inside this building, which will be removed and hopefully, will contain less than twenty yards, which may be only six inches of soil, because of the outcroppings of ledge all over the property. Chairman Bouchard stated the initial work was done in November 2008 and we have one hundred eighty days in order to remediate the site to stay under the radar of the DEP. The time limit for this is March 3rd and needs to be twenty yards or less. Chairman Bouchard stated the first contract was for $5,520.00, plus any additional scope, and the second contract to remediate the site, from Alliance Environmental Group, which has an office in Cambridge, is $17,635.00 and required a $2,500.00 deposit, which they have gotten from the City. Planning and Construction Minutes - January 21, 2009 Page 5. The following invoices were presented for payment: Vendor Invoice Amount Number Alliance Environmental Group, Inc. 1825-1 $ 913.70 Alliance Environmental Group, Inc. 1825-2 4,606.30 Chairman Bouchard stated that there would be an additional invoice balance for any additional work that needs to be done. He stated that if they end up having more than twenty yards this will need to be re-filed differently with DEP. Mr. Skolski made a motion to ratify the payments as presented. Mr. Doherty seconded. All in favor. Motion passes. Chairman Bouchard stated that this work will need to be done before the building is knocked down and includes the soil removal, waste barrels that were stored on the outside of the building that had spilled and asbestos and lead clean up. When this has been completed they will be ready for demolition and the City has a bond order to spend one point five million dollars on the Beverly Golf and Tennis Club property. Chairman Bouchard stated that after the clean up and remediation, an architect will design a new building to be constructed on this site which was found to be the most appropriate site on the property. It has been decided that people are accustomed to having the facility there and because of the gas dispensing facility located there and the fact that the tank was renewed several years ago. Planning and Construction Minutes - January 21, 2009 Page 6. Chairman Bouchard stated that as of January 20, 2009 the City gave the contractor a notice to proceed on the Beverly High School but the contract had not yet been signed. Chairman Bouchard stated that the next order of business was groundbreaking taking place sometime next week during the day at 1:30 P.M. Mr. Skolski asked if the sub-contractor disputes were resolved. Chairman Bouchard replied that out of the four bids for the general contractor, two or three of those were disqualified because of the pre-qualification requirements and the Solicitor's Office has been waiting for the decision from the AG's office because the carpenters union filed a law suit. They think if they do not get this decision soon, they will go ahead and sign the contract. The AG's decision has been written but it is now in the review stage. Mr. Doherty made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 P.M. Mrs. Hobin seconded. All in favor. Motion passes.