1993-05-05May 5, 1993 The Eighty First Annual Meeting of the Commissioners of Trust Funds for the City of Beverly was held at the Beverly National Bank at 9:00 A.M. In attendance were James Dawson, Peter Copelas, Lawrence Smith and Judith Mulligan. The Annual Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1992 was reviewed and accepted. It was decided that in the future when invitations are received to attend ceremonies in honor of donations that at least one of the Commissioners should accept. A motion was made and accepted to break out funds into five groups - Cemetery, David Lynch, Nancy Millett Library and All Others. A letter will be sent to James Rich, Senior Trust Officer, requesting a breakout of assets by the five groups. A request for an asset report for June 30, 1993 will be made and will be reviewed at our next meeting. Requests for funds were reviewed and it was voted to make the following contributions from the Nancy A. Millett fund: the Beverly Regional YMCA, $2500.00 to be used for scholarships to summer camp; the Visiting Nurse Association of the North Shore, $2500.00 to be used for clinical services for the elderly of Beverly; Project RAP, $2500.00 for Peer Education at Beverly High School; the Beverly Female Charitable Society, $1000.00t and the Beverly Children's Learning Contort $1000 for summer day care scholarships. The Directors of the Beverly Council on Aging and Beverly Youth Services will be contacted and encouraged to request funds since they may lose City funding for the coming fiscal year. Mr. James C. Dawson was elected Chairperson and Mrs. Judith A. Mulligan was elected Clerk for the fiscal year 1993-94. It was decided that the next meeting be held in late August and that al.l future meetings be scheduled for 8:00 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 A.M. Respectfully submitted, Commissioners of Trust Funds for the City of Beverly