2008-11-12 BEVERLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Regular Meeting Wednesday November 12, 2008 Beverly, Massachusetts A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday November 12, 2008 in the Beverly City Hall Council Chambers in Beverly, MA. Members Present: Ms. Cesa, Mr. Manzo, Ms. Decker, Mr. Latter, Ms. Fogarty, and Mr. Manzi Members Absent: Mayor Scanlon Also in Attendance: Dr. James Hayes, Superintendent of Schools; Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent of Schools; Joan Liporto, Director of Finance and Operations President Cesa called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Ms. Decker led those assembled in the Pledge of Allegiance. Recognitions and other Such Other Matters (Kudos, Congratulations): Dr. Hayes and Ms. Cesa, along with Briscoe Middle School Principal Matt Poska and Hannah Elementary School Principal Susan Snyder, recognized the following students who achieved perfect scores on the spring 2008 MCAS exam: School Hannah Hannah Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Briscoe Student Nora Monahan Nikolas Steege Diandra Crowley Mary Cate Flaherty Kerry Gilligan Laura Koch Brian Mastin Juliana Mooney Charles Morse Gabriel Buchsbaum Devan Imperiali Alison Gove Alex Pelletier Grade/Subiect 3 - Math 3 - Math 6 - Math 6 - Math 6 - Math 6 - Math 6 - Math 6 - Math 6 - Math 7 - Math 7 - English Language Arts 8 - Math 8 - Math Open Forum for Citizen Concerns or Citizen Input into Agenda-Related Items None Approval of Meeting Records A motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the minutes from the October 15, 2008 regular School Committee The committee voted in favor of approval following minor changes. So voted. Report from Student Representative None Communications from Committee Members · Most committee members reported citizen concerns regarding funding and timing of the high school renovation project, the FY10 school budget, and the possible impact of the Question 1 ballot measure. · A committee member who served as a judge in the 2nd annual Ayers Halloween Party reported that the program was great success and very well attended. Regular Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 2 of 4 · Discussions regarding a students and parents crossing Elliott Street are ongoing and will include input from Sgt. Shairs of the Beverly Police Department. · A committee member attended a recent Cove PTO meeting and reported discussion of fund raisers and enrichment programs. · One member indicated that they have received questions and concerns from North Beverly parents regarding the "Stars Program." · Ms. Decker received a call from members of the "Build a Better Briscoe Club," which is looking to expand the recycling program within that facility. · One member received questions concerning the new "Self-Control" program at the North Beverly School; this grant funded pilot program counsels students in making wise decisions. · The recent installation of new lockers at the Briscoe Middle School generated calls of thanks from several parents and students. · Two members attended a recent Centerville PTO meeting that featured Dr. Hayes as a guest speaker. The superintendent addressed many questions regarding high school renovation project, the FY10 budget and the status of programs at the McKeown School. Centerville parents also asked for clarification on the recent change to the library/media curriculum and ongoing traffic issues during pick-up and drop-off. · One member discussed the recent deferral of the Extended Learning Time program with a Briscoe staff member. Both expressed hope that before and after school programs will continue. · One committee member attended the Hannah Horse Cafe fundraiser, indicating that it was a delightful evening. She expressed her appreciation to the Crocker family. · Mr. Latter attended the JROTC Ball where the guest of honor was Sgt. Chrissy DeCaprio. Sgt. DeCaprio was the first female marine from the state of New York to win the Combat Action Ribbon. It was reported that she was thrilled with Beverly and the ROTC students. · A question was received regarding the advisory block at BHS. This new program provides an opportunity for students to build relationships with teachers and mentors. · A recent BHS program entitled "Rachel's Challenge" was very well received. · Ms. Cesa commented on the recent lock down at BHS and expressed pride that the very thorough search uncovered no illegal drugs. · A committee member received word that use of the McKeown School as both a polling place and a professional development venue on 11/4/08 created unwanted parking and traffic issues. · Our first look at the FY10 budget will be on Wednesday (11/19/08) in Room 164 of the Memorial Building. Report from the Superintendent Dr. Hayes read a letter of appreciation from Campbell's Funeral Home to the Beverly Public Schools Administration, Beverly High School and the JROTC for their help and support provided during the funeral services for Steven Fortunato. 1. Approval of Grants Dr. Hayes presented a list of newly awarded grants (totaling $86,000) for School Committee approval. Following questions from the committee, a motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the attached list of grants. So voted. 2. Regional Planning Grant Dr. Hayes reported that he had been contacted by the Superintendent of the Salem Public Schools inviting Beverly to participate in submitting a Regional Planning Grant to DESE. Following questions and discussion from the committee, a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to participate in applying to DESE for a Regional Planning Grant. So voted. 3. Entrustment Agreement - Waters Corporation Dr. Hayes has completed a partnership agreement between the district and the Waters Corporation, a global corporation with a local office at the Cummings Center. This agreement will provide intern Regular Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 3 of 4 opportunities to BHS students, guest lecturers, facility tours and donated equipment and supplies. A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Manzo to approve the Entrustment Agreement with the Waters Corporation. So voted. 