2009-02-26 Meetin2 Minutes for the Beverly Clean Ener2Y Advisory Committee. February 26. 2009. In Attendance (committee members): Fred Hopps (Chair), Bruce Egan, John Lappan, Robert Buchsbaum, and Chris TripIer Members of the Public: Laura Knight, John Clift, and Greg Roehr Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. . Fred Hopps presented his powerpoint to the committee that was previously shown to the Board of Selectmen. Discussions ensued during this presentation: - the work ofEnerNOC (http://www.enernoc.com/index.php) - Transition town with feedback from Laura Knight (http://www.transitiontowns. org/) - Green communities and the Green Communities Act of Massachusetts (http://www.mass. gov/legis/house/ht043 65 summary. pdt) - questions about Fred's talk were also discussed (e.g. RE/ AE: renewable energy/alternative energy & RGGI: regional greenhouse gas initiative (http://www.rggi.org/home ) . Bruce Egan provided a synopsis of the BCEAC meeting with the Mayor Scanlon on Feb. lih. - discussion of wind power siting in the town of Beverly - discussion for a regularly scheduled meeting with the mayor - packaging the proposal for wind power . A search for consensus for activities/energies that could be undertaken as a group. - looking at the wind turbine placement at the Solar Now/high school site. * work within the height restriction present (set by F AAO * any proposal will have to included added costs for inverters for the new turbine * refurbished 150kW turbine, is this an option? Meeting adjourned 8:45p.m. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the BCEAC Secretary, Chris TripIer