2007-11-08 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Date: Board: Location: Members Present Thursday, November 8,2007 Harbor Management Authority Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room Don Neuman, Sylvan Menezes, Greg Ward, Charlie Raymond, Maureen Troubetaris, Miranda Gooding, Members Absent: Others Present Lou Bochynski Recorder: Eileen Sacco The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Neuman introduced Todd Bloodgood who was in attendance at the meeting as an observer and potential new member of the BHMA. Aooroval of Minutes Maureen Troubetaris moved to approve the minutes of the Beverly Harbor Management Authority meeting held on October 3,2007 as amended. Motion was seconded by Miranda Gooding. The motion carried. Administrative Onmnization Gooding reported that meeting agendas for the BHMA will be sent out by Phyllis Kennedy at the Planning Department and she will post meeting notices as well. She also noted that Eileen Sacco will send meeting minutes to Phyllis and she will disseminate then with the agenda to the members. Gooding also reported that she has scheduled meetings for the BHMA at the Beverly Public Library on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Neuman asked that members email topics for the agenda to him. Gooding reported that mail collection and distribution will be handled by Noreen Slocomb. Ms. Slocomb will call Lou Bochynski when there is mail that he should pick up. She also noted that payments to the BHMA will be handled by Mr. Dunn's office. Gooding noted that the BHMA needs to decide what records should be kept at Mr. Dunn's office. She stated that she would keep working on this matter. Draft Minutes Page 10f5 11/8/07 BHMA Meeting Neuman stated that he would like to have an archive file and listed items that should be included as follows: Minutes of Meetings Licenses and Permits RFP's Contracts Grant Applications Development Plans Correspondence regarding Management of the Marina Inventory Gooding stated that she would email this list to members so that they can add things that come to mind. Neuman stated that he has a collection of things from the past ten years that should be in the archive. Gooding reported that commercial leases were sent out recently. Bochynski stated that they should be sent out for the summer season which is April through October and the winter season which is from October through April. He noted that problems with the billing in the treasurers office is being worked on noting that that they have to iron out some kinks in the system. Gooding stated that she would follow up on the issue of payment notices. Finance Neuman questioned if the operation in Mr. Dunn's office is going to be sufficiently comprehensive noting that accounts receivables and late notices should be monitored. Bochynski stated that having a secretary in the office made it easier and there was a contact person for applications etc. Neuman suggested that applications etc. should be available in the Finance Office. Gooding will talk to them about that. Paul?? stated that he spoke with John Dunn and he is going to set up a financial accounting for the BHMA. He reported that the budget was $222,900 and to date $49,000 has been spent. He noted that the budget is on track for this fiscal year. He reviewed the revenue figures that he received and noted that common area lighting, heating, and customer consumption is reflected in the revenue figures. He noted that it may be useful to pursue that. He also noted that we will be getting monthly budget reports and actuals from Mr. Dunn. Neuman suggested that Paul give reports to the BHMA at the monthly meetings. Collection of Electricitv Pavments Gooding reviewed the historical information regarding the charging of electricity. Bochynski noted that monthly readings allows for observation on the docks of things that might need attention. Raymond asked if the electric company could read the meters and send individual bills to the owners. Bochynski explained that the marina is private property. Draft Minutes Page 2 of5 11/8/07 BHMA Meeting BHMA Membership Neuman reported that he met with Mayor Scanlon and suggested four names of individuals who are interested in serving on the Harbor Management Authority, Todd Bloodgood, Rinus Osterhook, George Simon, and Miranda Gooding who will be stepping down as the Council representative and has agreed to stay on. Neuman reported that the Mayor said he would submit the names at the next City Council meeting for confirmation. Facilities Neuman reported that City Solicitor Roy Gelineau is going to send a hold harmless letter to the owners. He noted that Gelineau is waiting for the information on the beam of the boat so he can write the letter. Neuman noted that the BHMA needs to vote to authorize Atty. Gelineau to send out eviction notices. Neuman moved to authorize Atty. Gelineau to send out eviction notices. Gooding seconded the motion. The motion carried. A discussion was held on the rates for "outsized boats". Bochynski explained that outsized boats are typically 12, 13, or 14 feet and the boat in question is 17.9 feet, and 1/3 - 40% more space is needed. Menezes suggested that they should be charged an additional 25% for outsized boats. He noted that another boat could fit in the rest of the space. Menezes moved to charge a 25% assessment on any boat greater than sixteen (16) feet. Ward seconded the motion. The motion carried. Neuman suggested that the facilities committee review how to optimize the utilization of the marina. Municipal Marina Re2ulations and Harbor and Moorin2s Re2ulations Neuman distributed copies of the Municipal Marina Regulations and the Harbor and Mooring Regulations manual. He noted that he feels that some of the issues that the BHMA want to include in the regulations are in these manuals. Ward questioned whether the BHMA is insured. Neuman stated that he wants to talk to Atty. Gelineau and see what umbrellas we might fall under on city policies. Draft Minutes Page 30f5 11/8/07 BHMA Meeting Update on the Waitin2 List Bochynski reported that the waiting list update is an annual event and letters are sent out to people on the list so they can sign up to stay on the list. He noted that the letters should go out before April 1 st. Ward suggested that the BHMA should advertise the waiting list to be sure that the slips are always full. Menezes suggested that the fees should be included. Updates Neuman reported that he met with the Mayor and they talked about the $25,000 in mitigation money that should be coming to the BHMA. Gooding reviewed the language for the Final License and noted that special condition #4 directs the money to the Friends of Beverly Recreation for improvements to Ober Park. Neuman stated that he was unaware of that but noted that during the discussions it was talked about that the money would either go to the Friends of Beverly Recreation or BHMA. He agreed that the final license stipulates where the money should go. Troubetaris explained the need for the fence and what they are proposing to do for improvements to the park. She noted that the fence is badly needed for the safety of children. Raymond agreed and noted that the existing fence is eroding away and he is happy that the city is addressing that and he feels that this is a proper usage of these funds. Licenses and Permits Neuman reported that a chemical analysis of the dredging is in process and a bio essay was done at 10 and 28 days and so far it looks good. Black Cow Neuman reported that he received an email from Tina Cassidy regarding the Black Cow and Coastal Zone Management has responded that they do not need to do an Environmental Impact Report. He explained that they will have to file a Notice ofIntent with the Conservation Commission, and file for a Chapter 91 License with the State. He stated that Cassidy feels that they will not go forward with local permits until final state approval is granted. Beverlv Port Marine Neuman reported that the ball is still in the City's court. Other Business Menezes reported that the Coastal Zone Management act is up for renewal and the State is looking for public comment. Draft Minutes Page 40f5 11/8/07 BHMA Meeting Next Meetin2 The next meeting of the Beverly Harbor Management Authority will be held on 13, 2007. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the BHMA this evening, Troubetaris moved to adjourn the meeting. Gooding seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Draft Minutes Page 50f5 11/8/07 BHMA Meeting