2008-09-10 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: Economic and Community Development Council SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: September 10, 2008 Barnet Gallery, Beverly Public Library Chairman Pat Grimes, Tina Cassidy, Don Fournier, Ed Cahill, Bill Howard, Bill O'Hare Vice-Chairman Neil Douglas Tina Cassidy Grimes calls the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. First on the agenda is approval of minutes of the June 11, 2008 meeting. Grimes asks if there are any changes or issues with the draft. There are none. Fournier: motion to approve the draft minutes of the June 11,2008 meeting, seconded by Howard. All members in favor, motion carries. Next on the agenda is discussion of the concept of a draft Business and Marketing Plan for the City. Fournier states that the first meeting held between the ECDC, Main Streets, and Chamber of Commerce on the subject was a good one, as was the subsequent meeting with the City's engineering consultants for the Rantoul Street reconstruction project. Participants expressed a willingness to learn about on-going and envisioned projects being undertaken by the City or by one of the other groups. Cahill says that the first meeting did go well but a second meeting is planned to continue discussion on the issue. Main Streets has concerns about the proposal and asked for additional information. The first meeting ended with a plan to meet with the City's Rantoul Street and waterfront consultants and then hold a joint, follow-up meeting on the business plan idea. Howard states that his impression of the conversation was that it was unlikely the City would have the funds to create a new position and that the Chamber and Main Streets were asking the question "What pieces can Main Streets and the Chamber pick up, in lieu of having an economic development director?" Cassidy informs the members that she has secured two possible dates for the meeting with the waterfront consultants - either September 29th or October 2nd. The date for the discussion with Main Streets, Chamber, and ECDC has not yet been finalized. She will work with Main Streets and the Chamber to secure a specific date. Grimes states that she met with the Salem Director of Planning to discuss Salem's economic development initiatives. They do have an economic development planner on staff, but it is Economic and Community Development Council minutes Page 1 of2 September 10, 2008 meeting funded by a CDBG grant, and Salem is a so-called "entitlement community" for those funds where Beverly is not. Grimes asks if there is any other comment on this matter this evening and there being none, tables discussion on the matter to the next ECDC meeting. Next, Cassidy hands out an updated "Development Scorecard", developed on request earlier this year. She distributes updated copies that reflects the permitting/construction status of different projects and explains them in detail. Next, Grimes tells members that a Massachusetts Municipal Association publication on municipal web sites was interesting and points in particular to the web site run by the city of Tampa Florida. She will provide a copy of the MMA document to Cassidy so she in turn can provide members with a copy of the article. Grimes then tells members that she also discussed Salem's "Doing Business in Salem" guide with the Salem City Planner when they met. The guide is a succinct summary of permitting and building guidelines and could be a valuable tool for Beverly to have. She promises to send the web link for Salem's guide to members before the next meeting. Next, Grimes informs the members that she has been asked by Council President Tim Flaherty to update the City Council on the work of the ECDC. She says she will be making that presentation on Monday, September 15, 2008 and will email a draft of the presentation to members for comment beforehand. Cassidy says she will make copies of the updated Development Scorecard for Grimes' use Monday evening. Grimes asks if there is any other business for the Council to discuss. There is none. Fournier: motion to adjourn, seconded by Howard. All members in favor, motion carnes. The meeting is adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Economic and Community Development Council minutes Page 2 of2 September 10, 2008 meeting