2007-06-07 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: June 7, 2007 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Gary Lambert, Bill Lowd, Jack O'Neil, Patty Adams, Brian Chirco, Deborah Ploszay, Mike Ralbovsky Board members absent: Jeff Rubin Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Assistant Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. Assistant City Solicitor Bob Munroe spoke to us about the Open Meeting Policy. He stressed that we should always post meetings, even park tours, just to be safe. He also stressed that when a meeting is adjourned, commission members should stop talking about commission business. We are able to use email and other technical devices to pass on general information, including agenda items, but we cannot share the type of information that leads to making a decision. He said to save our comments for our meetings. The 5/2 meeting minutes were accepted unanimously. The 5/15 meeting minutes were accepted unanimously. o Jack had a question regarding the formatting of the latest dog document (Park Policies Re: On- Leash and Off Leash Dogs). He felt that the portion featured on side two, the Off-Leash Dog side, that reads, "Exceptions: No dogs allowed at any park during any event permitted by the Beverly Recreation Department (sporting events, community activities, etc.)..." should also be included on side one, the On-Leash Dog side. Jack made a motion to amend the document. Gary seconded, no one was opposed. o Mark asked Joscelyn to add the document, once amended, to our website. He will also send a copy of the amended document to the city council and to the newspapers. Mark and Mike met with the Police Chief about the new dog policy and it was well received. He was able to hire three new part-time staff members to assist Jim Lindley. These new people will start June 15 and will receive bikes and Nextel phones. They will give offenders a verbal warning first and then give tickets. The regular bike patrol police will do the same to enforce the dog laws. The police chief would like to see more signage. Mark would like us to put a link to the animal control webpage from our website. Mark and Mike met with the Ward 2 Civic Association. The meeting was very positive. They are willing and excited to work with us to make improvements. They had the following concerns... o The fire truck at Bartlett Gardens is broken, they'd like it fixed. o They want the barrel moved, but it can't be because that is inconvenient for the public works men. They understood this. o They want a lifeguard at Gillis Park. Mark wondered if we could rotate a guard over there, at least once a week. He felt that sometimes 3 guards are too many for Dane Street Beach. Maybe one of them could go to Gillis. o The bubbler at Gillis is broken. o Too much litter at Dane Street (especially cigarette butts), can the Guards pick this up (we discussed that the Guards do pick up trash) or can they get an ashtray down there? o They want to know when the Dane St. equipment will be donated. o They are concerned about a dog park, they want one somewhere in the city. Mark is meeting with the Ward 3 Civic Association on June 13th. If anyone wants to join him, they are welcome. Jerry Guilebbe, Jake Petronzio and Counselor Bill Coughlin came to the meeting to discuss the plans for Odell Park and to request control over it and the small portion of Vittori that features a veterans memorial. After a LONG discussion of the history of the parks and the United States' involvement in major and minor battles at home and abroad, Jack made a motion to accept four of the improvements the veterans would like to make, not including the eternal flame. The four improvements include the reconfiguring of the walkways to have four "avenues" instead of the current three, installation of granite posts and chains all the way around the park, moving the cannons away from the center of the park and installing plaques around the base of the bell tower. This motion was seconded and accepted. Gary is not happy with the walkways. He would like the electrical box and/or irrigation system moved to make the four walkways symmetrical. Mike agrees. Gary made a motion to adjust Jack's motion, accepting improvements to only 2 of the walkways. The motion was seconded and accepted. Jerry asked if we would vote to give them control over the parks that night, Mark said it needed more discussion and we would get back to them. Bruce quickly discussed his Director's Report and showed us his community service award from the Northeast Conference. Congrats! Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker Assistant Director, Recreation Department