2008-06-11 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Economic and Community Development Council MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: June 11, 2008 Beverly Public Library - Barnett Gallery Patricia Grimes, Frank Killilea, Ed Cahill, Bill O'Hare, Neil Douglas, Don Fournier, Bill Howard, Tina Cassidy None Eileen Sacco Grimes calls the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes Grimes asks if anyone has any corrections to the draft minutes of the ECDC meeting held on March 19, 2008. There are none. Fournier: motion to approve the draft minutes of the March 19,2008 meeting, seconded by Howard. All members in favor, none in opposition. The motion carries. Continued Discussion: Draft Business Development and Marketin2: Plan Douglas explains that he presented his information at the last meeting and has expanded it to reflect the desire of the ECDC to see an Economic and Community Development Office established in the City of Beverly. He states that it is not his intention to recite the elements of the proposal as he hoped that members reviewed the information independently since the last meeting. Douglas notes that the City has limited resources to tackle this ambitious agenda. He states that we need to grow the City's tax base and we should start by joining with the Beverly Chamber of Commerce and Main Streets to work toward that goal. Douglas suggests that a public/private partnership could be entered into to establish the office's agenda, but, there needs to be a commitment from the City to move the project forward. Cassidy suggests that the next step might be to approach the Executive Boards of the Beverly Chamber and Main Streets with this concept and then propose it to Mayor Scanlon. ECDC Meeting Minutes Page 10f6 6/11/08 Meeting Douglas states that the ECDC should advance this with a common view, not a singular type of prospective. He suggests that ECDC members review this so that a consensus can be reached. Cahill states that he had discussions with Beverly Chamber Board members and the response was very favorable. He suggests that the best way to present the case would be for ECDC and the Chamber of Commerce and Main Streets collectively bring this to the Mayor's attention. Killilea says that having been through this year's budget process, he does not think that there is any money available for this initiative this year. Douglas agrees but notes that we should find a way to move forward with the initial phase of this. Howard offers to talk with the Main Streets Board of Directors about this in the hopes of getting this going so that next spring there will be a little more to offer if there is a possibility of getting some funding. Fournier cautions that the critical piece of this may not be funded by the city, but noted that it is worthwhile doing, noting that there may never be a "right time" to bring it forward and request money. He also suggests that some contributions should be sought as an inducement for the City to come up with the money to start this. Howard asked if any other communities have similar departments and how they started and funded it. Cassidy states that she did not think that we would find the money this year but says that it is a good idea to talk to the Mayor about the issue, noting that you never know if and when a potential funding source will become available. Cahill agrees noting that it is good to move forward. He states that he would be interested in information from other communities such as available grants, fundraising etc., noting that it would be a good idea to be creative on this. Cassidy notes that Salem has an Office of Economic and Community Development, and that the City receives HUD money that may help fund it. She also explains that there is Small Cities funding and Beverly is on a competitive basis for that. She notes that the City have been unsuccessful in obtaining the grant in recent years. She explains that "entitlement communities" are those with populations over 50,000 people. O'Hare explains the regulations to qualify for grants as an entitlement communities. Grimes offers to call Salem City Planner Lynn Duncan to see what they do in Salem. Douglas notes that Fitchburg, Lawrence, and Lowell have Economic and Community Development offices and some HUD money was used. ECDC Meeting Minutes Page 2 of6 6/11/08 Meeting Fournier suggests that meetings be held with the Executive Committees of the Chamber of Commerce and Main Streets. Cassidy will contact Sue Mueller and Gin Wallace to arrange them. Douglas suggests that ECDC members be notified of the meeting so that they can attend if they wish. After discussion of suggested dates for the meeting, Cahill suggests that mid July would be a good time and he will try to arrange a meeting for the week of the 14th or the 21 8t of July if possible. Grimes states that she appreciated Killilea's comments regarding the budget, noting that the City needs to produce more revenue and she feels that we have to do this and she agrees with the direction that we are taking. Douglas states that he would review what other communities are doing and how they got started. He noted that there is a tremendous investment in this information and communication. Discussion: Citv of Salem Retail Marketin2: Plan Howard says that he reviewed the comprehensive study that was done in Salem and notes that a lot of it seems transferable to Beverly. He notes that it is comprehensive and allocates tasks to various groups in the community. Grimes noted that Salem has unique tourism destinations such as the Peabody Essex Museum and Halloween-related ventures, but aside from that, a lot of what is suggested in the plan could apply to downtown Beverly. Howard notes that the report was funded by the Salem Redevelopment Authority and he estimated that the cost was $50,000. He also notes that they have the retail piece in the downtown and it is a growing retail center. Douglas notes that the Peabody Essex Museum is an enormous draw for downtown Salem and they have the courts and the legal industry as well that generates traffic in the business community. He adds that they have parking issues as well. He questions if there is an element of the plan that should be underscored and could be used in Beverly. Howard states that the Chamber and