4. School Choice Data Dr. Hayes presented a summary of School Choice data which included the most recent (FY09) information as well as a review of historical data since 1992. Numbers from FY09 represent the actual number of students participating in the program, while data from previous years are of full-time student equivalents. Committee members asked whether the district had information regarding which out-of- district schools Beverly students are attending, and why the numbers seem atypically large in grade 12. In response to a question concerning the inequity of out of district expenditures given an equivalent number of students, Dr. Hayes reminded the committee that reimbursement rate will differ depending on the proportion of regular and special education students in the school choice population. Additional comments concerned the expected enrollment at the high school following the planned renovation project and its impact on school choice availability. 5. Free and Reduced Lunch Data Dr. Hayes presented data detailing the proportion of students who qualify for Free and Reduced at each district school. Relative to previous years, the current distribution appears more balanced with the highest proportion at approximately 26%. A lengthy discussion of the data unfolded as committee members questioned the possible impact of an economic recession, the tendency of high school students to not participate in the program, and the current enrollment process. 6. BHS Construction Project Update Dr. Hayes indicated that there is no substantial news to report at this time as the administration and school community awaits a vote of funding approval from the city council. Report from School Committee President School Committee Goals Ms. Cesa indicated that Mr. Manzo and Mr. Latter will serve on a reformed Financial Forecasting Committee. The group is seeking a citizen representative to join this committee Annemarie asked Ms. Decker to comment on the recent recommendation of the Consolidation Study Committee (which includes both Ms. Decker and Mr. Manzo) to consolidate municipal and school district Buildings and Grounds functions. The consolidated department would be under the direction of Michael Collins, the current Commissioner of Public Services and Engineering. Following questions and discussion from the committee, a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Manzo to consolidate the school district Building and Grounds Department with the municipal Department of Public Services and Engineering. So voted. Ms. Cesa reported that the North Shore Coalition for School Funding (NSCSF) will meet on Friday at the North Shore Consortium in Peabody. The coalition has invited State Representatives and State Senators from 17 local communities to attend a discussion of special education, charter schools and Chapter 70 funding. Ms. Cesa indicated a positive response from those invited. Committee Reports 1. Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities (Paul Manzo, Chair) Mr. Manzo reported that the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities last met on October 22nd at which time the group discussed FY09 revenues and expenditures, athletic participation rates, overtime pay for custodians and the use of the McKeown facility. The committee was informed of some "good news" by Director of Finance and Operations Joan Liporto; the district has received a $61,000 Foundation reserve grant. Ms. Liporto summarized recent Buildings and Grounds work, including the replacement of Regular Meeting November 12, 2008 Page 4 of 4 lockers at Briscoe Middle School. Old lockers were donated to the North Beverly Scrap Metal Drive to help raise funds to pay for the proposed boundless playground. A new interim Buildings and Grounds Director has been hired to replace Glenn Fiore, who returned to his previous position as foreman. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, a motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the attached policy regarding "Student Fees, Fines, and Charges" (Section J: Students). So voted. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities, a motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the attached policy regarding "Student Activity Accounts" (Section J: Students). So voted. The Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities recommends the attached policy regarding "Creation of New Positions" (Section G: Personnel) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our December 10, 2008 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. The next meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities will be on 11/19/08 at 6:30 p.m. 2. Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life (Maria Decker, Chair) Ms. Decker reported that the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life last met on November 5, 2008. The committee received a presentation from North Beverly Elementary School principal Jennifer Flewelling and Kevin Fahey from Salem State College on the new Stars Club Program. The group also reviewed MCAS data from spring 2008 and Cycle Five A YP data. Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life a motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the attached policy regarding "Religion and the Schools" (Section A: Foundations and Basic Commitments). So voted. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Report Cards and Progress Reports" (Section I: Instruction) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our December 10, 2008 meeting and will require a formal (2/3) vote of approval by the School Committee. The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life recommends the attached policy regarding "Pregnant Students" (Section J: Students) for a first reading. The second reading will take place at our December 10, 2008 meeting and will require a formal majority vote of approval by the School Committee. The next meeting of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life will be on 12/3/08 at 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial Building. New Business Centerville School is having a Fall Ball Comedy Dance on 11/21/08 at 7:30 p.m. Opportunity for Questions from the Press None A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Mr. Manzi. So voted. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul Manzo, Secretary Beverly Public School Committee