Members Present
March 19, 2008
Economic and Community Development Council
Beverly Public Library - Barnett Gallery
Patricia Grimes, Frank Killilea, Ed Cahill, Bill O'Hare and
Neil Douglas, Don Fournier, Bill Howard, Tina Cassidy
Eileen Sacco
Members Absent:
Grimes called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes to the ECDC meeting held on January 23, 2008 were presented for approval.
Fournier moved approval, seconded by Howard. The motion carried.
Discussion: Draft Business Development and Marketin2: Plan
Grimes turned the meeting over to Douglas
Not at this point a business development and marketing plan. He explains that he took
the list and offered some suggestions on how the goals could be accomplished. It noted
that it is a draft leading to a business development and marketing plan. He referred to the
first paragraph and stated that it is suggested the Beverly Chamber of Commerce, Main
Streets and the ECDC jointly request the city to fund the initiation of a large scale
information generating project with the purpose and scope as outlined as follows:
To compile information and data pertinent to the formation of a business development
and marketing plan for the City of Beverly as well as a process for the maintenance of
such information in the future..
A. Compilation of tabular and, where appropriate, graphically displayed
information codified in electronic form and when appropriate as written
documents. Information to include as available, the following:
1. Demographic profile of the City for the years 1990,2000,2005, and
projected 2010.
Population and Population characteristics (age, sex, ethnicity)
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b. Population in Households as unrelated individuals, i.e.
students, congregate residents, long term care population etc.
c. Households ( size, income,)
d. Labor force employment, unemployment, industry and
business association, skill characteristics, place of
employment, place of employment i.e. commuter patterns
(Info may be available only by LMA' s)
2. Economic Profile for City, County, and State for 1990, 2000, and most
recent BLS counts.
a. Number and type of businesses set forth by NAIC
classifications (2 digit).
b. Size of businesses by appropriate categories
c. Complete listing of all Beverly business and industry by
employment category as available (reported by Federal/State
employment sources and city registers (Graphic
representations of all businesslindustry employing 10 or more
B. Listing of all projects in the pipeline or in process involving job generation
and value added (include all subdivisions involving 5 or more lots, all multi
family housing involving 5 or more units, all new business developments
expanding facilities and jobs dimensions to be determined) as well as public
facilities and infrastructure projects
1. Location
2. Description
3. Permit Requirements
4. Status (formats should be developed to provide regular reports, outline
status and obstacles)
C. Available resources (displayed both geographically and in tabular form
1. Land Use Policy
City wide zoning tabulations by categories identifying vacant
or underutilized properties
Wetland areas and areas subject to jurisdictions overseeing
potential adverse wetland or watershed impacts.
Areas subject to hazardous waste and chemical assessments
Outline of the process to achieve appropriate permits
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2. Available properties including land, building and improvements for sale or
lease setting forth terms and conditions (including all properties under
private and public ownership)
(May be the most difficult to assemble. Suggest standardized format
electronically distributed and compiled. Participants able to access files
and update, may require membership in commerciallindustrial companies
currently providing such information. Should be ties into all disposition
information as recorded by county registries.
3. Current listing of all public (Federal, State and City) funding and
informational resources including name, addresses and means of
communication. Listing all past and current grants, loans, and assistances
(last 5 years and those in pipeline.
D. Communication Strategies
1. Above info available to all membership, constituent groups and entities
with an interest in economic and community development.
2. Initiate an appropriate electronic newsletter highlighting selective
information with a particular emphasis upon Item C above outlining
advocacy strategies as may be supported by constituent entities.
3. Other information reports to be added by the BCC, Main Streets and
ECDC as need arises.
Douglas states that he thinks that it is appropriate for the ECDC and the Chamber and
Main Streets to go to the city and see if there are resources that are necessary to compile
this system, and in the future address the need for staff and the resources to carry forth
the agenda of this Board.
Fournier stated that he thinks that the second part is critical to maintain the system which
will be of no use if it is not maintained and sits on a shelf. He explained that maintaining
it is critical if we are going to spend $50,000 to do this and it would be a waste of money
if it is not maintained. He recommended that we should ask for the funding for the
whole thing including staff noting that it will pay for itself.
Grimes agreed noting that much is needed to promote Beverly, but cautioned that the
budget is tight but there is no harm in talking to the Chamber and Main Streets and
having a discussion with the Mayor about this.
Cahill asked Douglas if he would like to make the presentation to the Chamber. Douglas
agreed and noted he thought it should be with the executive board. Cahill will see if he
can set something up.
