2008-06-04 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Open Space and Recreation Committee June 4,2008 Robert Buchsbaum (Chairperson), Suzanne Beaudoin, Nancy Coffey, Elizabeth Dunne, Sylvan Menezes, Bill Squibb STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: David Brewster, Pam Kampersal, Michael Ralbovsky, Marilyn McCrory Environmental Planner Amy Maxner, Associate Planner Kate Newhall BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: Andrea Bray Chairperson Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order. Acceptance of Minutes - Mav 7. 2008 Meetin2 The members review the minutes. Squibb motions to approve the minutes, seconded by Menezes. Beaudoin abstains. Motion passes 5-0-1. Open Space and Recreation Plan Newhall and Maxner review the latest revisions that they made in response to the States comments on the draft plan. Newhall provides an overview of her response to the State describing the ways that open space is important per comment # 1. Maxner explains that comment # 4 requested a list of chapter 61 land and lands under CR, and chapter 61A (agricultural/horticultural). She lists all of the properties, including Moraine Farm, Beverly Tree Farm, 309 Dodge Street, 17 Lakeshore, and 20 Webster Avenue. She adds that there are two 61b properties (recreational) including 16 Farms Lane, and 36 Foster Street. Newhall states that comment # 5 requests a description of priorities for SCORP and she provides a brief analysis for this requirement. Open Space& Recreation Connnittee June 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 Maxner states comment # 6 stated that Chapter 8 must stand alone as a narrative. She adds that she made these corrections while leaving the table in Chapter 9 as it was. The members approve these responses and thank Maxner and Newhall for preparing these revisions. Brief discussion ensues the remaining revision required related to the ADA accessibility reviews. Buchsbaum states that all members who have yet to submit their reviews should do so as soon as possible and forward to Newhall. Newhall states that once she is able to compile the reviews she will organize and format this section for Committee review and approval. Watershed Resource Issues Buchsbaum states that he invited David Lang, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, and LSP and a ground water expert, to come to the next meeting to discuss water resource issues with the Committee. Earth Dav Walks The members discuss the Earth Day Walks and agree that they need to have at least two people when coordinating a walk with Greenbelt as the crowds are typically too large for one leader. Newhall states that through the Heritage Commission kiosk grant, there will be new signs made for Sally Milligan Park, Beverly Commons, and Tall Tree Drive, and these signs will need to be unveiled during next year's Earth Day Walks so that special thanks can be given to the sponsors and public relations element of the grant can be fulfilled. She adds that the sign maker will install the signs. Maxner suggests that the coastal walk next year should focus on coastal processes. Coffey suggests featuring local flora and fauna next year. She explains that although fascinating and a huge hit with the children, Mike Rabolvsky's walk dealt with exotic species and parents on the walk mentioned they would also like to see local species be highlighted. OSRD 33. 36 & 37 Beaver Pond Application Maxner states that the Planning Board chose a preferred plan for the Beaver Pond parcel, that being Conceptual Plan # 6. Buchsbaum asks why the PB agreed to the plan with only 7% protected space. Open Space& Recreation Connnittee June 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 Maxner states that Richard Dinkin and John Thomson voted in opposition and wanted the full 50%, but the rest of the Board disagreed and felt that the applicant worked well with the Board and members were satisfied with the results. Buchsbaum suggests that the Committee write a letter to the Planning Board expressing their disappointment with this finding. The members agree to send the same letter to the Planning Board and the City Council and to copy in the ZBA. Buchsbaum agrees to ask Kampersal to write the letter. Proposed Amendments to OSRD Maxner states that the City Council has closed there public hearing on the OSRD amendments, and referred it back to the Legal Affairs Committee for further deliberation. The Legal Affairs Committee will come back to the full Council with a final recommendation relative to the proposed amendments. Squib suggests providing comments to the City Council Committee regarding their opinion on the proposed amendments. Maxner will inquire as to whether it is appropriate for the Committee to provide comments to the Council at this point and will email members of her findings. Semi-Annual Report to City Council Dunne states that she made her presentation and the Council thanked her for her time but they had no questions or substantive comments. Website Newhall states she has not done additional work on the website since the last meeting, but will add things to the site as they come up. She thought that an expose of the Earth Day Walks would be a good way to recap the series and garner interest for next year. Coffey and Buchsbaum offer to provide some photos for the web site. Coffey states that Dave Brewster may have several photos that he could share as well. Ri2hts-of- Way . YMCA - Maxner states that this issue is on the City Council Agenda for June 9 at 7:00 p.m., and that Planning Director Tina Cassidy will provide verbal chronology of the issue. Maxner suggests the members contacting the Ward Councilors in advance of the meeting. . Tall Tree Drive - Maxner states she will email Gelineau and Buchsbaum and others to re-schedule a site inspection. . National Grid - Maxner agrees to email her contact at National Grid indicating that parking as it exists is sufficient in the Committee's opinion and that a walking Open Space& Recreation Connnittee June 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 bridge over the stream is something the Committee can work on to get constructed. Kiosk Installation Newhall states that she can determine her total budget and contact the sign companies after she receives the contract for the grant. She adds that they have 12 months to complete this, and there is not enough cash to hire a graphic designer so the Committee will be responsible for this. Buchsbaum states that Mary Reilly is willing to do this. Squibb suggests contacting Kampersal's husband's company on Corning Street to get estimates. Newhall states that Essex National Heritage has provided specs for all of the signage and design so that these will be more of a sign as opposed to a kiosk with roof tops. The members discuss the layout and design for the signs as well as some ways to prevent vandalism. Ea2le Scout Projects Maxner state that they need to GPS the trails at Centerville. Newhall suggests having the trails there marked by the Eagle Scouts. Maxner states that she and Liz Dunne prepared a letter of commendation for Gabriel Fernandez on behalf of the Committee for Buchsbaum's signature. Newspaper Articles Newhall states that soon there will be lots to write about with the new signs and newly cleaned trails. Coffey offers to write an article about the Tanzella property, and a letter about the newly landscaped Bass River water walkway behind the new Starbucks on Elliott Street. New Business Field Trips to Parcels of Open Space interests Buchsbaum suggests a field trip to the handicapped assessable playground at the Beverly School for the Deaf and the Livermore property near the NSMT. The members agree to a walk on Sunday, June 22 at 10:00 AM. Trail Day Open Space& Recreation Connnittee June 4, 2008 Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 Coffey says that she spoke with Josh Johnson, a member of a local biking group, who offered to organize a group to blaze trails at the Beverly Common. Committee Make Up Buchsbaum acknowledges new member Sylvan Menezes, the Committee's representative from the Harbor Management Authority, and the members welcome him. Buchsbaum states that he has been the chair for at least four years and he is ready to step down. He adds that Dunne would be great as the next chair. He states that he would be interested in staying on as a committee member. Coffey states that she would be comfortable as a vice-chair and not a chair. Maxner states that the role of the chair is to facilitate the meeting, not to be an expert on everything. There being no further business before the Committee, Coffey moves to adjourn, seconded by Beaudoin. Motion carries 6-0. The meeting is adjourned at 9:00 PM.