Parking and Traffic Commission
Beverly City Hall
July 2, 2008
Joseph Shairs, Susan Mueller, Richard Benevento,
Bill Bent, Tina Cassidy
Richard Hutchinson, Wayne Francis
Eileen Sacco
Benevento calls the meeting to order at 11 :00 a.m.
Discussion on Council Order #142 - Reduce Speeds on Mav Street. Central Court.
Fossa Terrace. Wentzell Avenue. and Smith Street to 5 Miles Per Hour - Councillor
Cassidy explains that Councillor Slate submitted a Council Order for the reduction in the
speed limit to 5 miles per hour on May Street, Central Court, Fossa Terrace, Wentzell
Avenue, and Smith Street. Benevento states that he could not support the request because
it would be encouraging people to break the law. He noted that the problem is speed in
some instances and parking in others, explaining that often times there is a perceived
problem rather than an actual problem.
motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission will work with the
Police Department to determine if there are any recommendations or
enhancements that could be made to alleviate the concerns of the
neighborhood. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor.
The motion carries.
Recommendation to the Plannin2: Board - Site Plan Review Application - #97-08
Construction of New One StOry Open Steel and Concrete Parkin2: Deck at
Cummin2:s Center/Cummin2:s Properties
Recommendation to Plannin2: Board - Modification to Site Plan Review Application
# 84-04 - ReQuest for Permission to Site Restaurant at Existin2: Commercial Space
on First Floor of McKav Street Gara2:e at Cummin2:s Center / Cummin2:s Properties
Benevento asks why the parking garage is included in the square footage for the site. It
was noted that it is within their right to expand the leasable square footage of the site.
Cassidy explains that the Planning Board modified the original approval of the garage to
allow for the addition of a hotel on one end. Subsequent to that approval, and without the
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approval of the Planning Board, Cummings converted the first floor of the garage to retail
use. She notes that the conversion work was authorized by the previous building
inspector. She notes that the conversion of the first floor of the garage to retial uses not
only reduced the amount of available parking on site, but also added to the demand for
parking by adding retail space that did not exist before.
Cassidy explains that the current building inspector is satisfied that the new parking deck
now being proposed will bring the site back into compliance with the City's zoning
Benevento notes that representatives of Cummings Center are present today and says he
is concerned that the parking area was converted to retail space and therefore reduced the
parking on the site. He questions whether garage space should have been taken for
commercial uses. He asks how many spaces were eliminated by the change.
Steve Drohosky, General Manager of the Cummings Center addressed the Commission
and explains that 80 spaces were lost. He explains the square footage of the site and the
parking requirements of zoning and notes that 168 new spaces are needed. 190 spaces
would be added with the new parking deck.
Cassidy explains that parking requirements are based on the floor area of the restaurant
that is devoted to patron use. She also notes that she talked to the building inspector and
he has information from Cummings that gives him comfort that they are meeting the
parking requirements. Drohosky points out the parking areas on the site and says that
they are in compliance. He also identifies areas that are grandfathered. He explains that
there are 3,519 spaces on the site and with the new parking deck there will be 4, 138
Benevento states that the issue of the change in use of the site is not before the Parking
and Traffic Commission and notes that it will be taken up by the Planning Board next
week. He asks if the storefronts on the first floor of the parking garage been factored in
to the parking calculations. Drohosky states that they have been. He also notes that they
do not plan to increase the footprint of anything but for the hotel. He adds there is no
intention to close the second level of the parking garage.
Benevento states that he is concerned about the additional retail use and the fact that it
will draw more people to the site. He asks if they are planning to have parking under the
proposed hotel. Drohosky states that 70 spaces will be lost for the hotel.
Cassidy states that if and when they come in for a building permit for the hotel, the
building inspector will review the parking requirements and supply on site at that time.
Shairs asks if they will be looking to use any part of the proposed parking deck for retail
use. Drohosky explains that the purpose is to increase the parking on the site and notes
that the east garage is full every day but the west garage is underutilized.
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Hutchinson notes that it is a long walk to the garage from 135Q.
Cassidy suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission recommend to the Planning
Board that that application #97-08 meets the zoning requirements for parking and aisle
width and fire access.
Benevento notes that the Parking and Traffic Commission has no problem with the
proposed parking deck but has a little angst regarding the west garage and the increasing
need for 168 spaces.
Cassidy suggests that the recommendation to the Planning Board could include a
suggestion that there be no further conversions of space in the garage for anything other
than parking uses. Drohosky states that he could agree to that. Cassidy notes that the
Planning Board will determine the zoning requirements etc. when they review the
Benevento asks if there is any member of the public who wants to comment at this time.
Mary Rodrick, Peabody Avenue, expresses her concern about the pedestrian walk to the
Bass River and notes that it is a well-traveled route.
Benevento suggests that the Commission could recommend to the Planning Board that
pedestrian enhancements such as textured cross walks and improved signage be included
in their plans.
Hutchinson is concerned about traffic circulation around the parking deck. Drohosky
states that they will be modifying traffic flow to some extent but nothing extensive.
Benevento suggests that the recommendation include that the Planning Board review the
parking requirement relative to the current zoning and the change in the use of the
existing garage.
Motion that the Parking and Traffic Commission recommend approval of
the site plan, subject to the condition that (a) there be no further
conversions of space in the McKay Street garage for anything other than
parking uses, (b) that pedestrian safety enhancements be included, and that
the Building Inspector be consulted to insure that parking requirements are
being met in accordance with current zoning. Shairs seconds the motion,
all members in favor. The motion carries.
Recommendation to the Plannin2: Board - OSRD Site Plan on Beaver Pond Road
/Gwenn Evitts
Cassidy explains that they are proposing to divide one lot into four lots and the project is
subject to OSRD because of the size of the original parcel being subdivided She notes
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that there is no new roadway being proposed. She explains the plans and notes that
there are no issues with traffic or access that she sees.
Benevento asks if there are questions or issues from other members on this application.
There are none.
Motion to inform the Planning Board that the Parking and Traffic
Commission has reviewed the application and finds no issues of concern
relating to parking or traffic matters and therefore recommends approval
of the plan. Hutchinson seconds the motion, all members in favor. The
motion carries.
New / Other Business
The Commission discusses the Shingleville area and the fact that the recommendations of
the Parking and Traffic Commission have not been implemented. Benevento states that
he is also concerned about liability issues on the Cedar Street site and suggests that the
DPW should move some of the materials around on the site.
Cassidy notes that the Commission sent a letter of recommendation to the City Council
on the Shingleville matter 2 1Iz months ago but did so without detailed cost estimates,
with no understanding as to whether there was money in the Department of Public
Services' budget to pay for them, and without knowing what the Department's schedule
or staffing levels would allow.
She states that she is hesitant to criticize any city department for not implementing the
Commission's suggestions for these reasons. She suggests that the City Council should
determine whether the money and work force needed are available before passing orders
that may require funding.
Benevento suggests that the Parking and Traffic Commission could give cost estimates
with their recommendations so that the Council would be informed on what is involved in
implementing them.
Shairs suggests that Mike Collins give a cost analysis and a time frame for the
completion of work suggested by the Parking and Traffic Commission for Shingleville.
Next Meetin2:
Benevento states that the next meeting of the Parking and Traffic Commission will be
held on Wednesday, August 13,2008 at 9:30 a.m.
Benevento asks if there is any further business to come before the Parking and Traffic
Commission at this time. There is none.
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Hutchinson: motion to adjourn, seconded by Shairs. All members in favor, no one in
opposition. The motion carries.
The meeting is adjourned at 12:30 p.m.
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July 2, 2008 meeting