2008-04-24 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Date: Board: Location: Members Present April 24, 2008 Historic Commission Beverly City Hall William Finch, Chair, James Younger, John Condon Ralph Turcotte, Mathew Lewis None Kate Newhall Eileen Sacco Members Absent: Others Present Recorder: Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Recess for Public Hearin2 Condon moved to recess for public hearings. Turcotte seconded the motion. The motion carried. 265 Essex Street - Demolition of Barn - Essex Park Rehabilitation and N ursin2 Center Finch read a letter from Attorney Thomas Alexander on behalf of the applicant, requesting that the Public Hearing on this matter be continued for 30 days as the applicant has been contacted by a group of citizens who are interested in preserving the barn. He noted that Atty. Alexander indicated in his letter that they would provide a waiver to extend the hearing and action deadlines for this 30-day period. Rose Maglio addressed the Commission and expressed her concern that this could delay the issuance of a stay of demolition. Finch explained that should the Commission decide to impose a stay of demolition it would take effect when the Commission issues it. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Condon moved to continue the public hearing as requested. Turcotte seconded the motion. The motion carried. 45 Bartlett Street - Certificate of Appropriateness - Repair Porch and Railin2 - Austerman Finch recused himself from discussion of this matter. Younger assumed the chair. Mr. Austerman explained that part of his porch has sunk and needs to be repaired. He explained that he is proposing to have the decking and skirt remain the same and remove the existing X pattern in the railing and replace it with 2X2 ballasts. He noted that the present design is a hazard for his toddler as he can fit right through it. Younger opened the hearing up for public comment at this time. There was no one present who wished to comment on the matter. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Condon moved to issue a certificate of appropriateness for 45 Bartlett Street. Turcotte seconded the motion. The motion carried. 35 Front Street -Certificate of Appropriateness Replace Wood Stockade Fence with Scalloped Wood Fence - Tolan Finch returned to the meeting at this time. Ms. Tolan addressed the Commission and explained that they are proposing to replace the existing fence in the front of the house with a scalloped wood fence. She showed the Commission photos of the proposed fence and the location of it. Finch opened the hearing up for public comment at this time. There was no one present who wished to comment on the matter. Finch advised Ms. Tolan that they should have an agreement with the abutter to install the fence. Ms. Tolan noted that the abutters are in agreement with the fence. Finch also recommended that they speak with the Building Inspector noting that they have to pull a building permit to install a fence and it is important that the location of the fence is correct. He noted that these issues are not under the purview of the Historic Commission but he was offering them as friendly advice. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Younger moved to issue a certificate of appropriateness for 35 Front Street. Turcotte seconded the motion. The motion carried. New / Other Business Review of Draft Demolition bv N e2lect Ordinance The Commission reviewed the draft of the Demolition by Neglect Ordinance. Turcotte suggested that there should be some provision in there to address financial hardship noting that an elderly person may not have the means to fix up their property. He stated that he would like to see some language in there to assure that the city looks at every possible resource to assist people. Finch noted that there was some discussion about hardship and explained that it could be difficult to establish. He stated that the ordinance is intended for owners with a lot of property that they are not maintaining and that the city would try to help people if they can. He noted that it would be nice if the city had funds for grants to residents to make repairs that would solve some of these problems. Turcotte noted that the ordinance calls for daily fines of up to $300. Finch noted that the fine could be $1 to $300. Turcotte noted that a compassionate outlook should be maintained. Finch noted that the intent would be for the city to be compassionate and try to help people before drastic action is taken. Finch asked Kate Newhall to look the provision regarding the prohibition on pulling a building permit for two years and make sure that the Commission has the ability to lift that provision upon completion of repairs if they see fit. Newhall will review the ordinance and make reVISIons. Next Meetin2 The next meeting of the Beverly Historic Commission will be held on Thursday, May 22,2008 at 7:00 p.m. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Beverly Historic Commission meeting held on January 17,2008 were presented for approval. Younger moved approval as amended. Turcotte seconded the motion. The motion carried. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Historic Commission this evening, Condon moved to adjourn the meeting. Younger seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.