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The Board agreed to revise the draft to incorporate the long term and subsequent plans
and then meet with the Beverly Chamber and Main Streets, followed by discussion with
the Mayor about the necessity and funding commitment.
Discussion with Mary Sarris - Executive Director of the North Shore Workforce
Investment Board on NSWIB's 2007 North Shore Labor Market Blueprint
Grimes introduced Mary Sarris, Executive Director of the NSWIB to make a presentation
to the ECDC.
Ms. Sarris explained that the North Shore Workforce Investment Board is one of 16
WIBS in Massachusetts. She stated that it is headquartered in Salem and is serving 19
cities and towns north of Boston from Saugus to Gloucester. She explained the structure
of the WIB and is funded 70% by the Federal government and 30% state funded and the
budget is about $6 million dollars.
Sarris explained that the WIB performs market research, manages career centers and
provides funding for individuals and companies to address their workforce needs.
Sarris reviewed the north shore labor market and the criteria for selecting critical
industries. She noted construction, financial services, health care, and durable goods
manufacturing are the four critical industries that they focus on. She notes that the
largest industry in the area is retail trade and the second largest is health care.
Construction trade has many high paying jobs that don't require degrees, it has defined
career ladder opportunities and is a positive alternative for people who like to worik with
their hands. She also noted that there are lots of job openings.
Financial services has lots of new business growth in banking and entry level jobs do not
require high levels of education. She also notes that there is lots of mobility for people
who can sell.
Health care is the second largest employer in the region and there is a strong demand for
workers with associates degrees and certificate training. She notes that there is extensive
experience partnering with the workforce system and there are currently lots of
Durable goods manufacturing has seen employment decline over the past five years but is
still significant and staying so. Median wages are nearly 50% above average private
sector wages in the region. The manufacturing in the North Shore is innovative and high
value added.
Sarris explains that they are not focusing on retail because it has the lowest wages of all
industries, has a high percentage of part time jobs and there are poor career ladder
opportunities. She stated that it can be good for developing a work history.
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Sarris noted that biotechnology is an emerging industry that is fast growing, has a prime
focus of many economic development efforts and employment is currently concentrated
among those who hold MS and PhD degrees.
Douglas noted that he has been an advocate for an accurate information system about the
economy of Beverly and the Greater Beverly area. He stated that he would like to see a
comprehensive list of all of the businesses in Beverly. Sarris stated that they could give
them a list that they have that is not available to private businesses but she would give it
to the city. She explained the report and the information that is on it. She noted that it
would give them a general idea of what is out there.
Sarris explained some of the programs that they are involved in noting that there is a
program at Ledgewood Nursing Home where nurses aids can go on and get an LPN
Sarris noted that the Workforce Board is available to help ECDC get the data that they
need to get started.
Grimes noted that their main mission is to help the work force get good employees.
Sarris agreed and noted there is a regional economic development alliance being
established, noting that there is a regional one in the Merrimack Valley.
Douglas asked if they track illegal workers. Sarris noted that they have a survey on the
web site and explained that it is difficult to track because if they don't have a social
security number they can only serve them to a certain point.
Sarris thanked the Board for giving her the opportunity to come tonight and noted that
Beverly is a great city and Mayor Scanlon has been very supportive of the WIB.
Update from Plannin2: Director Cassidy on Development Projects and
"Development Scorecard"
Cassidy reviewed the "Development Scorecard" that she included in the packet for the
meeting. She explained that many of the projects on the list are currently before a board
in the city or has been recently approved. The following is the list that was reviewed:
292 Cabot Street (RES)
Aero Manufacturing on Sam Fonzo Drive
Airport Parcel- Sam Fonzo Drive and Henderson Road
Black Cow Restaurant
Commuter Parking Garage
Connelly Brothers Office Building
Former Friendly's Site
Former Heritage Bank
Former Kelly Infinity Site
Former Mayflower Motel
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Former Ventron Site
Holcroft Park
Ice Facility
McKay School
Montserrat College of Art
One Stop Market
Rice Rental et al
Route 128/ Brimbal Avenue overpass
Vitale site
Wind over Rantoul Street Redevelopment
A2:enda Items for June Meetin2:
Members who have items for the June agenda should email them to Grimes, Douglas or
Cassidy. The next meeting will be on June 11, 2008
There being no further business to come before the ECDC this evening a motion was
made by Douglas to adjourn the meeting. Howard seconds the motion. The motion
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
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