2009-01-07 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Open Space and Recreation Committee January 7, 2009 Elizabeth Dunne (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, David Brewster, Robert Buchsbaum, Nancy Coffey, Sylvan Menezes STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Marilyn McCrory, Pam Kampersal, Michael Ralbovsky, Bill Squibb Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Associate Planner Kate Newhall BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Andrea Bray Chairperson Dunne calls the meeting to order. Approval of Minutes - November 5. 2008 Meetin2 The members make recommendations for amendments. Brewster: Motion to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Buchsbaum. Passes 6-0. Old Business Open Space & Recreation Plan Action Items Accessibility at Parks - DCR grant for October 2009: Menezes states that Shoe Pond is partly accessible but some areas exceed the grade limits. He adds that there are currently no standards for accessibility, but there is guidance for grade limit of 5%, and there must be a rest area for every 200- 300 feet of grade. Dunne asks if a grant would enable someone to change the grade of an existing trail or path such as Shoe Pond. Discussion ensues regarding potential sites for an accessible trail. Buchsbaum states that it seems that Norwood Pond is a good candidate as the grades are fairly flat. The members discuss other locations and the possibility of making them accessible. These other areas include Lynch Park and Greenwood Ave at the Stone Ridge Road end. Newhall states that the grant is from DCR and it is for trail construction. She reads the list of projects that can be sponsored by the grant. The members agree that Norwood Pond would be the most likely fit for this grant. Buchsbaum states that they might be able to work on a section of Wood Lane. Open Space& Recreation Connnittee January 7,2009 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of3 Maxner states that they could create a destination next to a vernal pool on the Norwood Pond parcel as making it all the way to the pond itself may not be possible. Updates ECGA South Forest - Review of Parcel Ownership List Maxner states that she reviewed the list of parcels on the list provided by the ECGA and wrote her comments on each parcel with which she is familiar. Coffey questions why the Smithwick property at the Valley Street end of Pole Swamp Lane is not on the list. She explains that Mrs. Smithwick is 90 and ill and currently isn't talking to anyone. She offers to talk to her friend about this. Maxner confirms that the Smithwick parcel has a CR with ECGA. She points out the parcel on the map. Menezes suggests looking into the 23A parcel off of Green Street, which is on the water. Maxner states that an efficient way handle the ECGA's request would be if she submits the list with her comments to the members and the members can review and add additional information. The members discuss chapter 61 (forest land) parcels, including the NSMT property. Brewster mentions 50 Dunham Road LLC, and states that it is a large parcel that is vulnerable. The members discuss the Kelleher Pond area. Dunne states that they are building a road that is much larger than any driveway needed for a day care center. Maxner confirms that this will serve as a future subdivision roadway for the back 15 acres, however the developer is waiting for the economy to turn before he starts initiating plans for a residential subdivision. Maxner suggests recommending the AMG property to the ECGA. Coffey states that she spoke to Mayor Scanlon about this parcel and he offered to send a letter to AMG if needed. Buchsbaum states that ECGA has offered to help with the AMG issue, but is not looking to take the lead on this so it would be up to the Committee to start dialogue with AMG. Coffey states that she will follow up with Steve Cohen who has offered to help and has connections with AMG. Website - Parcel Inventorv Newhall states that she finished this parcel inventory list and sent it out to the members. She suggests that the members email her with comments. Newhall states that downloadable trail maps, in PDF format, will be available on the site at the end of this month or early next month. Dunne suggests that all of the members review the website and get back to Newhall with any feedback. Ri2hts ofWav & CR's Open Space& Recreation Connnittee January 7,2009 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of3 Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states that she has been working with the Assistant City Engineer to develop sketch the plan and she will follow up with him on his progress. National Grid: The members study the map and agree to walk that area when the weather is better as the exact stream crossing needs to be better identified. Maxner states that the ball is in the OSRC's court to develop a stream crossing, and that National Grid is open to this. Waring School: Maxner states that she has no new information on this but will make every effort to GPS the area with Roland Adams as soon as the weather allows. Kiosk Grant - Earth Dav Plannin2: Maxner states that this task goes hand-in-hand with Earth Day Planning. She distributes a preliminary Earth Day Walk schedule, which includes the low tide schedule. She states that the group has never done Bald Hill or Greens Hill and she would like to see these locations included in the schedule. The members schedule some walks, which include: . Sunday, April 19: Behind Hannah School- Vernal Pools, led by Beaudoin and Buchsbaum . Sunday, May 9: Beverly Pier - Tide Pools -led by Buchsbaum . Sunday, May 17: Bald Hill- Birds -led by Brewster The members discuss holding a walk on Friday, May 8th at Green's Hill with some of the school kids, for a ceremony to unveil the Kiosk. Coffey agrees to talk to the school. Maxner offers to check with ECGA and Trustees of the Reservation to partner for a walk. She agrees to look into a wildflower walk with Erika Sonder at Long Hill. Brewster suggests holding a walk at Moraine Farm. The members agree that this would be a good alternative if Long Hill cannot be scheduled for a wildflower walk. Buchsbaum agrees to ask Chris Trippler to lead or co-lead a walk on forest ecology. Newspaper Articles Coffey states that her article on Beverly Commons is almost completed and she will submit it. Next Meetin2: A2:enda Items and Schedulin2: Maxner states that the next meeting is Wednesday, February 4,2009. Coffey: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Brewster. Passes 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 PM.