2008-10-15 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Date: Board: Location: Members Present Wednesday, October 15, 2008 Harbor Management Authority Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room Chair Miranda Gooding, Sylvan Menezes, Don Neuman, Paul Miedzionoski, Greg Ward, Rinus Oosthoek, George Simon, Wesley Slate, Charlie Raymond, Maureen Troubetaris Members Absent: Others Present Recorder: Lou Bochynski Miranda Gooding Miranda Gooding called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Aooroval of Minutes There were no prepared minutes from the last meeting. Facilities Committee Marina Projects Bochynski brought a draft outline prepared by Vine Associates describing the additional design services needed to complete the recreational and commercial marina improvements, but members did not have a chance to review this document prior to the meeting. Gooding said that she would forward this document to the members to review prior to the next meeting, but that a smaller group should work with Bochynski in the interim to identify any steps that needed to be implemented prior to the next meeting. Gooding and Neuman also agreed to provide members with background information relating to the marina operations building to be located at the harbormaster parcel so that members could come to a consensus as to what the space requirements are for this facility and whether re-use of the brown building is preferred to new construction. Commercial Marina Clean-up Gooding mentioned that on October 1 st a notice had been mailed to commercial tenants requiring removal of equipment and belongings by October 31 st. Members acknowledged that it would be important to follow-up promptly with those who did not comply and that we should be prepared to follow-up with the city solicitor's office. Minutes Page lof2 10115108 BHMA Meeting Administrative Gooding updated members on the status of rent collection and processing at City Hall. It was noted by Neuman and others that the lack of administrative support for the Authority and Marina Operations continues to be a problem and clearly is not working; members agreed to revisit the issue in the future. Finance Miedzionoski and Oosthoek submitted copies of financial reports through September 30, 2008. Members had several questions and it was agreed that Miedzionoski and Oosthoek would meet with John Dunn in advance of the next meeting to get answers to some of these questions, including the tracking of $160,000 state grant revenue, the status of the recreational slip fees, billing for electrical use and the status of encumbrances for test borings. Updates on Omwin2 Matters Members briefly discussed the status of ongoing matters including seaport council funding, the Black Cow, Mass Highway and Bass River dredging. Simon informed members that he had spoken with David Gardner regarding the Greens Hill public access and that the City Solicitor's office needs to complete a land taking before additional action can be taken regarding rights of access. In the meantime, Simon noted that the Recreation Department is investigating the possibility of blazing trails on Greens Hill and Menezes and Simon agreed to make the Open Space Committee aware of this. Oosthoek briefed members on the Historic Ports meeting held earlier in the month and asked Neuman to provide specifics regarding the potential of the refurbished marinas to accommodate small cruise ships. It was agreed that the Authority should prepare a submittal on behalf of Beverly. Next Meetin2 The next meeting is Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the BHMA this evening, Oosthoek moved to adjourn the meeting and the motion was duly seconded. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m. Minutes Page 2 of2 10115108 BHMA Meeting