Main Streets have access to the Plan but they don't have the resources to do it. Grimes notes that a more attractive downtown will attract different kinds of businesses. She also says that people tend to go to the mall and forget that there are shops in the downtown. Howard states that Main Streets has a Downtown Fa<;ade Improvement program. Cassidy explains that the Council approved $30,000 for downtown improvements and they are looking at new or refurbished trash receptacles, traffic island designs, lighting, and a master plan for the traffic island program. ECDC Meeting Minutes Page 30f6 6/11/08 Meeting Howard notes that Salem has a guide for starting and growing a business in Salem. Cassidy says that Beverly had one of those in the early 90' s but it is out of date and not very comprehensive. She adds that Main Streets has expressed a willingness to help update that booklet and get it out again. Cahill suggests that putting that kind of information on the City web site would be a more efficient way of getting it out to members of the public these days. Update from Plannin2: Director Cassidv on Development Projects and "Development Scorecard" Cassidy reviews the "Development Scorecard" that she included in the packet for the meeting. She explains that many of the projects on the list are currently before a board in the City or has been recently approved. The following is the list that was reviewed: 292 Cabot Street (RES) - Construction starts Summer or Fall of2008. Aero Manufacturing on Sam Fonzo Drive -Cassidy reports that the purchase of the parcel from the City is imminent. Airport Parcel- Sam Fonzo Drive and Henderson Road - Cassidy reports that two previous RFP's unsuccessful and may be reissued in the summer of2008. Black Cow Restaurant - Cassidy reports that the permitting process is underway although proceeding slowly and the next step is going to the ZBA with a petition to confirm existing parking spaces within five feet of the property line. Cassidy explains that they are pursuing a grant and are working with the Seaport Advisory Council to repair the bulkhead and the floats at both the recreational and commercial marinas and for handicap access at the end of the public pier. Cassidy notes that the lease has been drafted and is under review. Commuter Parking Garage - Cassidy reports that meetings are held weekly with the MBTA and although she cannot discuss the details but an announcement is scheduled for this week. Connelly Brothers Office Building - Cassidy reports that the building is under construction and completion is expected in 2008. Former Friendly's Site - Cassidy reports that site work is underway. Former Heritage Bank - Cassidy reports that the owner is actively marketing to banks, and other uses are future considerations. Former Kelly Infinity Site - Cassidy reports that construction on the Weaver Glass site is nearly complete and the rest of the project is on hold. ECDC Meeting Minutes Page 40f6 6/11/08 Meeting Former Mayflower Motel- BAHC - Cassidy reports that the necessary state funding was awarded in January and construction is set to start in 2008. Former Ventron Site - Cassidy notes that there is nothing new to report. Holcroft Park - Cassidy reports that they are awaiting state funding decisions and the renewal of a required variance. Ice Facility - Cassidy reports that the proponent is seeking financing for permitting and construction. Kelleher - Cassidy reports that the permitting process is underway. McKay School - Cassidy reports that the RFP resulted in two bids that were rejected. Montserrat College of Art - Cassidy reports demolition and construction are set to begin in June 2008. One Stop Market - Cassidy reports that the permitting process is complete and construction is underway. Rice Rental et al - Cassidy reports that this project is moving slowly. She explains that she has been trying to meet with their attorney and explains that both parties scheduled permitting processes and the deadlines were not met. Route 128/ Brimbal Avenue overpass - Cassidy reports she expects the final draft of the EIR to be ready for review by the city, Mass Highway and MEP A within a month. Vitale site - Cassidy reports that the permitting process is underway. Wind over Rantoul Street Redevelopment - Cassidy reports that the project has been put on hold. Bell's Market - Cassidy reports that there is nothing new on that and she keeps hearing that they are reopening but there has been no action that she knows of. Waterfront Rezoning - Cassidy reports that a consultant has been chosen and they are finalizing a scope of work and an estimated timeline. She adds that there needs to be a series of discussions with ECDC, Conservation Commission, Harbor Management Authority, Main Streets and the Chamber of Commerce, as well as other stakeholders in the community. In addition, she notes that several public meetings will also be held for community input. She states that they hope to have a zoning proposal ready by December. Douglas asks what the price tag is for the consultant. Cassidy states that the contract is for $51,000 and it includes design guidelines for the area near the bridge. New / Other Business ECDC Meeting Minutes Page 50f6 6/11/08 Meeting Grimes reports that she attended a presentation by Christine Sullivan of the Salem State College Enterprise Center and Patricia Zaido titled "Creative Economy of the North Shore". She states that it was a great presentation and suggests that they be invited to an ECDC meeting. Fournier reports that Sullivan and Zaido made the same presentation to the Rotary Club. A2:enda Items for June Meetin2: Members who have items for the next meeting agenda should email them to Grimes, Douglas or Cassidy. The next meeting will be on September 10, 2008. It was noted that Cahill will arrange a meeting with the Beverly Chamber of Commerce and Main Streets to discuss the strategy for promoting development and business in Beverly and ECDC will follow up with Mayor Scanlon after that. Grimes asks if there is any further business for the ECDC to discuss this evening. There IS none. Cassidy: motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Fournier. All members in favor, no one opposed. The motion carries. The meeting adjourns at 7:30 p.m. ECDC Meeting Minutes Page 60f6 6/11/08 Meeting